Chu Yuan asked,"What do you mean?"

Little Li said,"Back then, I worked very hard and vowed to get into college."

"However, my academic performance was not satisfactory, which made me very disappointed and even had thoughts of suicide."

"When I came to East Lake that day, I was so depressed that I actually jumped into the river. If it weren't for the rescue of Mr. Chu, how could I survive?"

Chu Yuan shook his head and said,"If it were anyone else who saw a child jumping into the river, they would save you. I saved you just out of instinct."

Little Li said,"But, after you rescued me to the shore, what you said to me has influenced my life."

Chu Yuan thought about it.

It seems that he really doesn't know what he said at the time.

He really can't remember it.

So many years have passed.

Little Li said,"Back then on the boat in East Lake, you carefully taught me how to study, solved my doubts in life, and taught me a learning method. I am still using it today. It is really useful."

"It can be said that just those words started to change my life. My studies were like riding a rocket, soaring up, and my life became more goal-oriented and more determined."

Chu Yuan was surprised.

He thought to himself, what on earth did he say to him at that time that actually made his life change drastically.

Chu Yuan clearly remembered that they had not been together for more than three hours at that time.

How could he have gained so much?

Chu Yuan was also confused about this.

Not only Chu Yuan was confused, but Chu Ling was also confused.

She looked at Chu Yuan with a puzzled look.

Seeing that her grandfather was also frowning, he obviously didn't know the specific situation.

Maybe he forgot it!

Netizens in the live broadcast room expressed their doubts

"What did Mr. Chu say to him at that time that could have caused such a big change in his life?"

"Does anyone know? I'm really curious! Please help me"

"Who knows what Mr. Chu said to Leo that made him change so much?"

"Could it be that Mr. Chu taught him the three major thinking patterns?"

"I'm so excited, don't tell me, this is really possible"

"My God, no wonder Leo can achieve such success, he was the top scorer in the college entrance examination, graduated from Beida University, studied abroad, and founded the largest search engine in China, Baidu."

"My god, this is the power of the three major thinking modes. Just a few words can make people reach this level? That's too scary!"

"Wait, I have a question, how long have Chu and Leo been together?"

Some netizens also think that this question is crucial and important.

"Yes, I am also curious. Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng and others studied for several years to achieve such achievements. So how long did this little Leo study to finally reach this level?"

"I think this question is crucial. It not only measures Leo's strength, but also the power of the three major thinking modes."

"That's right, if Mr. Chu simply taught Little Leo a few of the three major thinking modes and he ended up at this level, damn it, then these three major thinking modes are simply against the sky."

"If Mr. Chu explained the three major thinking modes to him in detail, and he only took a few hours to comprehend and reach this level, I'm amazing, then Leo's IQ is simply amazing"

"Yes, this question is obviously crucial.

At this time,

Chu Ling asked the question that all netizens were wondering.

"Grandpa, how long were you with him at that time?"

Chu Yuan looked at Little Leo:"It seems to be a few hours!"

Little Leo nodded:"Yes, less than three hours, Mr. Chu carefully explained to me the study method and how to plan life on the boat."

Chu Yuan smiled and said:"In fact, there was not enough time, I just explained a little bit to you"

"I wanted to teach you all my methods, but I didn't have time, so I missed it."

Little Leo's heart skipped a beat, as if a big stone had been thrown away.

It hurts so much! So sad! (To read the novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Because now Little Leo knows what Mr. Chu taught him at that time.

That is the three major thinking modes, a set of top-level thinking.

If I can learn all of them, I'm afraid I can be like Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, and Zhao Dahu.

Thinking about it now, I really regret it.

My heart is bleeding! []

With Chu Yuan and Little Leo's explanation, the whole live broadcast room exploded instantly

"What? Holy shit!"

"I’m better, I’m better, I’m better, this is so awesome!"

"With just a few hours and some basic teaching, an ordinary student can become the top scorer in the college entrance examination, be admitted to Beida University, study abroad, found Baidu, and become an Internet business giant in two countries?"

".I'm so horrified! What kind of thinking are these three major thinking modes? They are so horrifying that it is shocking."

"Top-level thinking, three major thinking modes, my god, this must be a secret book to open up your mind! Magic? Otherwise, how could there be such a powerful thing?"

"It really feels like magic, and science can't explain it at all."

"I can only say that Mr. Chu might really be a god, not a human being, otherwise where did he get this thing from!"

"I am now becoming more and more curious about Mr. Chu's identity. What did he do in 衳 before?"

"I am curious too." The fifty students in the Shangang Primary School group saw this and learned the truth of the matter.

"I see"

"So this is the situation?"

"I was wondering, there are only fifty students in my class, how come there is one more?"

"It turns out that he is an outside disciple, or a miscellaneous disciple."

"Hehehe... This description is very accurate. But let's be honest, this little Leo is really capable. He was able to learn a few tricks from Teacher Chu in less than three hours, and finally achieved such a great success. Little Leo is really not simple. No wonder he was able to found Qiandu Group."

The other students all nodded firmly.

"You're right. This little Leo was quite famous in our company back then, but I never thought that he and I had the same teacher."

"Of course, he is not Mr. Chu's real student, otherwise, I can really invest in him and make his company grow a hundredfold."

"It is true. It is a pity. I dare not invest in people who are not mine. The risk is too great."

"You are right, what a pity."

Just then,

Leo's sudden move shocked everyone present.: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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