Chu Yuan nodded:"I never thought Xiaoru would be so powerful"

"I underestimated her back then."

Chu Yuan did not expect Xiao Ru to achieve such success back then.

Now think about some other students.

They have all achieved remarkable results.

This is all related to Chu Yuan's teaching them top thinking and three major thinking modes.

Chu Yuan knew this.

The key is that he did not expect this result.

This was an accident, a result he never expected.

At that time, Chu Yuan's original intention was to let them learn the three major thinking modes to improve their learning.

As a teacher, this is professional ethics.

However, I didn't expect the result to be like this.

They all became outstanding people.

It was really an accident!

Seeing Chu Yuan's expression, the little girl knew that he was shocked by Aunt Liang's deeds. She couldn't help but feel proud.

"I'll tell you, Aunt Liang is a god."

"You say, how bad can a man like this woman like be?"

Chu Yuan was a little humbled by her question.

He thought to himself: Am I really that good? Don't praise me like this, I will be proud.

Chu Ling also secretly glanced at Chu Yuan. She looked proud: I didn't expect grandpa to be so charming and have such a high status among students. I am so proud to have such a good grandpa.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room posted smirking expressions in the live broadcast room.

The little girl didn't know that the old man in front of her was the handsome guy in the photo.

If she knew, I don't know what expression she would have.

Looking forward to that moment.

No one pointed it out in the live broadcast room.

Chu Yuan looked at the little girl and asked,"What about after 897?"

The little girl thought for a while and continued,"Then Aunt Liang went to teach in a primary school in the imperial capital."

"At first, he was the principal of this primary school. After five years of development, this primary school has become one of the four best schools in the imperial capital."

Netizens exclaimed

"Holy shit, the four best schools in the capital?"

"My god, I know this, I'm from the capital"

"This is too mythical! The four great schools in the imperial capital are not so easy to create"

"I never thought that Aunt Liang actually created one of the four great schools in the capital. Amazing, so amazing."

"You should know that these four great schools are famous throughout the imperial capital. Almost all of the students there are wealthy people and high-ranking officials. Ordinary people can't get in at all."

"Almost half of the students there can be recommended for admission to Qinghua University, because they are not only good at studying, but also excellent in all aspects, and have artistic talents. They are also registered in the capital."

"To be the president of such a school, one must be at least a Qinghua professor, and the teachers there are all top students with doctoral degrees from 985 universities. Otherwise, it is basically impossible to stay here."

"Because the IQ of these students is extremely high, ordinary teachers really can't teach them."

After hearing this, netizens explained and analyzed.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked.

"Wow, so awesome?"

"All the teachers are PhDs from famous universities? Half of the students are recommended to Qinghua Beida? My god, it is indeed a great school."

"The key is, how did Aunt Liang do it? It's incredible that an ordinary primary school has reached this level in five years."

Other netizens agreed

"It's really an incredible thing"

"Aunt Liang is really amazing! She has all the means to do anything."

"How can one achieve this without any powerful means? It's almost impossible!"

"You are right. Now I am very curious, what is her current position?"

"I am also very curious! Is she an official or a businessman?"

Chu Ling was also shocked by the girl's words.

In five years, an ordinary primary school has become one of the four great schools in the imperial capital.

This has to be said to be a miracle.

After the girl's words.

Netizens know why Wang Congcong, several chairmen of large groups, and even the mayor came to celebrate Liang Xiaoru's birthday. She has many students all over the world. Maybe the mayor and Wang Congcong are both students of Aunt Liang!

This is not impossible!

After all, Aunt Liang, who has been in the education industry for a lifetime, cannot have taught some very promising students.

In addition, Aunt Liang is not simple, she is the principal of a great school.

It is reasonable for Wang Congcong to be so respectful to her.

And the mayor, who looks to be in his forties. He may really be Aunt Liang's student.

The previous doubts.

In this instant, all seemed to be figured out.

Chu Yuan nodded:"Little girl, your Aunt Liang is really amazing."

The little girl nodded proudly:"That's right."

Then she looked at Chu Yuan in confusion.

"I said, Grandpa, can you protect me?"

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Don't worry, I can definitely protect you."

"I have this confidence, are you willing to believe me?"

The little girl looked at Chu Yuan.

