Big Brother B, Little Brother Ma, Little Huang Huang, Little Li Zi and others were all frightened, and naturally they dared not plan to touch Chu Yuan again.

Even Little Brother Ma had already sent someone to call immediately in a panic.

"Hey, stop right now, immediately.

"Boss, what's wrong? Everything is ready here."

Xiao Ma said:"You must not move, do you understand me?"

"If you really do it, both of us will be finished, and even the entire Tengxun Empire will be destroyed."

When Xiao Ma said this, the people over there were shocked.

"No way, is it that serious?"

Xiao Ma Ge:"It is that serious, stop it immediately"

"You have to know that there are some people we can never afford to offend."

The other party nodded:"Okay, boss, I'll be back soon."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Ma Ge finally breathed a sigh of relief.

""It was a close call, it was almost over."

Of course, some wealthy tycoons still couldn't resist greed in this matter.

They sent people to try it out, thinking that they had done it perfectly.

They would never find out about it.

Among the groups of people currently following Chu Yuan, there are their people.

Some people are a group of gamblers. They were inspired by the live broadcast room and took action immediately.

Their vehicles soon approached Chu Yuan.

It was not far from the tunnel in front.

"Everyone is ready to act"


At this moment, suddenly, their car crashed into the car next to them out of control.

"Ah! What's going on?"

"Oh no, the car is out of control, damn it."

The driver of the car over there saw this and his expression turned cold, with a chill in his eyes.

"A sneak attack? Humph, you're courting death."

"Hit it."

The driver nodded:"Yes."

He stepped on the accelerator and the car hit it directly.


Two cars collided with each other.

There was a loud noise.

The two cars were smashed to pieces.

Several other cars had the same problem.

They all collided with each other, and it was the kind of inexplicable collision. The first reaction of the hit car was that the other party attacked them, so they would not give up.

They all walked down with weapons.

"Damn it, he's looking for death, kill him"

"Kill him, brothers."

Several groups of people fought together, and the scene was unusually"lively".

Of course, everything here was controlled by Luo Shou.

This was very simple for them.

Chu Yuan, who was in front, saw what was happening here.

He looked puzzled:"It seems that there was a car accident in the back."

The driver said:"Yes, there was a fight"

"These guys are really cruel. They actually use weapons. Aren’t they afraid of causing death?"

"No, I want to call the police."

He dialed the number immediately.

Soon, the police arrived and took them all under control.

The matter was solved perfectly and easily.

Luo Shou is worthy of being Luo Shou.

Luo Shou, who was sitting on the sofa, learned that the matter had been handled.

He nodded:"Very good"

"Also, find out the financial backers behind these people."

"If you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price."

The man in black nodded:"Yes."

Then he walked away.

Luo Shou took a puff of his cigar and exhaled a long puff of smoke.

Looking at Chu Yuan in the video, he murmured:"Teacher Chu, when will you smoke me!"

"The students want to meet you too!"


The incident here was soon known to the students in the Shangang Primary School group.

They all praised Luo Shou for his good handling of the incident.

"Lao Luo, this matter was handled perfectly. I give you a thumbs up"

"Yes, Lao Luo is worthy of being Lao Luo! Easily resolve a risk"

"I really can't understand Lao Luo anymore. He is very efficient."

"Lao Luo, when are you coming to our place to play? I need your help with something."

Lao Luo:"Okay, I'll come to your place after I see Teacher Chu." The monitor also came out and sent a thumbs-up emoticon.

"Luo handled this matter perfectly."

"I don’t think anyone would attack Teacher Chu now!"

Lao Luo:"I’m afraid the big guys won’t, but I can’t control the small fish and shrimp.""

"But it doesn't matter, I will find a way to keep things under the lowest risk."

The monitor nodded:"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Lao Luo."

At this time.

Liang Xiaoru said:"Lao Luo, do you have someone here?"

Lao Luo:"Of course I have someone. If you feel unsafe, you can also ask someone to secretly protect Teacher Chu."

Liang Xiaoru:"Forget it, I feel relieved with you. I'm just afraid that I will disclose anything. After all, you are a professional."

Lao Luo:"Haha, everyone has their own expertise! You are all big shots in other fields, but in this regard, you really can't compare to me."

The classmates all expressed their agreement.

They all sent applause expressions in the group.

"Bang bang bang!"


Chu Yuan got on the plane very quickly.

He closed the live broadcast room, as live broadcasts were not allowed on the plane.

Chu Ling asked Chu Yuan:"Grandpa, what do you think was wrong with the car accident just now?"

Chu Yuan:"What did you see?"

Chu Ling:"I think that group of people seemed to be following us, because I saw their car in the rearview mirror a long time ago."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Your observation skills are quite strong."

Chu Ling was puzzled:"I just don't know what happened, they suddenly collided"

"In the end, they even fought."

Chu Yuan closed his eyes and said slowly:"Maybe it was a coincidence!"

Chu Ling did not continue to disturb her grandfather.

She felt that it was not the case.

But she could not tell the specific situation.

Imperial Capital.

Qianda Plaza.

Liang Xiaoru was shopping in the mall.

First, she had her hair done, which took several hours.

It cost more than 20,000 yuan, and she looked younger. At first glance, she looked like she was about 40 years old.

She looked at herself in the mirror.

"Does it look good?"

The hairdresser next to him praised:"It's so beautiful, this hairstyle really suits you"

""Big sister, with this hairstyle, you look at least 30 years younger."

The hairdresser was full of compliments, but it was very helpful.

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