Those netizens who always believed in Chu Yuan also stood up and spoke for Chu Yuan.

"Humph, don't be happy too soon, it's just a villain's success."

"We'll know when Han Dong comes back. It's too early to draw a conclusion now."

"I always feel that Mr. Chu is not simple. His three major thinking patterns have proved that"

"I think so too. Those few big students are not accidental, but inevitable."

"Now it's the fifth student. The fifth one hasn't appeared yet. It's a bit too early to draw a conclusion now."

"Everything will be decided after Han Donglai comes back. The future is uncertain, and anyone could be the dark horse!"

There was a lot of support from the following netizens. They all believed in Chu Yuan and admired Chu Yuan.

"Yeah, I think so too."

"Let the bullets fly for a while! Then he will be embarrassed."

"Let's hope he gets slapped in the face."


Netizens' voices.

Chu Yuan was of course unaware of this.

Qingwa and Daqiang invited Chu Yuan into a small room.

The three-story building was���Nothing special.

There are just a lot of rice.

There are also some bottles and jars.

These things attracted Chu Yuan's attention.

"What are these things?"

Daqiang laughed and said,"These are the guys we eat with."

Chu Yuan was stunned:"Guys who eat with? What do you mean?""

"It's a research instrument."

Hearing this, Chu Yuan was completely stunned.

Research instrument? Oh my god.

What's going on?

Not only Chu Yuan, but also Chu Ling was stunned.

There were also hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room who were also stunned.

Then one by one they were surprised.

"Oh my god, research equipment? What's going on?"

"Why would a farmer want to study instruments? I'm a little confused."

"Wait, this is not a joke! Uncle Daqiang is quite humorous."

"It should be like this, how can a farmer do research? It's obviously a joke, just a humor."

Those netizens who had previously denied Chu Yuan were also shocked, staring at their phone screens.

"Oh my god, don't joke with me, it will scare people to death"

"This must be a joke, right? Daqiang must be joking."

"That's right, you are definitely kidding, there is no research at all."

Chu Yuan was surprised.

He walked over and saw the instruments that looked like those in a chemical laboratory.

There were some rice seeds in the long bottle.

An idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Researcher? Or crop researcher?"

"Could it be that Han Donglai is an agricultural researcher?"

"This... is impossible!"

Even Chu Yuan didn't believe it, thinking that Daqiang was joking with him.

Daqiang came over and introduced with a smile:"This is Donglai's laboratory."

Chu Yuan looked at him and said hesitantly:"You are not kidding me!"

Daqiang's expression became serious.

He also looked at Chu Yuan with some doubts.

"This... Teacher Chu, you don't know what Donglai's occupation is?"

Chu Yuan shook his head:"I really don't know, he didn't tell me."

Daqiang was very confused. As a teacher, he didn't even know his student's occupation.

And Donglai was also fooling around. He didn't even tell the teacher what he did.

This made Daqiang a little confused.

Frog on the side also came over and looked at Daqiang.

They all saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

Chu Ling opened her mouth in surprise. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Her face was full of disbelief. From the eyes of Daqiang and Frog, she didn't see any joking.

Doesn't that mean that Han Donglai is indeed a researcher?

And not an ordinary farming uncle?

This... Chu Ling was confused.

All the netizens in the live broadcast room were confused.

Especially the group of netizens who just questioned Chu Yuan, they were all dumbfounded.

"How can it be!"

"No way!"

"This is so outrageous!"

The netizens who hosted Chu Yuan were all excited.

"I said Han Donglai is not a simple man, he must not be a farmer"

"How could he be a farmer? He is Mr. Chu’s student. If he is really an ordinary farmer, would he be worthy of Mr. Chu?"

"That's true. The first four students are so awesome, but the fifth one is just a farmer? It's totally illogical."

"I don't know what Han Donglai does specifically, but he is definitely not a farmer who can farm. I am looking forward to his identity being revealed."

"I am looking forward to it too."

Those who questioned Chu Yuan were still stubborn.

"Humph, even if he is a researcher, so what! He is still at the bottom"

"He is far inferior to Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng and others. Han Donglai cannot reach that level. This also shows that Mr. Chu is not a god or an alien."

"Yes, our view is still correct."


Back to the hut.

Chu Ling came back to her senses.

She asked tentatively:"Uncle Donglai is an agricultural researcher?"

Daqiang nodded:"Yes, we are all agricultural researchers, specializing in rice and other crops."

Chu Ling opened her mouth wide, it was true.

Han Donglai is really not a farmer, but a researcher, and an agricultural researcher.

No wonder he lives in such a remote village.

So this is the reason, it is more convenient to do research this way.

Chu Ling was stunned.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned

"As expected"

"Han Donglai is probably not simple either"

"Why does this scene feel familiar? It's just like Zhao Dahu."

"That's right, at first I thought Zhao Dahu was just an ordinary person because he lived in a remote place. Later I found out that he was an admiral and that place was just where his mother lived."

"Sometimes, you really can't judge a person by his appearance, and you can't judge a person by his conditions. It's easy to make a mistake."

"You are right. We misjudged Zhao Dahu last time. Now that Han Dong has come this time, what level of boss do you think he will be?"

"I really can't guess this. There don't seem to be many agricultural masters in Longguo, except Grandpa Yuan, but unfortunately he is gone."

"Since we don't know, let's wait for him to reveal it slowly!"

Chu Yuan also reacted.

He was moved and happy for this.

He said that Han Donglai would not be so simple.

This kid looks ordinary, but if he really gets smart, it must be earth-shattering. He is looking forward to the surprise that Han Donglai will give him this time.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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