The driver was really excited.

He quickly held Chu Yuan's hand.

He was trembling with excitement.

"So you are Teacher Chu"

"Why didn’t you tell me earlier?"

Chu Yuan was a little confused. What’s going on?

What’s the problem with me being Teacher Chu? Why are you so excited?

Oh, didn’t Xiao Qu tell you who I am? Why are you so excited now?

The netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

They didn’t know what was wrong with this driver and why he was so excited.

Chu Yuan was confused:"This...what’s the problem?"

The driver was very excited.

"It's not that there is a problem, but I admire you too much."

This made Chu Yuan even more confused

"Too much admiration? What the hell?"

Netizens were also confused. What happened?

The driver saw Chu Yuan's confusion.

He quickly explained:"Mr. Chu, I'm sorry, I was too excited just now."

"Let me calm down."

Chu Yuan nodded, thinking that the young man looked quite steady.

How could he become so impetuous when something happened?

Hundreds of thousands of netizens were waiting in the live broadcast room.

They were also very curious about what this young man was so excited about.

A minute later.

The driver finally calmed down.

The driver looked at Chu Yuan:"Mr. Chu, you can call me Xiao Zhao."

Chu Yuan:"Oh, Xiao Zhao, what happened?"

Xiao Zhao explained:"Mr. Chu, I lost my composure just now, I'm sorry"

"The main reason is that I met you. You may find it strange that I am so excited. I will explain it to you and you will understand."

Xiao Zhao's attitude towards Chu Yuan has changed 180 degrees.

The respect he showed before may be outward.

But now, it is the respect from the heart.

"In fact, I have heard of Mr. Chu's name a long time ago."

Chu Yuan was confused:"You knew me before?"

Xiao Zhao shook his head:"No, the leader often mentioned you."

"Little Qu?"

"That's right, it's the leader."

Xiao Zhao said:"Mr. Chu, the leader really thinks highly of you!"

He gave Chu Yuan a thumbs up, his face full of admiration.

"Oh? What's your evaluation? Tell me about it."

Xiao Zhao:"The leader said that you are his lifelong benefactor, the god who opened his wisdom, and his lifelong benefactor."

"The leader also said that without you, he would not have achieved such success. Everything he has is related to you. Without you, he would not be here.……"

Fang Zheng praised Chu Yuan a lot.

He almost made Chu Yuan so proud.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

This guy really knows how to flatter.

His flattery skills are unique.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were full of admiration for Xiao Zhao.

"If I had half the flattery skills of this guy, I wouldn't still be screwing screws on the assembly line."

"Let alone half, if I had one tenth of his flattery skills, I would probably be a leader now."

"This guy is really good at talking. It's a waste of his eloquence to be a driver."

"Damn it, I need to write this down in my notebook. This flattery technique is worth learning for a lifetime."

"Awesome, really awesome, I admire him, so awesome."

The live broadcast room was full of people praising the driver for being awesome.

They praised his flattery skills.

Even Douyin's top executives had to admire this driver.

"Fortunately, there is no such person in my company, otherwise, my position would be in jeopardy."

"Indeed, this guy's flattery skills have reached perfection, he is really a great man"

"He is even more powerful than Heshen."

Chu Yuan was also confused by Xiao Zhao's flattery.

Xiao Zhao has changed so much!

He looked gentle and quiet before, but how come he has become a different person in the blink of an eye?

What's going on?

To be honest, he didn't believe that Qu Liangcai would praise him like this.

This was completely Xiao Zhao's own imagination, rich flattery skills, and flexible application to flatter himself.

This guy is really a person!

Even Chu Yuan thinks he is a talent.

Can ordinary people practice flattery skills to this level?

Chu Ling was dumbfounded a long time ago.

With a dull face, her mouth wide open, her eyes full of disbelief.

This is the first time she has encountered such a weirdo.



Chu Yuan coughed, interrupting Xiao Zhao's thoughts.

Xiao Zhao was also very smart and reacted quickly.

He smiled and said,"Mr. Chu, what I just said is definitely the leader's truest thought in his heart."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask the leader in person when he comes back."

Chu Yuan smiled and nodded:"I believe it." Xiao Zhao said with a smile:"No wonder the leader respects you so much, Mr. Chu is a real wise man."

Chu Yuan's face trembled. If you shoot again, I will really lose control and float up.

Fortunately, Chu Yuan has experienced wind and rain and has seen all kinds of occasions.

This makes him look calmer.

Otherwise, he will really float up.

Chu Yuan immediately wanted to change the subject

"Xiao Zhao, let me ask you something."

""Mr. Chu, you ask, Xiao Zhao knows everything."

Chu Yuan asked the most critical question.

"What on earth does Xiao Qu do?"

Xiao Zhao was stunned.

"You don't know what a leader does?"

Chu Yuan shook his head:"I really don't know"

"This is the first time I have looked for Xiao Qu in fifty years."

Xiao Zhao thought about it. He was very smart.

Since the leader didn't say it, it meant that the leader had reservations.

He didn't know whether he should say it or not.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also looking forward to Xiao Zhao's announcement of Qu Liangcai's identity.

The live broadcast room with hundreds of thousands of people was strangely silent. They were afraid of missing this most critical information.

They all held their breath, waiting for Xiao Zhao to answer their questions.

Countless people looked at Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao hesitated, thinking about how to answer tactfully without exposing the leader's identity.

Chu Yuan naturally saw Xiao Zhao's embarrassment.

"Is it inconvenient to answer?"

"If it's inconvenient to answer, that's okay."

"I can wait for Xiao Qu to come back and ask him."

Xiao Zhao's face changed and he thought very quickly.

At this moment, several footsteps came in quickly.

It seemed very urgent.

"Where is Teacher Chu?"

"Where is Teacher Chu?"

"Where is Teacher Chu?"

(PS: Ask for free data!)

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