"I'll go out and take a look."

Chu Ling walked towards the door. Before she reached the door, the door was pushed open and a burly middle-aged man hurried in.

The middle-aged man, no, to be precise, was a man in his sixties.

He looked very anxious.

"Teacher Chu, Teacher Chu, where is Teacher Chu?"

This person is Zhao Dahu who rushed back.

He was wearing a military uniform, tall and mighty, exuding a domineering aura.

Just looking at him makes people scared and afraid.

Especially his eyes, big and bright.

It seems to be able to capture people's hearts.

He looked at Chu Ling fiercely:"Where is Teacher Chu?"

Chu Ling took a step back in fear, and then looked into the house reflexively.

Zhao Dahu walked forward quickly, walking like a dragon and a tiger, and came into the house.

At a glance, he saw Chu Yuan

"Teacher Chu."

His voice was choked with sobs and tremors.

Chu Yuan also stared at the burly Zhao Dahu. The current Zhao Dahu was very different from before.

When he left, Zhao Dahu was still a child.

Fifty years have passed in a flash, and Zhao Dahu has changed a lot.

Although you can see a little bit of his childhood in him, if you don't observe carefully, you really can't tell that this person is Zhao Dahu.

Chu Yuan said softly:"Dahu."

Zhao Dahu was excited, and hurried over to hold Chu Yuan's hand.

Chu Yuan could imagine the efforts he had made over the years with those calloused hands.

Without efforts beyond ordinary people, how could he have won so many honors and military merits?

And he was in a high position, all of which were earned by Zhao Dahu with his life.

Zhao Dahu's eyes were blurred with tears. This was the first time in fifty years.

He was an iron-blooded general in the army, and he was always strict and harsh to people.

It was almost difficult to see him show his soft side.

Seeing this scene, the adjutant who followed was stunned.

He thought to himself, who is this old man in front of him?

It's incredible that he can make the iron-blooded general like this.

Teacher Chu? Could he be a teacher?

My God, what kind of teacher can make an admiral treat him like this.

It's unbelievable, subverting his cognition.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were infected by this emotion.

There was a huge sour feeling coming out of the tip of his nose.

He was almost moved to tears.

There were also many netizens with low tear points who shed tears directly

"Woo woo woo"

"It's so touching. I can't bear to see such scenes."

"Seeing Grandpa Chu and Da Hu reminded me of a teacher in my primary school who was really good to me. Unfortunately, he died of cancer a few years ago. I went to see him and cried my eyes out."

"This scene also reminded me of my junior high school teacher, an old teacher with both virtue and talent, who treated me like his own child, tutored me, and cooked for me. After I went to work, he would often call to ask about my situation. I really wanted to go back and see him."

"Seeing that you all have such a good teacher-student relationship, I really envy you. Did you save the planet in your previous life? You can meet such a good teacher. I have never met such a good teacher."

"I haven't met one either. If a teacher is so kind to me, I will repay him with my life. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I will never meet one in my lifetime."

"It was really touching. Even though I am a grown man, I was moved by this scene."

Many netizens also paid different attention.

They saw Zhao Dahu's appearance. They always wanted to see what Zhao Dahu would look like when he grew up. What would he look like as a navy admiral?

Now they finally saw him.

"This is the great general, Zhao Dahu?"

"He looks mighty and domineering. He is really a tiger general."

"No, I think the Tiger Generals are not worthy of his achievements and merits, but a war god, Tiger General"

"I agree with this. Somehow, I feel a sense of submission when I see him, just like the common people in ancient times when they met the emperor."

"Indeed, this person has an air of dominance, which is the result of long-term experience in the battlefield, or even from the experience of a pile of dead bodies."

"Zhao Dahu, I remember this name, I will remember it for the rest of my life."

Chu Ling was also shocked by Zhao Dahu's momentum and couldn't say a word.

She could only watch him, attracted by his domineering momentum. She couldn't look away.

Chu Yuan and Zhao Dahu's eyes never separated.

An 80-year-old man and a 60-year-old man.

Looking at each other like this did not seem ambiguous, but rather showed loyalty and righteousness.

This was a strong teacher-student friendship.

""It's been fifty years, Mr. Chu, a full fifty years."

Zhao Dahu sighed, his tone full of vicissitudes.

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes, fifty years have passed, and your hair has not turned a lot whiter."

"Time is really unforgiving, we are all old in a blink of an eye."

Zhao Dahu asked with concern:"Teacher, are you in good health?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Not bad, pretty strong, I think it's no problem to live another ten years." Zhao Dahu laughed:"Ten years is not enough, at least fifty years."

Chu Yuan laughed:"Fifty years? That would be one hundred and thirty years old, wouldn't I become an old monster?"

Zhao Dahu laughed:"The old monster is also my teacher, Zhao Dahu, you will always be my teacher, Zhao Dahu."

Chu Yuan nodded with satisfaction:"Dahu, your achievements surprise me"

"It also makes me proud. It hasn’t been easy along the way!"

Zhao Dahu said without thinking,"Since I’m in this line of work, I must do it well and never leave any regrets."

"This is a noble profession. It is my honor to serve the country and the people and to protect the border."

"Besides, what profession is not hard? There is no profession in the world that is not hard."

Chu Yuan approved of Zhao Dahu's mentality.

He patted him on the shoulder and praised him,"Well done, doing your job well is better than anything else."

"Dahu, I thought you were something special back then, but now I find that you are much more than I expected."

Zhao Dahu said with a smile,"That's all because of the good teaching of the teacher!"

"If there is no Teacher Chu, I would not be who I am now."

"Everything I have was given by Teacher Chu, and I will be grateful to Teacher Chu for the rest of my life."

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