The middle-aged man introduced himself.

Chu Ling couldn't help laughing.


"The indestructible cockroach, so funny."

Chu Yuan gave her a serious look.

Chu Ling was so scared that she quickly shut up and lowered her head and stopped talking.

Chu Yuan apologized,"I'm sorry, this girl is too naughty and needs discipline."

The middle-aged man smiled and said,"It's nothing. It's normal for little girls to be naughty. My girl is even more naughty and often gets violent with me!"

Chu Yuan:"Is it okay like this?"

Daqiang smiled and said,"It's all because of her."

Then, he stopped talking nonsense on this topic.

Passing through the alley, there are endless fields and rice in front.

Chu Yuan asked,"When will Donglai come back?"

Daqiang:"He is on his way back from"Sanliuqi". He asked me to entertain you well, saying that you are his mentor."

"It seems to be an elementary school teacher!"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes, an elementary school teacher. It has been fifty years since they graduated."

Daqiang was surprised:"As expected, fifty years have passed. Daqiang is really loyal and righteous."

"However, as far as I know, Daqiang is full of praise for you!"

Chu Yuan looked at him curiously:"What did he say about me?"

Just as Daqiang was about to speak, a man walked out of the field. He was covered in mud and wearing a straw hat. He looked like a farmer.

"Daqiang, is this Mr. Chu?"

Daqiang nodded:"Yes, Donglai's elementary school teacher."

The man smiled and wanted to shake hands with Mr. Chu, but found that his hands were covered with mud. He wiped it on his body and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Chu Yuan.

"Hello, Teacher Chu.

Chu Yuan didn't mind and grabbed the man's hand.

"Hello, hello."

The man saw Chu Yuan was so casual and didn't put on airs.

He looked at Daqiang. His eyes were full of recognition.

The man said,"Teacher Chu, you can call me Frog."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Chu Ling couldn't help laughing again.

"Frogs are out, so grasshoppers will come out next?"

Chu Yuan frowned and glared at Chu Ling.

Chu Ling stuck out her tongue and turned her head away.

Chu Yuan felt embarrassed:"Too naughty."

The frog smiled and said,"It's okay, Daqiang's family is more naughty."

He glanced at Daqiang, who nodded.

"Yes, my house is about to be blown off the roof"


Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room saw this.

They were all amused by this heartwarming scene.

"I have to say, these two farmers are quite interesting."

"Indeed, I feel that they have high emotional intelligence and are enthusiastic."

"Yes, I can also feel that kind of enthusiasm, which makes people feel comfortable. My grandfather in my hometown is also like this, very simple and honest, without any ulterior motives."

"These two uncles are really nice. Uncle Donglai must be good too. He must be someone who is easy to get along with."

"Birds of a feather flock together. These two uncles are so warm and honest. Uncle Donglai must be no worse."

"Right, I'm looking forward to Uncle Donglai's appearance. Although he is not as successful as those big guys like Tang Youlong and Qu Congzheng, everyone has different pursuits, and it's good to be ordinary."

"I agree with the above netizens, a simple life is the real life, as the saying goes, it is lonely at the top, those who stand at the top of the pyramid actually have a very tiring life."

"I admit this. The higher you go, the more tired you are. You have to be cautious and afraid of making mistakes. If you make a mistake, it will be a disaster. You can't even sleep well!"

Many netizens in the live broadcast room like this kind of plain life.

They think it's good like this. There is no intrigue.

As for people like Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, and Zhao Dahu, how many people can do it?

They are also very tired at the top. Most people say they understand Donglai's life.

Of course.

Some people understand, and some don't.

As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in a big forest.

The group of people who previously judged that Chu Yuan was not that powerful stood up one after another. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They denied the power of Chu Yuan's three major thinking modes.

They denied Chu Yuan's awesomeness and denied that Chu Yuan was an alien.....

In their opinion, the previous few amazing students were just accidental and probabilistic events.

It doesn't mean that every student of Chu Yuan is so amazing.

This is impossible.

So they stood up to prove their point.

Prove their awesomeness and prove that their previous judgment was correct.

"I said, there are no aliens in this world, it's just nonsense."

"The fact that Mr. Chu could teach those awesome students was just a coincidence. Coincidence is not that magical. It's ridiculous. Do you really think Chu Yuan is a god or an alien?"

"Damn, there are still many people who think that Mr. Chu is from outer space, an alien, which is ridiculous and ignorant."

"Now believe my previous judgment! Those who criticized me before, please stand up and let me slap you in the face just like you criticized me just now."

"Why don't you come out? Don't you have the guts to stand up? Are you still a man? You are such a coward, you are still a little immature to argue with me."

That netizen was very arrogant in the live broadcast room.

He vented all his previous anger, as if this was the only way to make him feel comfortable.

This made him feel very happy, and he also felt very happy.

Seeing that no one was talking, the netizen felt even happier, and it was so cool.

He felt a great sense of accomplishment, as if he was above 5.6 and everything else.

It was so cool.

After this netizen's analysis, he convinced many netizens, and they all praised this netizen's awesomeness.[]

"Well said, wonderfully said."

"That's it, don't be blinded."

"I suddenly had a feeling, damn, this can’t be a marketing trick!"

"First they create gods, then they cut leeks. This kind of thing is not uncommon. There are many things happening around me."

"However, this method is quite clever, and only high-level players can afford it."

"Hahaha… I suddenly realized that I am really smart. I was able to see through such a high-level game. I am really a talent.

Many netizens were so excited. They made a lot of nonsense in the live broadcast room.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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