"Dear students, what do you think about this matter?"

A student said..

Other students also spoke up.

"How else can we see it? This little Leo wants to get close to someone powerful, and he is really scheming."

"Indeed, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is no wonder that this guy was able to found Qiandu Group. He is indeed quite capable."

"Yes, I have met him. This guy is really cunning. He has a smart mind, but he only plays small tricks."

"Humph, just being clever. It happened to me in my company. He once reported to me directly, bypassing his superiors. He was severely scolded by his superior and almost fired."

"Hehehe... Now this trick is actually used on Teacher Chu. Can this little trick be hidden from Teacher Chu? It's just like showing off one's sword in front of Guan Gong. It's ridiculous, ridiculous."

"It is indeed a bit of a show-off trick, Teacher Chu will not accept him."

Tang Youlong:"This guy came to me before and said that he would give me an annual salary of 5 million to work in his company, but I refused. He may have seen me in the live broadcast room! That's why he tried to please Teacher Chu so much."

Qu Congzheng:"It's quite a coincidence. This guy also often came to me and asked me to provide policies. He wanted to move the company headquarters here, but I didn't agree. It's really that this guy has too many tricks-"

"To be honest, I don't like him very much. He is a complete profiteer."

Zhao Dahu:"Oh? This thief? Let's keep this kind of person away from Teacher Chu. If he dares to take advantage of Teacher Chu, I will shut down his company."

Qu Congzheng:"Dahu, if he really dares to take advantage of Teacher Chu, you don't need to do anything. I will just seal up his company with a piece of paper.""

"His company has a lot of problems. We don't want to touch him, but we just want to keep him for now!"

At this time, the squad leader spoke up.

"Teacher Chu will not accept him, I know this very well.


Back to the scene.

Little Li couldn't get up.

Chu Yuan was also helpless.

"Xiao Li, if you do this, I will be angry." He pretended to be angry and looked serious.

Xiao Li's heart skipped a beat and he stared straight at Chu Yuan.

He thought to himself:"Am I going to fail?"

"No, absolutely not. This is a great opportunity that I cannot miss."

He was frantically trying to guess what Chu Yuan was thinking.

Would he accept me?

Why didn't he accept me?

What did he care about?

Did he see through my intentions?

Or did he have something to hide, or did he look down on me?

Countless thoughts flashed through Little Leo's mind.

Very quickly.

Little Leo wanted to continue to beg Chu Yuan.

But seeing Chu Yuan's ugly face, he was a little afraid, afraid that things would become too awkward.

Then things would be difficult to handle.

He made a final struggle.

""Old Chu, why?"

Chu Yuan said,"I can only say that our relationship has not reached that level yet."

Little Li knew that his show had failed.

He sighed inwardly, expressing his helplessness.

Then he slowly stood up.

""Mr. Chu, I understand."

Chu Yuan comforted him,"Xiao Li, if you don't understand something in the future, just ask me directly. As long as I know it, I will definitely tell you."

Xiao Li was very excited when he heard this.


Chu Yuan smiled:"Of course"

"Believe me, I can still do this."

"After all, I saved your life, and you are one of my juniors, so this little thing shouldn't be a problem."

Little Leo was overjoyed to hear this.

""Okay, okay, I understand."

Then he stood up with a smile on his face.

Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Huang Zhengzheng and others were a little excited when they saw this.

As long as Old Chu didn't accept Little Leo, it would be fine.

The stronger the enemy, the worse it is for you. The weaker the enemy, the better it is for you.

So they were quite happy to see Little Leo fail.

However, they were still thinking about how to get close to Chu Yuan. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time.

Another middle-aged man came.

With his appearance, the people present were not too shocked.

Even the hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room were not too shocked.

Because Little Brother Ma, Big Brother Ma and they all appeared[]

Who else could shock the netizens?

This person is none other than Wang Congcong's father, Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang saw so many people

""Oh, you all came early."

Mr. Wang greeted Xiao Ma and the others.

They smiled back.

"Mr. Wang, you are a step late!"

"It was such a good show just now, it's a pity that you didn't make it."

Their eyes turned to Little Leo.

Little Leo looked normal, not ashamed at all for kneeling just now.

Instead, he thought those people were stupid.

In short, they looked down on each other.

Mr. Wang:"What good show? Tell us about it and let's see."

Someone told Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang was surprised.

He looked at Little Leo with a face full of contempt.

Then he looked at Chu Yuan.

He was shocked, and then said in surprise:"It's you?"

"Mr. Chu?"

Chu Yuan:"You know me too?"

Mr. Wang walked forward and shook hands with Chu Yuan.

He looked very friendly.

"Everyone knows the name of Mr. Chu."

"Mr. Chu, you are now a famous internet celebrity!"

"Who in the entire Internet doesn't know you, Mr. Chu? There are probably few people in the entire Dragon Country who don't know you."

Chu Yuan was surprised:"Am I that popular?"

Mr. Wang nodded:"Even an old man like me who doesn't understand the Internet and doesn't like playing on the Internet knows you. Don't you think you are not popular?"

Chu Yuan laughed:"Hahaha... that's really a surprise"

"I also didn’t expect that netizens like my live broadcast room so much, and it’s really supportive!"

"I want to thank all the netizens here."

Mr. Wang said:"Mr. Chu, netizens like you because you can bring them curiosity and expectations."

"Believe it or not, if you don't broadcast live now, netizens will not agree!"

Chu Yuan smiled:"Is it true?"

Soon, hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were posting comments.

It was like launching a rocket, soaring online

"That's right"

"That's right"

"That's right."

They are packed in rows and rows. They are neat and tidy.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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