Netizens couldn't wait any longer.

They urged Chu Yuan to call him immediately.

They really wanted to know what the background of this classmate was.

Would he be as awesome as Tang Youlong?

If you think about it carefully, there aren't many such awesome people in the entire Dragon Country!

It shouldn't be possible!

Some netizens began to search for this name.

Qu Liangcai.

I did find some information.

But I can't be sure if he is Chu Yuan's student.

Some attentive netizens also began to check the registered residences of many Qu Liangcais.

In the end, they found that none of them came from that remote little village.

So, this Qu Liangcai might be a mediocre person.

After all, no news about him was found after such a search.

Of course.

Some people also wondered if he might have hidden his identity like Tang Youlong.

This possibility also exists, but it is very small.

It's impossible for everyone to hide their identities!

They can't all be top scientists doing secret work! How can there be such a coincidence.

Many netizens began to speculate on the identity of Qu Liangcai.

"I guess Qu Liangcai is just an ordinary person, living an ordinary life."

"I guess he might be an entrepreneur, worth tens to 100 million."

"Entrepreneurs of that era probably have at least hundreds of millions by now!"

"It’s possible that he is a middle-level manager of a state-owned enterprise!"

"It is also possible that he became a landlord by relying on real estate."

In short, there are many different opinions.

Almost no one thinks that Qu Liangcai can reach the level of Tang Youlong.

Tang Youlong's level is completely the top existence in Longguo.

It is too rare.

It is impossible that all fifty students of Chu Yuan are so awesome!

They never believe it.

In the video,

Chu Yuan picked up the phone and called Qu Liangcai.

"Hello, is this Liangcai?" an excited voice came from the other end.

"Is that Teacher Chu?"

"Yes, I am Chu Yuan"

"Teacher Chu, Youlong just called me and told me that you are back. I really don't believe it. After all, it has been fifty years, half a century. I thought I would never see you again in my life."

"Yes, fifty years, it's been a really long time."

"Teacher, where are you? I'll pick you up."

"No need, Youlong told you, I will go find you in person"

"Having said that, I was a little surprised. I didn’t expect that Teacher Chu would do live streaming and he’s even younger than us!"

"Hahahaha...always keep a learning attitude, otherwise you will be eliminated by society!"

"What the teacher teaches is right, and the students remember it"

"Okay, tell me the address and I'll be there right away"

"OK, the address is No. 001, Jianghe Street, Beifeng City. By the way, teacher, you go first, I will have someone receive you. I have something else to do here, I will come over right after I finish it."

""Okay, okay, you go ahead and do your work. It's okay."

That's it.

Chu Yuan contacted his second classmate, Qu Liangcai.

"Then we will set off now."

Chu Yuan took Chu Ling to the address.

Careful netizens began to be curious about this location.

"Beifeng City, Jianghe Street 001? This is the capital city of Dong Province, Jianghu Street 001?"

"Why can't I find this place? Damn it, it's not on the map."

"No way, it's not on the map? I looked, and damn, it's not there, what's going on? Can someone explain?"

"How is this possible? It can't be on the map. Let me check it out."

There are some talented people among the netizens.

There are real computer experts.

They found it quickly.

"It turns out there is a military base nearby, no wonder we couldn’t find it."

Netizens were surprised

"What? Military base? He doesn't work in the military, does he?"

The computer expert said,"I don't know, but I don't think so."

"Military personnel are not allowed to live stream casually. He can't let Grandpa Chu live stream at the military base."

Netizens nodded one after another

"That's right. Since Dean Tang called Qu Liangcai, it means that Qu Liangcai also knew that Grandpa Chu had the live broadcast equipment."

"If that were the case, Qu Liangcai would never have put the address there."

"Yes, that's a very accurate analysis."

"That is to say, we still can't guess what Qu Liangcai does."

"If you can't guess it, then don't guess it! Anyway, it will be revealed soon."

Shenzhen is a certain distance away from Dongfeng City.

You need to take a plane to get there.

The two were on their way to the airport.

On the other side,

Qu Liangcai was attending a meeting in a provincial capital in the northeast.

After the meeting, Qu Liangcai asked the secretary beside him

"How many meetings do you have today?"

"Secretary Qu, there are five more"

"Five? Move all tomorrow's meetings to today. I want to finish them all in one day."

The secretary was shocked.

"Secretary Qu, can you handle such intensive meetings?"

Qu Liangcai said,"It's okay, let's arrange it!"

The secretary could only nod helplessly,"Okay."

Qu Liangcai stood in front of the huge French window.

Standing with his hands behind his back, he overlooked the entire city.

The beautiful scenery was in full view.

He exuded an aura.

That was the aura formed by being in a high position for many years.

The aura of a superior.

Because he was the highest leader of the East Province, a frontier official - Qu Congzheng.

The reason why he was called Qu Congzheng was because he changed his name before he entered politics.

From that time on, he was determined to go into politics.

Politics is just a big career.

Decades have passed.

He has also achieved his life goal.

He has reached a height that ordinary people cannot reach.

He became a frontier official of Longguo.

"Teacher Chu"

"I can't believe it's been fifty years. We haven't seen each other for fifty years."

""Half a century has passed. It's been a long time. I'm old now."

Qu Congzheng muttered to himself as he stood in front of the French window. He recalled the past. It was as if it had just happened.

"Teacher Chu, what you taught me back then was really helpful to me."

"Fifty years have passed, and I have used the things you taught me to walk from a small village to where I am today."

"This can be said to be a complete miracle and an impossible thing to accomplish in the eyes of outsiders."

"But it happened to me. You have contributed the most to all this. I will be grateful to you forever."

"Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am now."

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