Immediately, many netizens supported

"You are right, this matter is definitely related to Mr. Chu"

"Who else could this teacher be except Mr. Chu?"

"Think about it, Mr. Chu taught Tang Youlong, Qu Liangcai, and Zhao Dahu. What kind of people are these? They are all top elites. How badly can Liang Xiaoru and their classmates do?"

"She must be like other students, she was ashamed of her worship of Mr. Chu. It must be Mr. Chu who influenced her life and made her devote herself to the education career."

"The brother above made a good analysis. I think so too. Mr. Chu is really great. I admire him more and more now."

"He is now my idol, my lifelong role model, I really admire him."

Some netizens did not care about what Liang Xiaoru did.

The key point was that Liang Xiaoru was admitted to a key university.

It was the Imperial University of Political Science and Law.

This school is the Huangpu Military Academy for government officials.

Those who graduated from there are almost all elites in the political world.��

Netizens sighed:"Those 50 students back then were really amazing!""

"They are all so awesome. The four students who appeared now are all from key universities. My God, Shangang Primary School is totally a god school."

"Yes, if it were now, I don’t know how many students would rush in."

"The most important thing is Mr. Chu. Without Mr. Chu, Shangang Primary School would not be so awesome."

"Then again, the real awesome one is Old Chu, he is like a god"

"I wish I was Mr. Chu’s student, I’d cry!"

Then the little girl continued:"Aunt Liang said she admired that teacher so much."

"It's just like superstition. I'm not exaggerating. This is true. She still has a photo of her teacher hanging in her house!"

Chu Yuan was surprised:"You know all this?"

The little girl nodded and said proudly:"Of course."

Ran said mysteriously:"Do you want to see it?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes."

The little girl thought for a while and said:"But you can't tell others, I took this secretly"

"If Aunt Liang knew about this, I would be in trouble.

Chu Yuan nodded:"Don't worry, the old man never lies."

"How about we make a pinky promise?"

The little girl said,"I'm not a three-year-old child, do I need to make a pinky promise?""

"I'm already eighteen."

Chu Yuan suddenly realized:"Oh, so you are already eighteen years old, you can't tell, you are already an adult."

The little girl said proudly:"Of course."

Then she took out her mobile phone to show Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan was also curious whether the teacher was him.

Of course, he was still quite confident, but he was still a little guilty without any certainty.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were very curious.

They were very curious about this matter.

"Could it be Teacher Chu?"

"If it weren't for Mr. Chu, I would chop off my head and feed it to the dogs."

"It must be Mr. Chu. No one else has the qualifications."

The netizen laughed and said,"Everything has its surprises! I just have a fluke mentality. Who knows if it's not true, that would be even more interesting."

Another netizen said,"Brother, it's a done deal, don't expect any surprises."

Many netizens supported it.

In the blink of an eye, the girl found the photo on her phone.

"Look, this is the teacher."

"Look, isn’t he handsome?"

Chu Yuan looked and it was indeed him.

This was a photo of him when he was young. It was not taken when he was in Shangang Primary School.

It was taken when he was 25 years old.

At that time, he was still studying at a famous university.

At that time, he was wearing a suit, leather shoes, black and shiny hair, and smiling. He was definitely a peerless handsome man.

However, this photo disappeared strangely that year.

No matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find it.

It turned out that it was stolen by the girl Liang Xiaoru.

Now I remember that I brought this girl back to have dinner.

She liked this photo very much at that time and asked Chu Yuan if she could give it to him.

Chu Yuan did not agree at that time, thinking that why a child wanted a photo! It was more important to study hard.

Later, the photo disappeared strangely.

Chu Yuan expressed helplessness. This girl looked quiet and gentle, but she was unexpectedly so naughty.

Of course, Chu Yuan did not blame her.

Instead, he thought that what happened back then was quite interesting.

When many things could not be solved back then, no one would have thought that they would be solved fifty years later.

It's really interesting, too interesting.

It's something that makes people savor it endlessly!

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly opened their eyes wide

"Damn, it's really Mr. Chu"

"It is indeed Mr. Chu. Apart from Mr. Chu, no one else is qualified to be admired by a student like this."

"Mr. Chu's personality charm is so strong. If I were his student, I would also be conquered by his personality charm."

"Let alone the past, now I am completely conquered by Mr. Chu's personality, ability, and knowledge. He is a god-like man."

Netizens were shocked. The teacher Liang Xiaoru admired was Mr. Chu.

It was Mr. Chu who changed her life trajectory.

He allowed a person who could have made great achievements in politics to enter the education industry.

This kind of decision is really something that few people can do.

But Liang Xiaoru did it.

Some people were also amazed by Chu Yuan's appearance.

"Damn, Mr. Chu was really handsome when he was young!"

"Damn, his photos back then simply crush those young handsome guys nowadays"

"Can those young handsome guys compare with Mr. Chu? They are just trash in front of Mr. Chu. Mr. Chu is ten streets ahead of them, no, a hundred streets ahead."

"It's really outrageous. It's incredible that there were such handsome men in that era."

"Even if he had that appearance now, if he debuted, he would at least set off a storm and make countless beautiful girls obsessed with him."

"This is simply a harvester of middle-aged women and beautiful girls. Even I, a man, am amazed by her beauty."

"Mr. Chu is so handsome."

Some netizens saw Chu Yuan in a suit and became curious about where he took the photo.

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