Daqiang hesitated for a moment.

He smiled a little proudly and said,"Two thousand kilograms."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yuan and Chu Ling were shocked.

Their bodies shook noticeably, and their faces were filled with shock and disbelief.

Not only Chu Yuan and Chu Ling, but nearly one million netizens in the live broadcast room were all shocked.

They were shocked:"What? Two thousand kilograms? How is this possible!"

"This is seawater planting, how can it reach 2,000 kilograms? I don't believe it"

"I don't believe it either. It's not true. It's not true. I don't believe it."

"That's right, the maximum yield of seawater planting researched by Mr. Yuan is only 300 kilograms per mu. You tell me, this can reach 2,000 kilograms per mu? Incredible"

"It's incredible, too incredible, I really can't accept this."

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Shocked by such a result.

Those so-called agricultural experts and scientists were also in the same situation, shaking their heads violently, like rattles.

"This is impossible. It's impossible."

"Seawater planting cannot reach 2,000 kilograms, it is impossible to reach"

"The highest yield of rice cultivation studied by Yuan Lao is only 300 kilograms, which is already the limit."

"Now you tell me that seawater planting has achieved an output of 2,000 kilograms per mu, which is a seven-fold increase. How can people believe it? You are a liar, you must be a liar."

Those so-called experts are superstitious about various data.

They are very superstitious about the authority of Mr. Yuan and think that everything he says is right.

They always believe that Mr. Yuan is the authority in the agricultural field and no one can shake him.

"I think this background is fake, too fake"

"How could there be such a beautiful place in the world? I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either. There is no such scenery in the world. Absolutely not. The background is fake. It must be fake."

Their doubts have attracted the attention of some netizens.

They think what they said makes sense.

"Don't tell me, it really seems fake.~"

"How can there be such a beautiful scenery in the world? I have never seen it before."

"Since I haven't seen it, it's probably fake. I want to expose it."

"Yes, that's right. Now is the information age. If there is such a beautiful scenery in the world, how can it be hidden? It can't be hidden at all. It will definitely be revealed."

"This makes sense. In the information age, anything beautiful will be made public. If there is such a beautiful scenery, it cannot be hidden."

"So, I think this must be false."

There were constant voices of doubt.

Indeed, what those experts said was well-founded and easy to convince.

The yield of 2,000 kilograms per mu is simply a terrifying data.

It also exceeds that of Academician Yuan, the father of hybrid rice. This makes some netizens who admire Academician Yuan unacceptable.

After all, Academician Yuan's position in the hearts of the people is deeply rooted, and it is difficult for ordinary people to break it.

Now that someone has come out to break Academician Yuan's authority, naturally there will be many people who don't believe it.

Even if he is Academician Yuan's last disciple.

There are still many doubts and disbelief.

In the Shangang Primary School group.

The fifty big guys shook their heads

"What a bunch of ignorant people."

"For a guy who has never seen the world, why would he not believe this?"

"Donglai’s strength may not have been fully revealed yet. Once it is truly revealed, wouldn’t it shock all of them?"

"Alas, it is so sad to be in the same live broadcast room with this group of ignorant people. If it weren’t for Teacher Chu’s live broadcast room, I would have quit long ago."

"Let's not talk about it. We are not in the same world as these people."

Han Donglai did not say anything to those who questioned him.

It doesn't matter. Han Donglai really doesn't care about these things.

He doesn't care about fame and fortune, he only cares about his research results.

It's the pleasure brought by breakthrough technology.

Tang Youlong stared at the video of planting rice in seawater.

He praised:"Well done Donglai, I didn't expect that your seawater rice planting has reached this level."

"It really surprised me. I thought it was a sure thing that the chief would meet you this time."

"You can't refuse the title of academician!"

Tang Youlong said with a smile.

He knew Han Donglai very well and knew his personality.

He didn't care about fame and money.


Chu Yuan reacted. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He murmured:"You mean, this seawater planting can produce 2,000 kilograms per mu?"

Daqiang smiled and nodded:"That's right"

"If you don't believe me, Mr. Chu, I'll prove it to you."

He rolled up his sleeves and went down to the river to pull up a few rice plants.

It wouldn't matter if he didn't pull them up, but once he did, the live broadcast room exploded instantly.


"This background is actually real, my god"

"There is such a beautiful scenery in the world? My God, it's incredible."

The agricultural experts, professors, scientists and others were completely dumbfounded.


Everyone was speechless. They were completely slapped in the face by Daqiang's actions.

They could feel the burning pain on their faces.

There were also those netizens who suspected that this was a background.

Everyone was also shocked and almost turned into wooden sculptures.[]

"Really, really, really?"

"My God, is there really such a place in the world?"

""Fuck, this is a paradise on earth. I must go and see it. If I don't go there once in my life, my life will be meaningless."

Instantly, those netizens who questioned the situation changed their faces.

They became excited, their eyes full of longing.

They wanted to fly there immediately to see the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Daqiang picked up a scale and weighed it quickly.

A rice plant has at least 100 rice grains.

Each one is full and golden, just like a grain of gold.

At every moment, there is almost no rice leaf on the rice, only rice grains, full of rice grains, like a���

Looking at such abundant rice, Chu Yuan seriously doubted how the rice trunk could support such weight. It was incomprehensible.

Unless the trunk was really made of stainless steel, it would be difficult to support the winter.


Daqiang weighed a rice plant.

"Eighteen grams in total."

Daqiang said with a smile:"Teacher Chu, do you think I need to prove it to you?"

Chu Yuan shook his head:"No, I see you are still weighing the smallest one, the big one may not be this heavy."

Daqiang said with a smile:"Yes, the big one is at least twenty grams、"

"In other words, it is not a problem to produce 2,000 kilograms per mu in seawater planting.

Chu Yuan nodded:"I believe"

"Donglai is amazing and has made great contributions to mankind"

Say goodbye: Tức

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