The netizens in the live broadcast room were already shocked.

That was the chief scientist of Huawei Research Institute!

Everyone knows Huawei Company well. It has been suppressed by the United States for many years.

However, even so, Huawei Company still withstood the pressure, worked hard, specialized in technology, overcame two difficulties, and finally broke the US technology blockade and stood up again.

The world was shocked by it. It was completely a private enterprise against the entire United States.

This has never happened in world history.

Now it happened to Huawei.

It can be seen that Huawei is great.

Huawei has at least 700 mathematicians, more than 800 physicists, more than 120 chemists, six or seven thousand basic research experts, and more than 60,000 senior engineers and engineers.

Nearly two thousand scientists have played a vital role.

Among the nearly two thousand scientists, its chief scientist has made outstanding contributions to technology and innovation.

However, this person is Tang Youlong.

Grandpa Chu's student, a college student who came out of a small desert village.

He was able to reach such a height. His life can be described as a legend.

The key point is that a chief scientist who has reached such a high level actually respects Grandpa Chu, a primary school teacher.

What can this mean? It shows that Grandpa Chu is extremely awesome.

No one knows his identity and background.

"What did Grandpa Chu do before? I'm curious"

"I am also very curious. He is definitely not an ordinary person, nor is he just an ordinary elementary school teacher."

"Judging from his appearance, the way he speaks, and his temperament, he is definitely not an ordinary person."

"Didn't he say before? He used to set strategies, hold meetings, and manage people."

"Damn, formulating strategies, is this something that ordinary people can do?"

"What did he do before?"

This is the question of all netizens in the live broadcast room.

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has risen to 5,000. With

5,000 people watching at the same time, the popularity of the live broadcast room has increased rapidly.

Gifts are also flying.

Maserati, Porsche, Carnival, and more small gifts.

One by one, it took dozens of seconds before stopping.

The screen was full of two words



Chu Ling was also shocked by Tang Youlong's identity.

He is the chief scientist of Huawei Company. He is not an ordinary person.

I didn't expect that my grandfather could teach such an amazing student. My grandfather is really amazing.

Chu Yuan was also shocked. This result was a bit beyond his expectations.

He taught in that elementary school for five years just to fulfill a promise.

I didn't expect that fifty years later, he would become such an amazing person.

What a surprise!

Chu Ling asked her doubts again.

"Uncle Tang, are you the chief scientist here, or the chief scientist of the entire Huawei company?"

Tang Youlong said with a smile:"This is the headquarters of Huawei Research Institute, what do you think!"

Chu Ling opened her mouth wide and gave him a thumbs up.

""Uncle Tang, you are awesome!"

Netizens exclaimed:"He is indeed the chief scientist of Huawei Company, awesome!"

"This is the most awesome person I have ever seen in a live studio. I admire him!"

Tang Youlong smiled. He was really happy that Teacher Chu came today. He was also very relaxed, changing his usual seriousness.

"Xiaoling, you really don’t want to have a boyfriend?"

"I have the most handsome scientist in the world and the youngest academician in Longguo. They are both single. Do you want to meet them? I can introduce them to you."

Chu Ling blushed. She was only in her twenties.

She was introducing a boyfriend to someone. I haven't had enough fun yet!

This uncle is very bad.

Then she heard that the most handsome scientist was also the youngest academician in Longguo.

She couldn't help but become curious.

"How old are they?"

Tang Youlong heard that the girl seemed interested.

He introduced them:"The most handsome scientist is 28 this year, and the youngest academician of Longguo is 33 this year."

Chu Ling was surprised:"Wow, they are all so young?"

Tang Youlong smiled and said:"Are you interested? I will introduce them to you."

Chu Ling glanced at Chu Yuan.

She wanted to ask for his opinion.

Chu Yuan smiled and said:"Girl, it doesn't hurt to get to know them."

Tang Youlong smiled and said:"Okay, I'll call them over."

After giving the order, the secretary behind him sent a message.

Netizens exclaimed and were also very curious

"A 33-year-old academician? Oh my god, what would that be like?"

"There is also the most handsome scientist in the world. I am also curious about how handsome he is."

Soon, a young man came over.

He has a high nose bridge, blue eyes, hair that falls back, and delicate facial features.

He is tall and strong. This scientist is a European.


Speaking in standard Mandarin.

Chu Ling was amazed by his amazing appearance.

She couldn't help but feel her heart beating faster and her face flushed.

This is definitely a male god, much more handsome than those celebrity idols.

He is also a scientist with both good looks and wisdom. Any woman would be moved when seeing him.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

Especially the female netizens.

One by one, they couldn't help but open their mouths wide, and then exclaimed

"Ah, so handsome! My male god, my male god"

"Is this the most handsome scientist in the world? Wow, he is so handsome."

"It would be great if you could introduce him to me. If I had a boyfriend like this, I would be willing to break my ribs and make soup for him. Oh oh oh ~"

"My male god, my male god, I like you, I want to go to Shenzhen to find you"

"This is really the most handsome scientist I have ever seen.

Many male netizens expressed contempt, showing contemptuous eyes.

"No wonder foreigners like to come to the mainland, because there are so many idiot women in Dragon Country."

"No wonder they say that women from Long Country are the easiest to deceive. Now I have seen it."

"Isn't it just a good-looking face? What's so great about that? Pah."

Some netizens also said:"Then what do you have? At least she has both good looks and intelligence."

Those male netizens:"……"

He was speechless.

Chu Yuan also nodded.

This young man looks good.

He can speak Chinese.

He looks righteous.

Tang Youlong nodded:"Anthony, let me introduce you."

Then he looked at Chu Yuan and Chu Ling.

"This is my mentor."

"This is my mentor’s granddaughter, Chu Ling."

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