Daqiang nodded

"Yes, Donglai has indeed made a huge contribution to mankind!"

His eyes were full of yearning.

To be honest, who wouldn't envy such an achievement!

It would be a lie to say that I don't envy him. That is a world-renowned reputation, enough to be passed down through the ages.

In the five thousand years of China, how many people can be famous throughout the world. It is already amazing to be famous throughout the Dragon Country, not to mention being famous throughout the world.

In the countless years to come, Han Donglai's name will definitely be recorded in the history books.

In the entire era, there are probably only a few people.

However, Han Donglai's name is among them.

It can be seen how precious this is.

At this time.

As this beautiful scenery like a fairyland on earth was passed on to the Internet.

The degree of explosion has almost reached an unprecedented level.

The entire network is about the introduction of this beautiful scenery.

This place is called the real version of the Utopia.

Countless people flocked here.

Big directors, stars, entrepreneurs, dignitaries, ordinary people, students......

As long as they are human beings, normal people with emotions, all have infinite yearning for this place.

The beautiful scenery in the video has just been confirmed, and many people are on their way here.

The tickets for the train, high-speed train, and bus here were quickly sold out for 310 yuan.

Some people drove directly here, no matter how far the distance is.

As long as the scenery is there, no matter how far it is, they will rush there without stopping.

Especially those young people in love, with their beloved girlfriends, seem to be rushing to the harbor of happiness.

It symbolizes that this kind of beautiful scenery is as beautiful as their love.

With the promotion and publicity of major bloggers, the beautiful scenery here soon spread abroad. It became a big hit abroad.

Many foreign friends want to come to Longguo to see it.

In the Shangang Primary School group.

The two classmates who are preparing to invest and build a world-class tourist destination.

Seeing this, they seemed a little impatient.

"No, this must be done as soon as possible."

"If this continues, I'm afraid it will become free."

"Yes, we have to act today, otherwise it will be too late.

"Donglai, I'm going to buy your land soon, it won't have any impact, right?"

Han Donglai thought for a moment and said,"Buy this land? How big is it?""

"I may send someone to investigate. Anyway, I want to build it into a world-class tourist destination."

Han Donglai nodded:"Okay, you should discuss this with the government. I have no problem with this."

Just at this time,

Qu Liangcai was bubbling

"Lao Zhong, do you want the land?"

Lao Zhong saw Qu Liangcai bubbling and slapped his thigh.

"Shit, isn't Lao Qu the boss there? Damn, this is simply God's help to me"

"Lao Qu, I want this piece of land. Let's see if we can sign the contract tomorrow.

Lao Qu smiled and said,"Lao Zhong, this piece of land is very expensive."

"Expensive? How expensive can it be? Are you afraid that I can't afford it? I'm in partnership with Lao Song, so what are you afraid of?"

"Are they afraid that we will fail to complete the project? Or are they afraid that we will do something behind the scenes and make money directly from real estate?"

Old Qu smiled and said,"That's not the case. The main reason is that many businessmen have already approached me about this piece of land."

"So it’s a bit difficult to deal with!"

Lao Song:"It’s not difficult at all, just bid, I’ll kill him with money.""

"Of course, you, Old Qu, can't cheat me, otherwise, I will have to take off your pants."

Qu Liangcai smiled and said,"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. I'm so happy that you can come to pay taxes! How could I cheat you? Dragon people don't cheat Dragon people."

Old Zhong:"Damn it, why does it feel a bit dangerous, Old Qu, don't scare me."

Old Qu laughed:"Hahaha... I'm just teasing you!"

"There are indeed many people vying for this piece of land, and the government is also actively bidding"

"As the top leader here, I cannot bend the law for personal gain. You guys have to bid for everything."

Lao Zhong nodded:"Don't worry, as long as there is no shady dealings, no one can beat me."

"Old Song, right?"

Old Song nodded:"I'm not short of money. I'm good at spending money."

Old Zhong laughed:"Hahaha, well said." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) Qu

Liangcai said:"Don't worry, I'll be in charge this time, no one can have any tricks"

"Then I also congratulate the two students in advance for joining us and becoming the major taxpayers in our province. I am afraid that my political achievements will be added to the richness of the past."

The monitor smiled and said,"It seems that you are very happy to cooperate with each other!"

"If students have collaborative projects, they can indeed collaborate with each other."

"After all, we are all family, don't worry."

The other students all agreed.

"That's right, the squad leader is the guarantor. If anyone dares to mess around"

"Hehehe...let the squad leader drive the troops over there and scare him to death"

"If the army is not capable of this, just send a missile over and ask him if he is afraid."

Then a large group of students expressed their approval.

"You are right."


At this time,

Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Mr. Wang, and others all took a fancy to this piece of land.

Especially Mr. Wang, he was engaged in tourism development.[]

Seeing the beautiful scenery, the whole person was excited and his eyes were full of stars.

"This is simply a gold mine."

"Whoever gets it will have a steady stream of wealth."

Mr. Wang was extremely excited.

He immediately called Wang Congcong.

"Congcong, have you seen that piece of land?"

Wang Congcong nodded:"Yes, it's a very good piece of land."

Mr. Wang:"Is there a way to get it?"

Wang Congcong:"I can only get it through Mr. Chu."

"I'll think of a way first, and see if I can contact and introduce Mr. Chu."

Mr. Wang:"Okay, as soon as possible. As far as I know, many people have already set their eyes on this piece of land."

Wang Congcong nodded:"Okay, I'll act now."

After hanging up the phone, he drove directly to Xiao Momo's place.

Because he knew that Mr. Chu liked Xiao Momo, if he could take her with him, the probability of success would be much greater.

Not only Wang Congcong thought so, but Huang Zhengzheng, Xiao Lizi, Da Ma Ge, and Xiao Ma Ge all thought so.

They all rushed to Xiao Momo's house at the same time.

Here, after

Daqiang introduced seawater planting, he looked at Chu Yuan:"Mr. Chu, are you satisfied with Donglai's results?"

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Satisfied, how many people in the world can achieve such an achievement ?"

"The word"satisfied" can no longer express my emotions. I am shocked, extremely shocked."

Da Qiang was as happy as a child when he heard this.

Then he said,"Mr. Chu, Donglai actually has another research result. I wonder if you are interested in taking a look." Chu

Yuan was puzzled:"What research result?"


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