
"He actually graduated from Qinghua? Oh my god!"

"Why are all of Grandpa Chu's students graduated from Qinghua?"

"This is too outrageous! So many evildoers? The key is that they all came from a remote small village."

"Is this still reality? Why do I feel like I'm writing a novel? It's so off the mark"

"Is it Qinghua for the first degree or the second degree? I am curious."

"Yes, this is crucial. It is normal for Dean Tang to have a second degree in Qinghua. I just don’t know what degree this student has in Qinghua."

Netizens were puzzled.

Of course, Chu Yuan was also puzzled.

He asked,"Is this the first degree?"

The driver nodded,"Yes.""

"The leader's first degree was from Qinghua University, and he also studied for his master's and doctoral degrees at Qinghua."

Chu Yuan was shocked. His first degree was indeed from Qinghua University.

The key point is that he studied for his master's and doctoral degrees at Qinghua University.

He has such an amazing student? He himself didn't know.

How could such an amazing person appear among his fifty students?���Character?

Chu Yuan was surprised.

He just wanted to see how those students from fifty years ago are doing now.

In order to have no regrets for the rest of his life, he never thought that two consecutive students would be so awesome.

One was from a 985 university, and then was admitted to Qinghua University, and the other was a top student who studied for a bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree in Qinghua University! The key is that the first one is so awesome that he is already the top talent in Longguo.

Now this one seems to be even more awesome than the previous one.

Of course, this is just based on the current academic qualifications.

Chu Ling on the side was already stunned with shock.

"Qinghua again? Or a top student who studied for a bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree"

"What kind of students did Grandpa teach? They are all monsters!"

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

"WTF, WTF, WTF+10086"

"He actually studied for a bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree consecutively. Oh my god, this is too awesome!"

"He is from a small village in the desert. What is his IQ? The key is that he is so handsome. He must be a favorite of God!"

"It's so enviable that it makes people cry."

Countless netizens were shocked, and the comments in the live broadcast room were like dense bullets.

Da da da, it was so fast that it was indescribable, flying from bottom to top.

You couldn't make out a single word.

More than 300,000 people were speaking at the same time in the live broadcast room, it was terrifying to think about it.

The server almost collapsed.

The Douyin executives were so scared that they quickly gave orders

"Hold on, hold on, hold on"

"All servers must be used to ensure that no problems occur in the live broadcast room."

"All technicians, get on board, keep an eye on it. If anything goes wrong, get out of here."

The number of people in the live broadcast room was still pouring in.

In the blink of an eye, it exceeded 400,000.

400,000 people were watching at the same time, and the number was still skyrocketing.

"I am now more and more curious about the identity of Qu Liangcai."

"I'm also very curious"

"Such a high level of education is really rare among entrepreneurs."

"That’s right, I have never seen an entrepreneur with such a high level of education. Is he really an entrepreneur?"

"I doubt this, if it is true, I think his business must be very complicated."

"That's right, his net worth is probably not as simple as a few hundred million."

"Ah, hurry up and reveal Qu Liangcai's true identity!"

Chu Yuan came back to his senses. He nodded and continued to look at other photos.

He also saw photos of junior high school and college.

Qu Liangcai has always been in the C position.

It can be seen that this person is very active in various places. He is also very popular.

In fact, this is a manifestation of ability.

Chu Yuan looked at another photo.

"This is……"

The driver explained:"This is a photo of the leader and a county magistrate in Jiangbei."

Chu Yuan was puzzled. The county magistrate seemed to be a little humble!

What was going on?

Generally speaking, no matter how big a company is, it has to bow its head when it meets a real powerful leader.

But this county magistrate seemed to respect Qu Liangcai very much.

Like a subordinate.

Netizens were also puzzled.

"This photo is a bit weird"

"I know this county magistrate. He is now the mayor. I didn't expect him to be like this when he met Qu Liangcai. Qu Liangcai is just a businessman. How could he be like this?"

"Unless this businessman has a powerful background, but Qu Liangcai is just from a small village, how can he have a powerful background?"

"Why would the county magistrate treat Qu Liangcai like this? I really don't understand."

Chu Yuan didn't say much.

He looked at another photo.

It was another photo of Qu Liangcai shaking hands with another leader.

The driver explained again:"This is a photo of the leader and a mayor of Jiangnan."


Chu Yuan was puzzled.

Why did this mayor have the same attitude as the county magistrate just now?

What's going on!

Netizens also noticed this

"Outrageous, way off the mark"

"What is going on? Why do the county magistrate and mayor have such an attitude when they see Qu Liangcai?"

"What is the identity of this Qu Liangcai?"

"Please reveal the secret quickly, I can't wait"


Ten minutes passed.

Chu Yuan looked at a lot of photos.

Most of them were handshake photos with some officials.

Then he came to another wall, and there were some photos again.

But these photos were all of some big entrepreneurs.

When netizens saw the photos of these big companies, they were stunned.

"Damn, isn’t this Xiao Ma Ge?"

"Such a low profile? Oh my god."

"Brother Xiao Ma toasted with Qu Liangcai with a smile on his face. Oh my god, what is going on?"

"Wait, that seems to be Da Ma Ge, he is actually standing behind Qu Liangcai, and the C position is actually Qu Liangcai’s, what’s going on?"

"I was really stunned. It seemed that Big Brother Ma and Little Brother Ma both respected Qu Liangcai very much! Who on earth could make them respect him so much?"

""Fuck, I also saw Brother Belt, he was actually making tea for Qu Liangcai, my god, what's going on?"

Hundreds of thousands of netizens were completely dumbfounded.

They were shocked by the photos in front of them.

Their minds were wildly imagining, what exactly is Qu Liangcai?

He deserves such respect from all the big guys.

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