"This is……"

Everyone present was stunned.

Not only were they stunned, but also the hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"What's happening here?"

"Why am I a little confused!"

"What is that photo he is holding?……"

"Impossible!" Because what

Little Leo was holding was a photo, and the person in the photo was Chu Yuan when he was young.

The person in the photo with Chu Yuan was Little Leo when he was young.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

They were confused and shocked at the same time.

They found it incredible.

How could he have a photo with Mr. Chu?

Is he also Mr. Chu's student? Impossible!

Everyone guessed this way.

Thinking back to Leo's past life.

It is said that he was also the top scorer in the college entrance examination in a county and was admitted to Beida.

After that, he went to study in the United States, where he lived a prosperous life, lived in a villa, and married a top student.

On Wall Street, it can be said that he had an upper-middle standard of living.

It was really great to live like this.

Later, by chance, he returned to China to establish Qiandu.

He became one of the richest people in Longguo. 13

Shangang Primary School Group.

A group of classmates also stared at the photo.

Their eyes were full of surprise and doubt.

"Is this our classmate? I don't have any impression of him."

"I have no impression of him. He is the founder of Qiandu and he once poured me tea."

"I also know this person. He asked me to invest in him before, but I rejected his proposal because I thought his project was too small."

"This guy used to be a small employee of my company, a programmer, and later he returned to China to found Qiandu. Don't say, this guy is quite capable."

"It seems that you all know him, so is this boy our classmate? Does anyone know?"

The other students were not sure. They remained silent.

Tang Youlong was the first to speak:"I don't think so. There are only fifty students in our class, from grades one to five. This is personally admitted by Teacher Chu."

"How could there be another student? Obviously, this guess is unreasonable.

Qu Liangcai also nodded in agreement.

"Youlong is right. This person is most likely not our classmate. There are only fifty of us and we all know each other. How could someone suddenly appear out of nowhere?"

Zhao Dahu:"I am sure that this person is definitely not our classmate, absolutely not."

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

His face changed.

He quickly said in the group:"This person is not a dangerous person!"

"Lao Wang, check it quickly."

The other students in the group were all shocked.

Lao Wang nodded quickly:"Okay, I'll check it now." He immediately gave orders to check Xiao Li's background. Lao

Wang had checked every detail of his 18 generations of ancestors.

At this time.

The class monitor stood up and said:"No need to check."

"I'm sure this person is not our classmate"

"Maybe I just knew Teacher Chu and took a photo with him."

"He is not a spy, don't worry!

" Everyone was relieved when they heard the monitor say that.

It didn't matter whether he was a classmate or not, the important thing was that he was not a dangerous person.

What was the identity and background of the monitor? He was the best among them and had the most terrifying power.

What he said was naturally credible.

No one would question it.

On the other hand, hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were making bold guesses.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!


"Wow, a top student, the top scorer in the college entrance examination"

"These conditions are very suitable for being Mr. Chu's students."

One netizen said this.

Other netizens felt that something was wrong.

Doesn't this sentence mean that only top students and top scorers in the college entrance examination can become Mr. Chu's students?

This logic seems a bit far-fetched!

"I think there is a possibility"

"But from what I understand, they don't seem to be from the same place."

"Chu Lao lives in a remote village, but Leo is not. He lives in a small county town in an inland province."

"How did they know each other? How did the photo come from? I'm really curious"

"I'm also confused."

Not to mention other people, even Chu Yuan, the person involved, was a little confused.

He looked at Little Leo with a puzzled look on his face.


"Where did you get this photo?"

Little Leo was excited and walked forward.

""Mr. Chu, have you really forgotten me? Little Li!"

Chu Yuan thought about it, frowned, and finally shook his head.

"Little Leo? This name is a little strange"

"I can't seem to remember it."

Little Leo quickly explained

"East Lake, Xianglong Mountain, small boat, forty-five years ago, you saved me there."

Chu Yuan struggled to recall again.

Then he suddenly realized.

He pointed at Xiao Li in surprise.

"It's you."

Little Li nodded excitedly:"Do you remember?"

Chu Yuan said:"I remember, I did save a child who fell into the water there."

"It turns out that child is you. Oh my god, how can there be such a coincidence in the world?"

"To be honest, I had forgotten about this matter a long time ago. If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have thought of it at all."

"It's fate!"

Leo became even more excited.

"Yes, it's really fate."

"You didn't tell me your name or address at the time. When I first saw you online, I thought you looked familiar, but I didn't connect you with the person who saved my life."

"After all, forty-five years have passed, and her appearance has changed drastically. Even if we passed by each other on the street, I would not recognize her."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes, forty-five years have passed, and everything has changed, except for the memory."

Little Leo nodded:"That's right, the memory remains unchanged."

"I will never forget your kindness to me and will always keep it in my heart."

"I even look forward to repaying you one day, but there is no news from you."

"It can be said that if I hadn't met you, I would have died at that time."

"I wouldn't be where I am now."

Chu Yuan nodded with satisfaction:"I never thought that after 45 years, you would become the founder of Qiandu and achieve such success. Little Leo, you are amazing."

Little Leo of Qiandu was full of emotion.

"In all this, Mr. Chu is the biggest contributor"

"Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Chu Yuan was confused.

What does this mean?

What does it have to do with me? He was confused.

The fifty classmates in the Shangang Primary School group were also confused.

Looking forward to the revelation of this matter.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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