Han Donglai smiled

"Old Tang, everyone has their own expertise. You are good at chip technology, and I am good at agronomy. We each have our own strengths."

"I can't be nothing, how can I live up to Mr. Chu's cultivation and his three major thinking modes?"

"If I learn the three major thinking patterns and still act like a waste, wouldn't I be embarrassing Teacher Chu? How can I play happily with these classmates?"

Tang Youlong smiled and said,"You kid, you are really talking in a set way now."

"I am convinced by you."

Then, in the Shangang Primary School group, there was also a heated discussion.

Many students were @Handonglai

"Damn it, where is Donglai? He doesn't reply to messages."

"The phone he called was always busy. Is he bragging to his mistress?"

"After such a big thing happened, he still has the mood to chat with girls? I really admire him"

"Donglai, come out, or I will tell your little secret!"

At this time.

Tang Youlong:"I was talking to Donglai on the phone just now"

"He is busy now, so let me introduce the details!"

Tang Youlong introduced Han Donglai's situation in the group.

The classmates were stunned with shock.

"Wow, Donglai is so awesome!"

"Desert planting can actually achieve a yield of 2,500 kilograms per mu"

"Damn, this is simply a myth, a myth"

"It's outrageous, absolutely outrageous. If he hadn't come from Donglai, I really wouldn't believe it."

"Indeed, I also don't believe this is true. Desert planting, Yuan Lao's hybrid rice planting only yielded 1,200 kilograms per mu, but now the desert planting has reached 2,500 kilograms per mu."

"Oh my god, I'm stupid. I seriously suspect that Han Donglai is not a human being, he is a pervert."

The other students all nodded;"He is indeed a pervert."

On the other side.

Chu Yuan was also shocked by the news.

His head was buzzing, and he was even a little dizzy.

The same was true for Chu Ling on the side.

Her face was full of shock, and more of it was incredible.

She murmured:"One thousand five hundred kilograms, and it's planted in the desert. My God, it's horrible."

This is before she heard what Han Dong said. If he was given a little more time, the yield per mu could reach 2,500 kilograms.

If Chu Ling heard this, wouldn't she be shocked to death?

Chu Yuan was shocked for a while, then he reacted.

He looked at Daqiang:"Daqiang, are you sure?"

Daqiang nodded and smiled:"Mr. Chu, how dare I lie to you"

""Let's go, I'll take you to see it."

Several people got on the tricycle and headed straight to the front.

Soon, they came to an artificial desert.

It was equivalent to transplanting the desert here, about a few hundred square meters.

This is not the point. The point is that everyone's eyes were shocked by the rice in the desert.

When they saw the rice in the desert, everyone's eyes could not be moved away, and they became straight.

Everyone was also stunned, even though there were nearly one million people in the live broadcast room.

It was still like this, staring straight, in a state of complete loss of consciousness.

The barrage was completely blank.

No one was talking.

I don't know how long it has been, at least half a minute.

Suddenly, shock like a rainstorm appeared in the barrage.

Full, occupying the entire screen

"WTF, WTF, WTF10086."

"So many, so big, golden, my God!"

"This is amazing! The whole area is covered with rice, even the desert is covered with rice."

"Is this still rice? I seriously doubt that it was planted in a plant, otherwise, how could it be so fruitful, almost comparable to the previous seawater planting"

"My God, this is a desert, a desert, and it can grow such abundant rice. It subverts my three views. Han Donglai is too awesome, too great."

"Indeed, at this moment, I just want to recite a poem... Han Donglai is awesome!"

Chu Yuan stared at the golden rice.

The whole field was golden yellow.

Even the leaves on the rice were golden yellow, not to mention the rice on it.

All of them were golden yellow, with distinct grains, and the main stem of the rice was also golden yellow........(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It can be said that the entire trunk of the rice plant, including the rice, is golden yellow.

It is like a rice plant made of gold.

Even the entire sky is golden.

Chu Yuan reacted.

"This... why do I feel like I've seen a mountain of gold and silver?"

"That's right, this is a mountain of gold and silver, Donglai has created a mountain of gold and silver."

This sentence is full of profound meaning.

The moment Chu Yuan saw this mountain of gold and silver, he couldn't help but sigh.

His teaching career back then was really worth it.

He taught so many outstanding students and made such outstanding contributions to the country, society, and even the world. The five-year teaching career back then was really very, very worthwhile.

He felt honored and glorious for what happened back then.

First, Tang Youlong, then Qu Liangcai, then Zhao Dahu, Liang Xiaoru, and now Han Donglai.

Any one of them has made a great contribution to the country.

They are all pillars of the country.[]

These are only his five students, and there are 45 more students behind him.

Chu Yuan could foresee that those 45 students were not simple either.

I'm afraid each of them is a dragon among men.

Thinking back to the five years of teaching, Chu Yuan taught them three major thinking patterns.

He felt that this was the most correct decision in his life. 2.2

Yes, the time is too short.

If it were long enough, he would be willing to pass on all his life's knowledge and life experience to them.

Unfortunately, the time is too short, and things are beyond one's control.

If Chu Yuan really taught them all he had learned in his life.

Chu Yuan had a vague expectation of what level of achievement they would achieve.

Anyway, this earth may not be able to cover up their brilliance, and perhaps in that place.

They can also have a place.

Chu Yuan's mouth curled up slightly.

"It's not too late"

"After I meet with fifty classmates, we can discuss it in detail."

"At that time, I think these classmates will be shocked when they know my identity!" Chu

Yuan is looking forward to that day.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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