Chu Yuan and the others all shook their heads.

Did Liang Xiaoru do something shocking over there?

Netizens were also curious.

"Come on, little girl."

The little girl said slowly.

"Aunt Liang, since graduating from Imperial University of Political Science and Law, had the opportunity to stay in the Imperial Capital to work in the government department."

"But she gave up. The classmates around her were puzzled. Her tutor even tried hard to keep her. But even so, Aunt Liang still didn't listen to the advice and chose to leave."

"Because Aunt Liang was a famous figure in college. She won numerous awards during her time at school. She won campus awards for speech, debate, calligraphy, singing, etc."

"She is also the president of the student union of the school. She has a good relationship with many teachers and school leaders, and they also think highly of her."

"However, such a person wanted to leave the political and legal system. Everyone must be unable to understand. She originally had a very bright future, but she gave up."

"It not only makes people sigh, but also regret."

Chu Yuan and the netizens in the live broadcast room listened with great interest.

They are looking forward to what will happen next.

"What happened next?"

Chu Yuan asked.

The little girl continued,"After that, Aunt Liang went to Tibet, which is a plateau area, and taught in a remote primary school there."

"The conditions are extremely difficult, and most people would never think of teaching there.……"

"It was not easy for her, a girl and a university student from a prestigious university, to survive in such an environment."

The little girl was very good at telling stories, and she told them in a fascinating way.

Chu Yuan and others also became more and more interested as they listened.

"What happened next? Didn’t she say she had made some achievements afterwards?

The little girl nodded:"Yes, Aunt Liang did make great achievements there.""

"She worked there for ten years. For ten years, a girl's youth was almost spent there."

"In these ten years, she did not get married or have children, nor did she have a lover. She endured the lonely ten years alone."

"It can be said that she dedicated her youth to that land."

"But it's worth it for her, and she's proud of it."

"Because she taught many outstanding students, she became the principal of a local primary school and made a primary school with the worst academic performance in the town become the best in the town."

"Later, he was transferred to the town's central primary school by his leader. He did the same thing and brought a class with the worst academic performance to the top of the county."

"Later, he became the principal of this primary school and created another miracle, bringing the overall academic performance of the entire primary school to the top of the entire county."

"This achievement shocked the local county, and she became a well-known figure in the entire county."

"Loved by countless parents and students, and respected by colleagues"

"At that time, she was already a provincial-level special teacher. Countless people introduced her to potential partners, but she rejected them all. She said that work was more important."

"The leaders of the Education Bureau took a fancy to her and transferred her to the county seat to serve as the principal of a junior high school. She once again lived up to her mission and brought the entire junior high school to the top of the county."

"Then he was transferred to be the principal of the county high school and the principal of the city high school.……"

"Almost without exception, any school she teaches will quickly become the top-ranked school in the area."

"Countless parents and students almost ran around Aunt Liang. Wherever Aunt Liang went, they followed her. This formed a trend."

"Because everyone knows that wherever Aunt Liang is, that school is the best school."

"Especially during the time when she was the principal of a high school in the city, half of the students in one class were admitted to Qinghua University, which shocked the whole city."

"Even the city leaders were alarmed and received her personally."

"In a flash, ten years passed. At her peak, she once again left the remote place of Tibet and finally came to the imperial capital."

""Is this experience a legend? Is it a great achievement?"

Chu Yuan and hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room listened attentively.

They were all immersed in the scene of the little girl telling stories.

They couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

The whole live broadcast room was silent, without any sound.

This is a live broadcast room with hundreds of thousands of people, and it was like a ban on speaking. No one spoke.

Obviously, everyone was attracted by the little girl's story and was shocked by Liang Xiaoru's deeds.

I don't know how long it took.

Finally, a netizen in the live broadcast room reacted.

"My God, Liang Xiaoru's life is a miracle."

"No, this is simply a myth. Her life experience is a complete myth."

"It's so amazing, so awesome, I have never heard of such an amazing person in my life, and she is a woman"

"How does this sentence go? Women are as good as men. Liang Xiaoru is an example. She is worse than too many men. To be honest, I am not as good as her. Compared with her, I am just a piece of trash."

"Indeed, we can't compare, we really can't compare, it's not an exaggeration to say that we are just a bunch of rubbish"

"This Liang Xiaoru is really awesome"

"At this moment, I have gotten to know this beautiful and young Liang Xiaoru, and I admire her from the bottom of my heart."

Chu Yuan also reacted.

He really didn't expect that Liang Xiaoru could achieve such success.

When she was young, she was a very quiet girl, although a little smart.

But I didn't know that she could have such great perseverance and ambition!

Chu Yuan really got to know Liang Xiaoru again.

At this moment, he felt a little distressed about Liang Xiaoru's experience.

After all, she is a girl.

That kind of pain is really not something that ordinary people can bear.

Even a man can't bear it.

Chu Yuan thinks Liang Xiaoru is really amazing. Chu Ling on the side has long been shocked by Liang Xiaoru's deeds. With her mouth wide open, she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

"Is this a story she made up? I seriously doubt the truth of this story."

"If it's true, is Liang Xiaoru still a human being?"

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