It is normal for netizens to speculate like this.

It is really difficult to get special merit, and there are very few special merits while alive.

Generally speaking, the third-class merit is received while standing, the second-class merit is received while lying down, and the first-class merit is received by family members.

Simply put, you may be awarded the first-class merit only if you do something that is risking your life for the sake of the people and the country.

Because it is a life-threatening thing, most people can only be awarded posthumously. It is very rare to be a living first-class merit. To be a first-class meritor, you have to be prepared to sacrifice your life, so what kind of existence is it for a hero to receive a special merit?

This inevitably reminds people that Zhao Dahu has already...

Of course, some netizens have expressed doubts.


"Before coming here, Grandpa Chu had called Zhao Dahu, so there was no way he would be sacrificed."

"That's right, it's absolutely impossible that he was sacrificed, Zhao Dahu must still be alive."

The netizen once again used his imagination to the fullest

"If there is no sacrifice, is there a possibility that he will be paralyzed, seriously injured and paralyzed in battle again?"

"How else can we explain his current family situation? How could he live like this when he has such a terrifying military background?"

This statement was very convincing.

It silenced countless netizens, who felt that this speculation was really possible.

"No way, could it be that Dahu really became paralyzed after making great contributions to the country?"

Countless netizens felt sad, their noses were sore, and they felt very uncomfortable.

This situation was really a bit unacceptable to them.

After reading Zhao Dahu's first half of his life, everyone admired Zhao Dahu.

He was a hero, a real soldier, and a tiger general.

Such a person should use his abilities to serve the motherland.

How could he lie in bed? It was really a pity. It was really unacceptable.

At this time.

Chu Yuan finally couldn't help asking Zhao Dahu about his specific situation.

His sense of uneasiness was even stronger.

"Da Hu's mother, how is Da Hu now?"

He stared at Da Hu's mother's eyes.

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room also stared at the old lady's eyes.

The old lady glanced at Chu Yuan

"It's good, he is a navy now."

Chu Yuan was stunned:"Navy?"

So Zhao Dahu is fine?

Since Dahu's mother has said that Zhao Dahu works in the navy.

Then the worst thing didn't happen.

Chu Yuan let out a long breath.

The sword hanging in his heart has finally fallen.

""It's good that you're okay."

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the previous speculations were not true.

This is the best. No one wants a hero like Zhao Dahu to meet with an unexpected disaster.

"Working in the Navy?"

"It seems that Zhao Dahu finally went to work in the navy"

"Those military achievements just now seemed to be from the Army!"

"How did he get transferred to the Navy? It's really strange, does anyone know why?"

"This is really strange. Logically, shouldn't such a talented person have been working in the Army? How could he easily go to the Navy?"

"How can a soldier who has won so many merits be an ordinary person? He must be a colonel at least! How could he suddenly be transferred to the navy? It is indeed a bit puzzling."

Someone replied:"Is Zhao Dahu a civilian?"

The following netizens immediately rejected it

"Impossible, this kind of person is only suitable to be a general, how can he be a civilian?"

"That's right, if you say he is a general I will believe it, but if you say he is a civilian official, I will never believe it even if you kill me."

This time all the netizens were confused again.

Chu Yuan asked again:"Da Hu's mother, Da Hu is working in the navy now!"

The old lady nodded:"Yes, he has been working in the navy for many years."

"These are all his old photos."

She looked at Chu Yuan:"Teacher Chu, do you want to see the photos he took when he was working in the navy?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Okay, let me see."

This was indeed unexpected.

I thought these were all Zhao Dahu's military life.

I didn't expect there were photos from the navy period.

Netizens were also looking forward to it.


The old lady took out another album.

This one was newer than the previous one, and it seemed to have a shorter history than the previous one.

"This is a photo of Dahu when he was in the navy"

"It was also given to me by Dahu. He was afraid that I would be lonely, so he took it for me. When I miss him, I can take it out and look at it."

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Dahu is a very filial child."

The old lady smiled and said,"Dahu is indeed a very filial child."

"I'm just too busy at work and I don't have time to spend with me."

"However, as long as he works hard, it doesn't matter whether he accompanies me or not, as long as he can't delay work."

The old lady's words showed that she was very sensible.

The old lady turned to the first page.

It was a photo of Zhao Dahu wearing a navy uniform, looking heroic.

Just standing there, he had the demeanor of a general.

Looking carefully at his shoulder,

Chu Yuan was stunned:"Colonel?"

He was actually a navy colonel?

This surprised Chu Yuan a little.

But thinking about it carefully, it was normal for him to be a colonel for these military achievements.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked at first.

But after thinking about it, it was indeed reasonable.

He had won first to third class merits, and also special merits. It was not too much for a colonel to be a colonel.

"Dahu is so awesome, he is actually a naval colonel, this is not a low rank!"

"That's right, above the colonel is the major general, and above that is the lieutenant general, admiral, and general."

"As expected of Da Hu, he is really awesome. I think this person is extraordinary. I never thought he would become a major."

"He came from a small village, and it is not easy for him to achieve such success. I can only use two words to describe him: awesome!"

"Hahaha, I don't know why, but I wasn't shocked to see him become a colonel. Instead, I thought it was normal."

"Me too, there's nothing I can do. I thought all those military merits I gained before were for nothing!"

"The key point is that he jumped from the army to the navy and still achieved such success. It's really amazing."

"None of this matters, as long as Dahu is healthy. I don't want to see Dahu injured or disabled. If that happens, it would be a waste of talent."

"Indeed, I am very happy to see Da Hu in good health. Let's see what kind of storm he can stir up in the navy. I think this guy is a restless person."

"Yes, I am looking forward to it too."

Chu Yuan turned to the second photo and was stunned again.

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