"Is he a hidden rich man?"

"It is said that there are many hidden rich people in Longguo. They never show up in front of the media and are so low-key that even the internet cannot find any information about them."

"The real rich are hidden in the dark, the superficial rich are not the real rich"

"After what you said, it is really possible! It is said that the real rich people do not appear on the Forbes list, and even spend money to buy off the self-media to hide themselves."

"Doesn't that mean that Qu Liangcai's net worth is ridiculously high, higher than that of the Malaysian boy? Worth hundreds of billions? Impossible!"

Many netizens expressed doubts.

Among the hundreds of thousands of netizens, there are many people who really understand


"Because without background, it is absolutely impossible to reach that level in Dragon Country"

"Qu Liangcai is just a farmer's son, how could he reach that level? I don't believe it."

This statement has aroused the approval of many netizens.

"The above is right, I agree with it"

"It is almost impossible for a farmer's son to reach that level!"

Then someone asked:"Who can explain why the little brother from Malaysia and the brother from the belt respect Qu Liangcai so much?"

This stumped the netizens who had questioned before.

"These photos are at least 20 years old."

"So, it doesn’t mean anything."

A netizen asked:"So you mean, these photos were taken when Xiao Ma Ge, Da Ma Ge, and Belt Ge were still small figures?"

The person replied:"Yes, it is possible!"

"No, it is very likely. Think about it, why would he put the pictures of Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, and Belt Brother on it?"

"There is only one possibility, that is to show off. I think if you have such photos, you will also show them off!"

Countless netizens suddenly realized

"So that’s how it is. The netizen above is an expert!"

"Awesome, your analysis makes sense, it must be like this"

"What level are Xiao Ma Ge and Da Ma Ge now? Although Belt Ge was in prison, he was also the richest man at that time."

"I am really proud to hang the photos of how they respected me in my home.

Many netizens suddenly realized.

Chu Yuan had already arrived at another place and found something.

"What is this?"

Netizens looked over.

They saw a handful of soil.

Wrapped in gauze, it was placed on the table in the middle of the hall.

The driver said:"This is soil."


Chu Yuan and the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

How could a handful of soil be placed on the table and kept so well?

The driver explained:"According to the leader, this handful of soil is of extraordinary significance."

"Oh, can you tell me about it?"

"In fact, I don’t really understand what it means. My leader told me this at the time."

"He said that this handful of soil is his root, the birthplace of his life, and the incubator of his wisdom."

"In my opinion, this should be a handful of soil from the leader's hometown."

Chu Yuan nodded, feeling deeply moved.

If so, this handful of soil did come from his hometown.

I didn't expect Xiao Qu to miss his hometown so much and love it so deeply.

"Has he been back in recent years?"

Driver:"Yes, but rarely. The boss is too busy."

"It seems to be thirty years ago. He went back once and brought this handful of soil with him. He said that every time he saw this handful of soil, it was like seeing his hometown."

Chu Yuan nodded:"This kid, it seems that work is also very hard!"

Driver:"The leader is a workaholic. He has never rested in all these years."

"I have great respect for my leader. I have seen him faint from exhaustion several times. Even in this situation, he still has to deal with work."

"For example, today, if you hadn't come, he wouldn't have had a break. In order to make time for today, he held 18 meetings in a row yesterday."

Chu Yuan was surprised:"18 meetings in a row? So hard?"

The driver nodded:"Yes, I don't know what belief supports the leader to work so hard, I'm really curious."

Netizens in the live broadcast room were moved by Qu Liangcai's hard work.

"No wonder he was able to get into Qinghua University and study for a bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree. It turned out to be the result of his hard work."

"Compared with others, no matter how great their achievements are, we have nothing to say, after all, they have put in unimaginable hard work and effort."

"Actually, this has a lot to do with IQ. If your IQ is not high, you will not be able to get into Qinghua no matter how hard you try."

"It is indeed like this. The key point is that he is not only handsome, but also has a high IQ and works so hard. Is there any justice in this world? Is there any law? I am so envious that I want to commit suicide."

"Alas, comparing people to each other is like comparing dead people to each other!"

The driver suddenly thought of something.

"Oh, yes, I remember my leader said before that this handful of soil seemed to come from his elementary school campus."

Chu Yuan was stunned.

"Elementary school campus?"

Not only Chu Yuan was stunned, but also Chu Ling and hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"A handful of soil from elementary school?"

"Does anyone think this matter has something to do with Grandpa Chu?"

"The driver just said that the soil is his root, the source of his life, and the incubator of his wisdom."

"Oh my god, this is not really to commemorate Grandpa Chu!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room felt their scalps tingling!

What kind of obsession and gratitude is this? They actually respect and miss a primary school teacher so much.

What did this primary school teacher do in the past to deserve such treatment?

Almost all the eyes in the live broadcast room looked at Chu Yuan.

There was confusion in their eyes.

"What did Grandpa Chu teach them back then?"

"It can make a student remember for fifty years and also make a student become a pillar of the country."

"How did he do it? I really want to know."

Chu Ling also opened her mouth in shock.

She couldn't help but say,"My grandfather is his elementary school teacher."

As soon as these words came out, the driver was shocked. He almost jumped up in shock.

With his eyes wide open, he looked at Chu Yuan fiercely and exclaimed loudly


"Are you the leader's little teacher?"

The driver was shocked and lost his composure. He was no longer as calm as before.

He seemed like a different person.

"Are you really the leader's elementary school teacher?"

Chu Yuan nodded in confusion:"Yes, what's wrong?"

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