Daqiang looked at Chu Yuan.

Naturally, he also saw the shock in his eyes.

Then there were looks of relief, pride, and expectation in his eyes.

His face was filled with smiles, which made Daqiang a little confused about Chu Yuan.

Several emotions appeared in the blink of an eye. Daqiang really couldn't see through Chu Yuan.

The frog on the side was also full of confusion. They were all very observant people and could see the changes in Chu Yuan's emotions at a glance.

He and Daqiang looked at each other, and there was confusion in their eyes.

Obviously, they couldn't understand Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan had a faint smile on his face.

Standing in place, with his hands behind his back, a sense of kingship and hegemony emerged from his body.

That is a kind of kingship and hegemony that comes from being in a high position for many years, and it is definitely not something that can be acted out.

It is something that has been precipitated over the years and engraved in the body.

It is integrated into the soul and forms a unique temperament.

Seeing this, Daqiang and the frog were shocked and horrified.

"This is……"

"How could this happen? How could I sense this kind of aura from Elder Chu?"

"What on earth is going on?"

Da Qiang and Qingwa looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"What is Mr. Chu’s identity?"

"He is definitely not an ordinary person, nor is he an ordinary primary school teacher."

"His identity must be extremely terrifying."

This was the unanimous thought of the two.

They were not the only ones who had this thought.

Nearly one million people in the live broadcast room felt this momentum.

They wiped their eyes fiercely.

"What the hell? What did I feel?"

"Did I see it wrong? At this moment, Mr. Chu's temperament seemed to have undergone a drastic change."

"I also felt that there had indeed been earth-shaking changes, and the momentum was different from before."

"That's right, it doesn't sound like it came from an old man, but rather from a big boss in a high position."

"Don't say it, it's true, it's a temperament formed over the years"

"I discovered this when Mr. Chu first started live streaming, but he deliberately hid it later. I never thought I would see it again today."

"Obviously, Mr. Chu is hiding something very deeply. We don't know him at all, his past life, his career and position. All of this is a mystery."

"Wow, hiding one's past life and that unique temperament, is this something that most people can do? Incredible"

"Mr. Chu is truly a god! I really want to know his identity and background."

"I want to know, too."

Nearly one million people in the live broadcast room were discussing Chu Yuan.

Those netizens felt that Chu Yuan was more and more unfathomable and could not see through Chu Yuan.

In short, they all agreed that Mr. Chu was not an ordinary person.

In the Shangang Primary School group, when their fifty classmates saw Mr. Chu at this moment, everyone in the group was silent. Each of them looked extremely solemn.

Obviously, Mr. Chu's temperament deeply shocked them.

Even though they are now bigwigs in various industries, knowledgeable and have seen countless people.

But seeing Chu Yuan's momentum still shocked them.

The key is that this is only played in the form of a video. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It is not a personal experience at all.

If it is a personal experience, they will feel it more accurately, like Daqiang and Qingwa.

It can be said that the difference between the two feelings is at least dozens of times.

After all, the video is a video, and the scene is always the scene.

The two are very different.

In the Shangang Primary School group, someone finally couldn't help but speak.

"Teacher Chu, he... that momentum just now……"

Some students don’t know how to express their feelings.

"I've never seen it before, and it's the first time I've seen it"

"Even when I met the leaders of various countries in the world, I never felt that kind of momentum."

"In other words, the leaders of various countries do not have the kind of domineering aura that Teacher Chu has.

The rest of the students all nodded, agreeing with him.

"That's right, I've never seen such a domineering person."[]

"This is the first person I have ever met. I have met the leader of the Bear Kingdom before, but he did not have the aura of a king as Teacher Chu."

"That's right, I have seen even the world-class consortium, the head of the Rothschild family, but none of them has the momentum of Teacher Chu."

"What is going on? Why is this happening? Why does Teacher Chu have such an aura?"

The students were all discussing and expressing their doubts.

No one could answer the doubts because no one knew.

At this time, a student spoke up.

"This seems to be the second time we have seen Teacher Chu with such momentum"

"I remember a few days ago, Chu Ling said something, just two words: secret. The coldness in Teacher Chu's eyes is still fresh in my memory."

"That look was so terrifying that it seemed to capture my heart and touch my soul. To be honest, it really scared me at that time."

"This is the second time this has happened. Teacher Chu, who is he? What is his background?"

"Where has he been all these years? Why did he only appear fifty years later? Why did he disappear without a trace in these fifty years?"

"I really can't figure out these mysteries."

This student said what the other students wanted to say.

Everyone nodded in the group, saying that they thought the same thing.

They were also confused.

They all expected the monitor to come out and answer their questions.

One minute later, the monitor really came out.

"I said at the time that you don't need to think too much about this matter."

"First, Teacher Chu would never hurt us. Second, Teacher Chu's identity and background are indeed a mystery. You can't figure it out, and neither can I."

"But I want to tell you that I have got some clues about Teacher Chu."

"However, I dare not continue to investigate... In short, Teacher Chu's identity is extremely terrifying. If I tell you, I am afraid you will not be able to bear it."

"So, don't worry about it, don't think too much, just cooperate with Teacher Chu to complete this live broadcast of the blind box game."

"As for other things, we can't control them."

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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