Half an hour later.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling arrived at the place Qu Liangcai mentioned.

A young man in a suit and leather shoes appeared in front of them, standing straight in front of a car waiting.

When he saw Chu Yuan, he hurried over.

With a smile on his face, he said,"Excuse me, are you Mr. Chu Yuan?"

Chu Yuan nodded,"I am"

"Hello Mr. Chu, I'm here to pick you up, please get in the car"


Chu Yuan and Chu Ling followed him into the car.

Netizens were curious.

Looking at the young man, they wondered if they could find something about him.

They wondered if they could guess Qu Liangcai's identity.

In the end, they did not find any important information about this young man.

Netizens were puzzled.

"Send someone to receive you?"

"Who exactly is Qu Liangcai?"

"This receptionist looks a bit unusual!"

"However, it is more like a driver, but it is too formal."

"Like the big boss's driver, my chairman's driver is also dressed like this"

"Could it be that Qu Liangcai is a big boss?"

"You know what, it's possible. This is the suburbs. I saw quite a few villas just now."

"It's hard to say. Qu Liangcai lives here. He is worth hundreds of millions. It's normal for him to have such a villa."

"This guess is the most reasonable, it should be like this."

Chu Yuan was also puzzled.

He asked the driver:"Young man, when will Xiao Qu come?"

Xiao Qu, of course, refers to Qu Liangcai.

The driver smiled and said:"Mr. Chu, the leader will be here soon"

"Before the leader comes back, I will take you around the neighborhood."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Okay."

Two words attracted the attention of netizens.


If this Qu Liangcai is the boss of a big company

, shouldn't he be called chairman or president?

Why is he called a leader?

Is he just a member of the company's management, not a boss, chairman or something like that?

It is possible, and the possibility is very high.

Netizens speculated about Qu Liangcai's identity in the live broadcast room.

There were 300,000 people watching the live broadcast room.

Almost no speech on the screen could be seen clearly.

It was refreshed too fast.

It was like launching a rocket.

Or the kind of continuous launch.

Ten minutes later.

The car finally stopped.

It stopped at the gate of a large courtyard.

There were also two stone lions in front of the gate, which looked majestic.

Netizens exclaimed

"Damn, what a domineering stone lion"

"This boss doesn't look simple! He is worth at least several hundred million."

"That’s right, look at that gate. Damn, this gate is even more domineering than the gate in my community. It must cost at least tens of millions!"

"Awesome! I guess this Qu Liangcai must be a big boss."

"That's right, it must be like this."

Netizens speculated about Qu Liangcai's identity.

The driver quickly got out of the car, came to Chu Yuan's door, and helped him open it.

""Old Chu, be careful."

He also used his hands to help Chu Yuan block the roof of the car, fearing that it would be bumped.

He took very careful care.

"Is this where Xiao Qu lives?"

The driver nodded:"Yes"

""Mr. Chu, please come in."

The driver took Chu Yuan and the other two inside. The person standing at the door, who was not sure whether he was a security guard or a guard, saluted them.

The guarding was quite strict.

Some netizens also paid attention to the security guard at the door.

But the camera moved too fast and they couldn't see it clearly.

As soon as they entered the compound, they were shocked by the scene inside.

This is definitely a private park!

There are neatly arranged flowers, trees, and birds inside.

It can be described as birdsong and flowers. Flowers of various colors are like a landscape painting.

Netizens were stunned.

"Wow, what a beautiful view"

"It's really good to be rich. Living in a place like this, you can live at least ten more years."

"To be honest, this is the most beautiful courtyard I have ever seen. The green plants in commercial housing are garbage compared to this."

"You see, the potted plants, trees, and flowers here seem to be carefully designed, and they also have a lot of traditional Chinese charm."

"The buildings here include Western European style, Northern Russian style, and Mediterranean style. My God, so awesome!"

"The most common ones are the I Ching and Feng Shui of China, which most people cannot really tell."

"It seems that the boss has invited a master for this courtyard!"

Chu Yuan looked at the surrounding environment.

It was indeed good and very suitable for retirement.

The young driver was also curious about Chu Yuan's identity.

Who was the person who could make the governor of the East Province treat him like this?

However, it can be seen from his expression.

Mr. Chu must have seen the world.

Arriving at a hall, the driver made tea for Chu Yuan and Chu Ling.

"Mr. Chu, Miss Chu, you are tired from traveling. Have a cup of tea."

""Thank you." Chu Yuan took a sip. He was attracted by the photos on a wall in the hall.

He walked over to take a look.

They were all handshake photos with some people.

The young driver walked over and introduced:"This is a group photo of the leader with some leaders when he was on a business trip."

"These photos also reflect the leader's diligent and conscientious work life. This is a microcosm of his work life."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Life does need some photos to keep as a souvenir."

Netizens saw many photos on this wall, but the camera was too far away and could not see them clearly.

Chu Yuan looked at the photo at the bottom.

It was a high school graduation photo, which attracted Chu Yuan's attention.

"this picture……"

The driver immediately stepped forward and introduced:"This is a photo of the leader when he graduated from high school. At that time, he was still studying in a remote small county town."

"According to the leader's occasional recollections, he said that those years were the best time in his life and he met many excellent classmates."

"In high school, he was the president of the student union. He was a well-known figure in school and many girls liked him."

"Whenever the leader thought of it, his face was full of smiles, and he obviously missed the experience of that time very much."

Chu Yuan smiled and said:"Indeed, Xiao Qu is still very good-looking."

"There are naturally quite a few girls who like him."

Seeing this photo, netizens also exclaimed

"Damn, so handsome!"

"Just a handsome man"

"In that era, there were still such handsome boys? It's incredible"

"That appearance is still very good even now, really handsome."

Then Chu Yuan looked at another photo.

The young driver explained:"This was taken when the leader just graduated from college in 1982."

"Graduated from university in 1982? Which university did Xiao Qu graduate from?"

Driver: Qinghua University"


Many netizens were shocked.

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