"Desert planting."

Da Qiang's words attracted Chu Yuan's attention.

"What? Planting rice in the desert?"

Chu Yuan was obviously a little surprised.

After all, planting rice in the desert is really unprecedented.

Someone once proposed it, but no one succeeded.

Rice, rice, needs water, but there is no water in the desert.

How can rice be planted? This is undoubtedly the most difficult and impossible to achieve.

Daqiang nodded:"Yes, it is planting in the desert. Mr. Chu may be surprised, but this technology has really been realized."

Speaking of this technology, Daqiang's face was full of pride.

Because he knew that the whole world was completely blank about this technology.

It cannot be said to be blank, it is just that no one has ever succeeded, and they are the ones who have truly succeeded.

Once this technology is announced, it will cause a sensation in the world.

Because if this technology is promoted, the desert areas of Longguo can not only realize rice planting.

It can also achieve greening and prevent the desert from extending further inland.

Change the local environment and air.

At that time, the whole Longguo will have desert areas, and the whole Longguo will be an area with rich products and sufficient resources.

The dust storms in the desert will disappear, and the haze in the imperial capital will disappear.

At that time, every piece of land in Longguo will be a treasure.

The people's living standards will also be further improved.

Longguo will become a major grain-growing and exporting country in the world.

The people of Longguo have enough food and clothing.

This invention can be said to have further promoted the development of the world.

It benefits the country and the people, not just Longguo, but especially those inland countries.

The birth of this technology will change the fate of his country.

This is no exaggeration.

Chu Yuan was curious:"What level has desert planting reached?"

This is what Chu Yuan is most curious about.

It is also what countless netizens in the entire live broadcast room are curious about.

Everyone knows the difficulty of planting in the desert.

No one has succeeded before. Now Daqiang suddenly opened his mouth.

To be honest, everyone has an idea in their hearts, but it has not been confirmed by Daqiang.

Everyone has always been hanging a heart, unable to put it down.

"To what extent can desert cultivation be achieved?"

"I am really curious, is it possible to achieve a yield of several hundred kilograms per mu?"

"According to the news on the Internet, some people have achieved a yield of 500 kilograms per mu."

"However, this news is not true, because his desert planting is not entirely desert planting"

"I just don't know what kind of desert planting Daqiang is talking about. I'm very curious."

Nearly one million netizens in the live broadcast room were very curious. They were all eagerly waiting for Daqiang to reveal the answer.


Daqiang slowly spoke.

"One thousand five hundred kilograms."


As soon as this news came out, the entire live broadcast room exploded.


"One thousand five hundred pounds? Oh my god, this is impossible!"

"I don't believe this is true, it's impossible. Mr. Yuan's hybrid rice yield is only 1,200 kilograms per mu. Now you tell me that desert planting can yield 1,500 kilograms per mu?"

"Impossible, I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it's true"

"He must be bragging, it must be like this."

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room showed disbelief.

One by one, they were shocked, and then they questioned loudly and shook their heads violently.

They didn't believe Daqiang's data.

This data was too outrageous.

Especially those agricultural experts, researchers, and scientists heard this data.

They exploded on the spot, their faces full of disbelief.

"It's impossible, he's bragging."Even if you kill me, I won't believe that desert planting can reach this level.

Even Tang Youlong, the dean of the Academy of Engineering, stood up from his seat when he heard the news. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

His face was shocked.

"One thousand five hundred kilograms per mu?"

"Oh my god, is this true?"

Picked up the phone and called Han Dong directly.

"Donglai, is this true?"

Han Donglai answered hesitantly,"Old Tang, this, I……"

Tang Youlong was extremely anxious:"Don't waste time with me, tell me quickly."

Han Donglai nodded and said,"Yes, it has indeed reached an output of 1,500 kilograms per mu."

Buzz buzz buzz!

Tang Youlong's head was buzzing.

Obviously, this news was too explosive, and it shocked Tang Youlong's scalp!

Planting rice in the desert and achieving an output of 1,500 kilograms per mu is simply a miracle.

If this news comes out, it will really shock the world.

Han Donglai's name will truly resound throughout the world.[]

After a long while, Tang Youlong finally reacted.

He let out a long breath.


Only then did he calm down his inner shock.

He said slowly:"Donlai, you really hid it so well that you even hid it from me."

Han Donglai hurriedly explained:"Old Tang, it's not what you think. I really didn't intend to lie to you."

"The main reason is that this technology is not yet mature, and I am not 100% sure. I dare not report it to you, the leader. Don't you think so?"

Tang Youlong:"Go to your leader, we two brothers, what's the point of calling us leaders? Call us Old Tang."

""Okay, okay, Old Tang."

Tang Youlong continued:"How far has this technology developed?"

"Can it be promoted directly?"

Han Donglai said:"Yes."

Tang Youlong frowned:"What do you mean by that?"

Han Donglai said:"I mean, I am still improving this technology. If I have some more time, I can make the yield per mu reach 2,500 kilograms."

Buzz buzz buzz!

Tang Youlong almost fainted when he heard this.

His head was dizzy, his legs were weak, and he almost fell to the ground.

"you you you you……"

"You pervert."

After a long while, he finally managed to say something.

Han Donglai knew that Tang Youlong was shocked, but this was really his own truth.

He was just speaking the truth.

"2,500 kilograms, reaching the level of seawater cultivation"

"Damn it, Donglai, you are not a human being, how did you do it?"

Even though Tang Youlong is the president of the Academy of Engineering, a very qualified senior intellectual. When faced with such a situation, he still couldn't help cursing.

This matter is really too outrageous.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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