Chu Yuan naturally didn't know Principal Wang.

Chu Ling didn't know Principal Wang either.

Principal Wang gave a gift and placed it on the table.

"Wang Congcong, Qianda Group.

Chu Yuan nodded and wrote down Principal Wang's name.

Principal Wang glanced at Chu Yuan and asked curiously.

"Old man, you look a little strange. Who are you to Aunt Liang?"

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"I am her teacher."

Principal Wang smiled and nodded,"So am I."

After that, he walked into the hall.

Netizens in the live broadcast room watched Principal Wang walk in.

They were reluctant to leave, and they wanted to get in close contact with Principal Wang.

Principal Wang is a walking cornucopia, who wouldn't want to get in touch with him?

To get some wealth is also a great fortune for ordinary people.

Chu Ling glanced at the live broadcast room.

Seeing the exclamations of netizens, she was slightly surprised.

"The son of Qianda Group?"

Then he looked at Chu Yuan:"Grandpa, some netizens said that the one just now was the son of Qianda Group."

Chu Yuan was surprised.��:"Is he the son of the boss of Qianda Plaza?"

Chu Ling nodded:"Yes, it is said that the boss of Qianda Plaza was once the richest man in Longguo."

"Later, due to some reasons, his wealth shrank severely, but he was still on the rich list."

Chu Yuan was surprised again:"The son of the richest man?"

"How could he come to Liang Xiaoru's birthday party?"

"What is Liang Xiaoru's identity? She can attract the son of the richest man."

Chu Yuan was puzzled.

The hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also puzzled.

All of this is a mystery for now.

Then, some people came in one after another.

They were all chairmen of major groups.

There were also some rich children.

They all came here to attend the birthday banquet.

There were many knowledgeable netizens. They actually recognized a lot of them. After explaining, the whole live broadcast room became very lively.

"Damn, so many big guys are here?"

"Liang Xiaoru is really not simple!"

"I'm really looking forward to her identity being revealed."

Then a series of big guys appeared, and the live broadcast room was even more explosive. There were exclamations one after another.

Although I couldn't hear the exclamations, I could feel the full of"WTF" in the live broadcast room.

"Too awesome, too awesome, this Liang Xiaoru's background is too terrifying."


The little girl just came back.

She walked over with an apologetic look on her face and said with a smile:"Grandpa, thank you."

Chu Yuan shook his head:"You're welcome."

The little girl asked tentatively

"Are you really Aunt Liang's teacher?"

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Of course."

The little girl was excited:"Wow, I didn't expect that I could meet Aunt Liang's teacher."

Chu Yuan asked curiously:"Who are you? Her daughter?"

The little girl shook her head and sighed:"No, it would be great if I could be Aunt Liang's daughter."

"What? Is your Aunt Liang very powerful?"

"Of course."

The little girl was excited when she talked about Liang Xiaoru.

It seemed that Liang Xiaoru was her idol.

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Can you tell me her story? We haven't seen each other for many years."

The little girl was even more excited when she heard this.

"OK, OK, I like this. I like telling stories the most."

"Grandpa, let me tell you the story of Aunt Liang"

"But you also have to tell me stories about her time in school. How about we exchange stories?"

""Of course."

Chu Yuan listened attentively.

Chu Ling did the same.

The little girl thought for a moment, as if she was sorting out her thoughts.

Then she said with admiration:"Aunt Liang's life can almost be said to be a myth."


Chu Yuan was surprised to hear such words from a little girl.

It was indeed a bit surprising to Chu Yuan.

"tell me the story"

"Well, let’s start from a small village.……"

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were listening carefully to the little girl telling stories.

I don't know if she knew it was a live broadcast.

Anyway, she told the story very vividly and vividly.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling also listened very carefully.

"So amazing? Really amazing."

Chu Ling clapped her hands, which gave the little girl more confidence.

She spoke even harder.

Chu Ling asked curiously,

"That means your Aunt Liang was also admitted to a famous university back then?"

The little girl nodded:"Yes, the famous universities at that time were not comparable to the famous universities now.""

"At that time, those who could be admitted to a prestigious university were all outstanding."

Chu Ling nodded, indicating that she agreed and supported the girl to continue.


The little girl said:"Aunt Liang seems to have been admitted to the Imperial Capital University of Political Science and Law."

"University of Political Science and Law? All the graduates there are officials."

Chu Yuan asked curiously.

The little girl nodded:"Yes, Aunt Liang graduated there, but……"

"But what?"

"In the end, Aunt Liang did not work in the civil service system"


"I don’t know about this either, only Aunt Liang knows it."

Chu Yuan nodded. Only the person involved knows the important decision in life.

Others can only speculate.

Chu Yuan asked,"Where did she go to work in the end?""

"Education system, become a teacher"

""Being a teacher in the education system?"

Chu Yuan was a little surprised. It was incomprehensible that a famous student from the Political Science and Law University would become a teacher in the education system.

"Is it very confusing?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"It is indeed very confusing. Generally speaking, people will choose to work in the civil service system."

"Yes, this is an ordinary person, but Aunt Liang is not an ordinary person!"

The little girl continued:"However, I got a piece of news, which was also told to me by the elders, saying that Aunt Liang admired a teacher very much."

"Maybe it was because of this reason that he entered the education system to become a teacher."

The first thing Chu Yuan thought of was himself.

This was not Chu Yuan's self-praise, he really had the qualifications.

Not only Chu Yuan thought so, but also Chu Ling and hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room thought so.

Netizens speculated one after another

"This matter may have something to do with Mr. Chu."

"Please remove the words"not good" because it is related to Teacher Chu."

"Indeed, I can't think of any other reason than this."

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