"Special Peace Medal of Honor?"

"Or special grade?……"

Chu Yuan was stunned, and so was Chu Ling.

Even the hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

They all knew about the Peace Medal of Honor, but this Special Peace Medal of Honor was the first time they had heard of it.

How did they get it? Could it be that one could only get it if one's contribution was greater than the Peace Medal of Honor?

Only this explanation made sense.

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

"I surpass, I surpass, I surpass!"

"Awesome! Da Hu is so awesome?"

"I was awarded the United Nations Peace Medal of Honor, and it’s a special grade. Oh my god, that’s amazing."

"It is really amazing. I admire Da Hu so much. He is so awesome."

"How on earth did he do it? Not only did he receive the third-class merit, second-class merit, first-class merit, but also the special merit, and now he has the United Nations Special Medal of Honor. Is this something a human can do?"

"I seriously suspect that Zhao Dahu is not a human being, but an alien, because this is simply not something a human can accomplish."

"I agree. Almost all the honors were taken by him. It's outrageous. It's outrageous."

"From then on, Zhao Dahu was my idol, the god in my mind, and I worshipped him so much."

The hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were indeed shocked beyond words by this scene.

Zhao Dahu's record was really too terrifying.

Chu Yuan was also shocked by this medal.

He looked at Zhao Dahu:"Dahu, when did you get this?"

Zhao Dahu smiled and said:"Ten years ago"

""Ten years ago?"

Chu Yuan was surprised. It was ten years ago.

Zhao Dahu explained:"Back then, as a naval colonel, I was sent out for peacekeeping. I annihilated three thousand pirates in the Somalia Strait and rescued more than five hundred people from various countries.……"

Chu Yuan was surprised:"Destroyed 3,000 Somali pirates? Saved more than 500 people from various countries?"

Zhao Dahu nodded:"Yes, I became famous in that battle."

"The entire Somali pirates are terrified when they hear my name. Many merchant ships passing through there hang my portrait, and the Somali pirates dare not approach."

When this was said, hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked and crazy.

"Oh shit, am I listening to a myth?"

"We wiped out three thousand Somali pirates, saved five hundred people from various countries, and even hung up his portrait to ward off evil?"

"Oh my god, isn't this Zhuge Liang from the Three Kingdoms? This is too awesome!"

"It's really awesome. Zhao Dahu is simply a god of war."

"Yes, this is the real God of War, a myth"

"In my eyes, Da Hu is now a god, my idol. My admiration for him is like a torrent of water.……"

Chu Yuan stared at him in amazement

"Dahu, you really surprised me."

"I didn't expect you to have grown to this point after not seeing you for so many years."

"Dahu, you are the teacher's pride! It is my honor to train a student like you."

Zhao Dahu was shocked when he heard this.

"Teacher Chu, you can't say that."

"If you hadn't taught me how to think beyond the heavens, how could I be where I am today?"

"If it weren't for you, me, and those 49 classmates, we would probably still be farming in that remote little village."

"Because we know very well that we are just ordinary people. Without what you taught us, we would not be able to get into college, and we would not be able to surpass ordinary people, or even some extremely outstanding people, and achieve today's career."

"I and 49 other students are grateful to you. You are our lifelong mentor. Everything we have is from you."

"Teacher Chu, everything I said is from the bottom of my heart."

Silence, silence.

After Zhao Dahu finished speaking, the scene became extremely quiet.

Even the hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room, the barrage became extremely quiet. No one spoke.

Silence, as if there was no one.

Everyone was feeling complicated at this time.

It was extremely complicated.

I don't know how long it has been.

Finally someone in the live broadcast room spoke.

"My God, who is Grandpa Chu?"

"Yes, what knowledge did Grandpa Chu teach them that allowed a group of ordinary people to reach this level?"

"This is a complete transformation. What knowledge did he teach me? I really want to know"

"Yes, I also want to know what the three major thinking patterns taught by Grandpa Chu are. They can make a person undergo such a change, and be reborn. It is so magical that it is simply a magic."

"It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a magical technique. Science cannot explain it at all. Even cloning technology cannot reach this level."

"Grandpa Chu is truly a god. Until now, I have discovered that the most powerful person is not Tang Youlong, not Qu Liangcai, not Zhao Dahu, but this old man in front of me, Grandpa Chu."

"That's right, I agree with this. Grandpa Chu is unfathomable. If you say he is an immortal, I believe it."

"No one can do this except immortals. I really want to find out the identity of Grandpa Chu and what knowledge he taught those students."

"I want to know too."

At this time, the live broadcast room has grown to 50 people watching.

500,000 people are watching at the same time, including some real big shots.

Because Chu Yuan became popular, his affairs were known to the whole network, and they were curious about Chu Yuan's identity. They were even more curious about the achievements of his students, and they all came to the live broadcast room to take a look.

Even Da Ma Ge, Da Ma Ge, Xiao Li Zi, Xiao Huang Huang, and other big shots came in to take a look.

Because Chu Yuan is too mysterious, he will naturally attract a lot of attention.

They saw what Zhao Da Hu said just now.

They were all shocked.

Da Ma Ge stood up

"So magical?"

"Can just one set of thinking transform fifty mediocre people into outstanding individuals?"

"Incredible, absolutely incredible"

"Who is this Chu Yuan? I am really curious."

He stared at Chu Yuan in front of the video.

He seemed to want to see through everything.

"Someone, check this person for me."


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