Liang Xiaoru was almost blown away by the hairdresser's praise.


The barber nodded and said,"Yes, I have been cutting hair for decades, and you are the one who has changed the most after getting your hair cut."

"This hairstyle is absolutely perfect for you, and it is tailor-made for you."

Liang Xiaoru couldn't stop smiling.

She looked at the barber and was very satisfied with this guy.

He smiled and said,"Come on, bring the most expensive package in your shop and make one for me."

The barber was excited and nodded quickly:"Okay."

After that, he ran over happily.

He brought the haircut package and wanted to introduce it to Liang Xiaoru in detail.

Liang Xiaoru:"No need to introduce it to me, just do the most expensive one"

"I will come here often in the future."

The barber nodded and said,"Okay, okay."

Liang Xiaoru was very happy. After swiping the card, she left.

The barber bowed and smiled as if he was seeing off his grandmother.

One swipe of the card brought a million.

The barber felt like he was dreaming.

This is really pie in the sky!

Today he met such a rich woman.

This rich woman is really rich, beautiful, and generous.

Maybe she is the wife of a big boss.

If he can have a good relationship with her, he will have no worries for the rest of his life.

The barber thought so, his heart was excited, and he was shaking with excitement. The driver who followed him was already shocked and stunned.

He had never seen Liang Xiaoru like this before. It simply broke his three views.

He was stunned.

"what is it today?"

"Why is this happening?"

The driver couldn't figure out what happened.


Liang Xiaoru went shopping in Qianda Shopping Mall.

She went into almost every luxury store.

She chose her own clothes, and a whole day passed like this.

The driver was almost going crazy with exhaustion, but Liang Xiaoru seemed to be full of energy and didn't look tired at all. She was still shopping in the mall and bought dozens of clothes.

She spent millions.

The driver was dumbfounded.

He was really dumbfounded.

The driver finally couldn't help asking,"Leader, what happened to you today?"

Liang Xiaoru was very happy and answered his question directly.

"Because I have a very important guest to meet."

"So I am very happy"

"One more thing, do you know what day tomorrow is?"

The driver shook his head:"I don't know."

"Tomorrow is my birthday."

The driver was surprised:"What? Tomorrow is your birthday?"

Liang Xiaoru nodded:"Yes."

The driver was stunned.

No wonder Liang Xiaoru was so happy and went shopping.

Not only because tomorrow was her birthday, but also because she was going to meet her best friend?

Thinking of this, the driver sighed.

It seems that he also needs to prepare a generous gift.



The next day arrived.

Liang Xiaoru directly booked a large private room in Qianda Plaza.

She wanted to hold a reception for Chu Yuan here, and also hold her 60th birthday here.

It was perfect, killing two birds with one stone.

It can be said that today was the happiest day of her life.

Because her most beloved teacher Chu was able to attend her birthday party.

She was really excited.

At this time, Qianda Plaza was decorated with lights and colors.

The red carpet was laid to the gate.

Many luxury cars came outside the door.

Passersby who were shopping here were stunned.

"What's going on? Why are there so many luxury cars?"

"I own a Land Rover, a Ferrari, a Porsche, and a Cullinan.……"

"It looks like someone is holding a birthday party. You can tell from the sign that it is a female birthday party."

"Liang Xiaoru? Who is this? She is really pretty, you can't tell she is 60 years old"

"Indeed, at first glance, he looked like he was in his 30s or 40s, but it was actually his 60th birthday. It was incredible."

"This must be some rich lady! She can maintain her figure so well."

"That makes sense, rich people look very young."

Many passers-by were amazed and talked about the photos placed at the door.

Now many people have come to congratulate.

It can be described as an endless stream.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling also happened to arrive at this time.

The two stood at the door of Qianda Plaza and watched this scene.

"It seems someone is holding a birthday party today"

"Let's go and have a look."

The two of them walked towards the gate.


Chu Yuan was attracted by a photo at the gate.

"Hey, what is this?"

Chu Ling was puzzled:"Grandpa, what's wrong?"

Chu Yuan stared at the person in the photo.

"This guy looks familiar."

"Look familiar? Grandpa, do you know such a young woman in the mainland?"

For Chu Yuan, the woman in the photo is naturally younger.

When Chu Ling saw the age above, she was stunned.

"Sixtieth birthday?"

"Oh my god, so young?"

Chu Ling was extremely surprised.

Even the hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room were surprised.

They began to discuss it in the live broadcast room.

"My sixtieth birthday? Why do I look like I'm in my thirties or forties?"

"Indeed, she is so young, and she is comparable to Zhao Yazhi."

"Is it the effect of beauty filters, or is it because they take good care of themselves? It's outrageous"

"Don't say it, just look at this face value is very beautiful, young people must be very beautiful"

"Yes, the foundation is there, no doubt about it.

Suddenly, someone discovered the problem.

His eyes widened.


"Look at that name, Liang Xiaoru, damn, isn’t this Mr. Chu’s student?"

"What a coincidence? She is Mr. Chu's student, and she is celebrating her 60th birthday today?"

"This is too much of a coincidence! Meeting Mr. Chu and celebrating his 60th birthday is such a coincidence!"

"Liang Xiaoru is really good at picking dates. I have a feeling she did it on purpose."

"Yes, I feel the same way. How can there be such a coincidence?"

"But, you know what, she does look a lot like she did when she was a child. It seems that you can tell whether someone is beautiful or not from a young age!"

"Of course."


Chu Yuan also saw the name above.

He couldn't help but be surprised:"Xiao Ru?"

"What a big surprise! Today is her 60th birthday."

"It seems that we came here by chance."

Chu Yuan smiled

"Looks like I have to prepare some gifts too."

As he said that, he took Chu Ling to buy gifts.

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