After thinking for a while, she said,"If I don't believe you, who else can I believe? Woo woo woo woo ~"

Chu Yuan laughed at the little girl's tearful expression

" are quite interesting, little girl."

"No wonder Xiaoru likes you so much." (To read the most exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"By the way, what happened next? After Xiaoru became the principal of the four great schools, what did she do?"

Netizens were also curious about this, and their eyes were all focused on the little girl.

The little girl thought about what she was going to say next.

Suddenly she became excited.

"What happened next is another legend."[]

"You think what happened to Aunt Liang before is a legend, but you don’t know what happened afterwards, which is even more of a myth."

Chu Yuan was shocked:"So amazing? Tell me about it quickly."

Netizens were also shocked and leaned forward (bdci), wanting to know the details.

Hearing the little girl say this, their curiosity was completely aroused.

They wanted to know more about what happened next.

"Little girl, tell me, tell me"

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

The little girl smiled and said

"Afterwards, Aunt Liang left the divine school in the imperial capital and was transferred by her superiors to serve as the principal of a university in a remote area."

"This university is in a state of disrepair. The faculty is very poor and the management is very chaotic. There are less than 500 students in the university and the local reputation is also very bad."

"This time, Aunt Liang was ordered by her superiors to take on a heavy responsibility. Her superiors asked her to make the school look brand new within three years."

"Many principals were transferred here before, but none of them had any effect. Finally, Aunt Liang came to mind."

"After Aunt Liang took office, she lived up to the expectations and completed the task. In three years, she turned this university into a 211 university."

"The strict discipline, harmonious relationship between teachers and students, and the prevailing learning atmosphere have become a good story in the local area. No one in the local city has anything bad to say about Aunt Liang. All of them praise her."

"She became one of the top ten principals in the country."

After saying this, the little girl's eyes were full of admiration.

"Aunt Liang is simply my idol and the goal I pursue all my life."

Chu Yuan opened his mouth wide, slightly surprised.

In three years, a university on the verge of bankruptcy has become a 211 university.

It has also been praised and well-received. The style of study has changed greatly, the discipline is strict, the teachers and students are harmonious, and the people of the whole city recognize her.

What kind of ability and courage does it take to do this?

Is this still his student Liang Xiaoru?

It's really been fifty years since we last met, and the changes are too great.

Chu Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Time can really change a person.

Some have become better, and some have become worse.

The better the better, and the worse the worse.

University president, is this something that ordinary people can do?

Or a female president, I'm afraid there are not many in the entire Dragon Country.

A college student who walked out of a remote small village, was admitted to a famous university, and finally went to teach in a remote village.

From a small teacher, to a primary school principal, to a junior high school principal, a high school principal, and finally created a divine school in the imperial capital, and then the president of a 211 university.

Her life is indeed a legend, a myth.

The hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

Shocked by Liang Xiaoru's life

"Damn, this is life? It's so wonderful"

"This is not life for us, we are just living"

"Yes, it is a breathing animal, born to die."

"Compared to them, I am nothing but trash, useless garbage thrown into the garbage dump."

"Although Liang Xiaoru created many miracles in her life, the hardships were inevitable. The key is that she finally made it through and no difficulty stopped her."

"She faced challenges head-on and made her way up step by step. Some people say that the most precious thing in life is not the result, but the scenery during the process. I believe this."

"Of course, we can't do that.���This is because we are too ordinary, only people with high IQ like Liang Xiaoru can do it."

"So, think about it, we are just here to make up the numbers, while others are here to live. We are meaningless, while their lives are full of expectations."

"Forget it, just accept your fate! Finally, I want to say one more thing, Liang Xiaoru is awesome! I admire her so much."

Then she made an expression of worship.

Many netizens followed suit and made expressions of worship.

There were also expressions of thumbs up.

Chu Ling read the comments of netizens in the live broadcast room.

She nodded in agreement:"Aunt Liang has indeed lived a wonderful life. No wonder she looks so young."

"Being able to overcome such a difficult situation and still maintain her original appearance shows that she has an open-minded and broad-minded attitude, which is worth learning from."

The following people agreed

"I agree."


Chu Yuan looked at the little girl curiously again.

"Then what?"

"How did Xiaoru develop afterwards?"

Just as the little girl was about to speak, a middle-aged woman who looked like a noble lady came over. The frightened little girl quickly shut up.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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