It's the same sentence again.

This is the third time that hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room have heard it.

The first time was from Tang Youlong, the second time was from Qu Liangcai, and the third time was from Zhao Dahu.

Almost every student would say this when they saw Chu Yuan.

Why is that?

Everyone knows it very well.

That is, Chu Yuan really helped those students.

What Chu Yuan taught them has benefited them for life.

It will enable them to be more powerful in their future work and achieve great things.

This is why those students respect Chu Yuan so much.

This also brings up a question that puzzles everyone.

That is, what exactly did Chu Yuan teach them, and what kind of skills are those three major thinking modes that can enable them to transform into dragons and phoenixes among men.

This is what hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room want to know.


At this time, Zhao Dahu looked at his mother.

In fact, Zhao Dahu's mind was full of Chu Yuan just now.

He even forgot to call his mother.

The old lady smiled and said,"Now that you see Teacher Chu, are you happy?"

Zhao Dahu smiled and said,"Happy"

"This is the teacher Chu you miss day and night! You two can have a good chat."

"Mom, how about we go out to eat?"

The old lady said:"Whatever, it depends on Teacher Chu."

Chu Yuan shook his head:"No, we can just eat at home."

"I also want to try your mother's cooking. To be honest, I still like the old taste."

The old lady smiled from ear to ear:"Okay, okay, then I will do it."

"Actually, I also like to eat at home. Food outside is not to my taste."

Then Zhao Dahu ordered:"Buy some food for my mother."

The adjutant behind him nodded:"Yes."

Then he turned and left.

Zhao Dahu took Chu Yuan's hand and sat down

"Teacher Chu, today, we have to reminisce about the past.

Chu Yuan smiled and nodded:"Okay, let's reminisce about the past."

"Can I have some drink?"


"Haha, that's good!"

They both laughed happily.

"Dahu, your mother just showed me some of your photos and some of your honors and achievements.……"

Chu Yuan meant that if you have seen someone's privacy, you should talk about it.

Zhao Dahu smiled and said,"It's okay, it's nothing, just look at it."

"Teacher Chu, who are you? How can I have any privacy from you?"

Then he looked at the photos on the table.

He opened the

"Teacher, I have more. I'll get it for you to see."

Then he walked into the room.

Chu Yuan was stunned, and suddenly he had a premonition.

Zhao Dahu went to get it himself, what could it be? Could it be a military merit that was more shocking than the special merit?

Chu Yuan was shocked, and this feeling came very strongly.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room had this feeling. They opened their mouths wide!

"No way!"

"Could it be that Da Hu really has military merits that are even more powerful than his special merits?"

"Why do I not believe it? Is this true or not?"

They actually have the answer in their hearts, but they just don't want to admit it.

Military merits that are more impressive than special merits are the August 1st Medal, the People's Hero, and the National Medal.

Did he really get one of them?

My God, hundreds of thousands of netizens just felt their scalps tingling!

Chu Ling also glanced at Chu Yuan, with shock in her eyes.

"Grandpa, could it be that Uncle Dahu has a higher level of military merit?"

Chu Yuan shook his head:"I don't know either."

His head was a little dizzy and his mind was a little numb.

Five minutes later,

Zhao Dahu came out and took out a box wrapped in red cloth.

Seeing the red cloth, everyone was shocked.

"Is it really true?"

"My God, this is too horrible!"

Zhao Dahu said as he untied the red cloth.

"This is the greatest honor in my life, so I kept it very secret, even my mom didn’t know."

"Teacher Chu, I'll take it out and show it to you now."

Chu Yuan opened his mouth wide, a little dumbfounded.

The red cloth was wrapped very tightly, and it took a long time to untie it a little.

Zhao Dahu continued:"Teacher Chu just showed the first, second and third class merits!"

"I also won the special merit in the army, but I won this in the navy."

Chu Yuan asked,"You were doing well in the army, why did you go to the navy?"

Zhao Dahu smiled and said,"It was boring to work in the army, so I challenged myself in the navy."

Chu Yuan was puzzled:"It's boring? What's the meaning?"

Zhao Dahu explained,"Because I have broken many records in the army, all of which are the highest records since the establishment of the army."

"Now I am still the holder of the highest record in the army. After decades, no one has been able to break it."

"So I went to the navy to play around."

This made Chu Yuan stunned.

He broke many records in the army? He is the current land record holder, which has not been broken for decades?

My God, what kind of concept is this.

He couldn't help but swear in his heart: Damn, he is simply a pervert, a monster.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also cursed by this Versailles sentence.

A piece of complaints flew in the barrage.

"Damn, Dahu is really Versailles"

"It is indeed outrageous. He is bragging calmly without changing his face or heartbeat."

"It's simply invisible pretense, and the most deadly. Dahu is really a master of pretense, awesome!"

"However, you have to admit that Dahu is really amazing and he is indeed qualified to brag."

"That's right, breaking all the records of the army, is this something that ordinary people can do? He is still the holder of the highest record, which is simply too awesome."

"Anyway, I was impressed by his Versailles. Dahu is not only powerful, but also good at bragging. I am convinced."

Soon, the red cloth was finally opened.

It was wrapped so tightly, it must be something extremely precious.

It was also a red box.

However, this red box was bigger and more beautiful than the usual ones.

There was a picture of Tiananmen Square on it, and it was obviously issued by the state.

Almost everyone's eyes were focused on the box.

Curious about what was inside.

Zhao Dahu slowly opened it and finally saw what was inside.

It was also a medal.

But the words on it were different.

When Chu Yuan and netizens saw the words clearly, they were all shocked.

(PS: Anyone watching? Asking for free flowers)

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