This is a photo of him receiving a military rank.

Zhao Dahu is shaking hands with a leader with an excited look on his face.

The rank can be clearly seen, which is the rank of major general.

That's right, it is the rank of major general.

It is also the rank of naval lieutenant general.

Chu Yuan was shocked.

He thought Zhao Dahu's rank of colonel was already very impressive.

It was really unexpected, it was really unexpected that he was actually a major general.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were instantly shocked.

"What the hell, what the hell, what the hell!"

"Major General, it’s actually Major General, the rank of Major General?"

"My god, he is not a colonel, but a major general. Horrible!"

"Zhao Dahu is so awesome! I have great respect for him, awesome (thumbs up)!"

"They say he has the demeanor of a great general, and it is true, he is indeed a general. My God, Dahu is really awesome!"

"Not only is he so awesome in the Army, he is still so awesome in the Navy. This is an extremely rare talent."

"Indeed, this is an amphibian! It can do both, being proficient in both land and navy. What a talent!"

"Now that I think about it, Grandpa Chu is so awesome that he can even train a major general. He is truly a god!"

"He is indeed a genius. He not only trained a dean of the Academy of Engineering, but also a provincial governor. Now he has trained a rear admiral. It is incredible."

"Who is he? I am more and more curious about his identity. What kind of person can teach such an awesome student?"

"These are just three of the fifty students. There are still forty-seven more. It is hard to imagine what their backgrounds and achievements will be."

"Ah, if anyone can reveal Grandpa Chu's identity to me, I am willing to pay 10 million. Do you, the majority of netizens, know the answer?"The netizens in the live broadcast room were excited. 10 million, there are really a lot of local tyrants!

Just to reveal the identity of a person, they actually invested 10 million.

That is a fortune that ordinary people cannot earn in their entire lives!

Countless netizens, with different thoughts, were attracted by the 10 million.

Finally, the netizen said:"But you can't lie to me, otherwise, not only will I not give you the money, you will also have to pay me 10 million in compensation."

As soon as these words came out, the netizens were discouraged. They can't afford it.

Without the certainty of the decision, ordinary people really can't afford it.

It seems that rich people are ruthless.

Chu Ling stared at the photo in surprise.

"Major General?"

"Grandpa, is this the rank of major general?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes, it is the rank of major general."

"Da Hu is not simple!"

Chu Ling also nodded:"It is indeed not simple for someone to become a major general."

"Uncle Dahu is really amazing."

The old lady asked in confusion:"What is a major general?"

Chu Yuan explained:"It's a general."

The old lady was surprised:"General?"

"You said my Dahu is a general?"

Chu Yuan:"You don't know?"

The old lady shook her head:"He never told me"

"No way, how could my Dahu be a general? How come I didn't know anything about it."

Chu Yuan was stunned.

Dahu had never told his mother about this?

Logically, telling his mother about such a big thing would be a surprise, wouldn't it?

Chu Yuan was also puzzled as to why he didn't tell her.

After thinking about it seriously, Chu Yuan explained:"Maybe he was afraid that you would worry!"

"The higher you stand, the greater the responsibility you bear!"

The old lady:"Maybe"

"This Da Hu is getting more and more outrageous. He even hid this kind of thing from me."

"When he comes back, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

Chu Yuan smiled. The old lady taught a general a lesson.

This scene was still very interesting.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also looking forward to this scene.

That was a rear admiral!

If he was beaten by his mother during the live broadcast, the scene would probably be very interesting.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens were looking forward to it.

At this time.

Chu Yuan flipped through another photo.

This time, he was completely upset.

Because Zhao Dahu in the photo was wearing the clothes of a lieutenant general.

"How could this happen, Lieutenant General?"

"Da Hu is not a major general, but a lieutenant general?"

"Oh my god, this is so shocking, oh my god."

Chu Yuan was so shocked that he almost stood up.

The live broadcast room exploded again.

Rows of"wow" were fired like mortars.

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked.

"Lieutenant General? He is actually a Lieutenant General?"

"It's so terrifying, it's shocking!"

Chu Yuan looked at the photos at the back and couldn't wait to open them.

After a closer look, he was shocked again.


This time it was actually an admiral, my god, it was so horrifying that I couldn't describe it.

It was simply shocking to the extreme.

"He is not a major general, not a lieutenant general, but a general?"

"Holy shit, I was completely stunned and my scalp was numbing from the shock of this scene!"

"How is this possible! Admiral, what is that concept? I can't imagine it. I'm dumbfounded."

Hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room felt their scalps go numb! They were completely shocked by Zhao Dahu.

Chu Yuan was also surprised.

It's not that this position is awesome in his eyes.

But, he was really surprised that his student could reach this level.

A student who came out of a small rural place could reach this level.

There are only a few people who can do this. This is simply a myth and a miracle.

Because that is an admiral, almost standing at the top of the army.

It can be said that the admiral is more awesome than the provincial governor!

After a long time.

Chu Yuan finally came to his senses.

His student is really not simple.

No, to be precise, all of his students are not simple.

Although, he has only met three students now.

These three students have achieved such great achievements.

He has a vague feeling.

The other forty-seven classmates are not simple.

He is looking forward to meeting them.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

The live broadcast room fell into silence strangely.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens didn't speak.

Chu Ling looked at Grandpa:"Grandpa, is this true?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"It should be correct"

""To my surprise, this big tiger is very surprising."

Just then, the sound of a car was heard outside the door.

Chu Yuan and others looked over.

"Could it be that Da Hu is back?"

The eyes of hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room suddenly brightened.

They really wanted to see this legendary admiral - Zhao Da Hu.

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