Chapter 83 Can you teach me the three major thinking patterns? Then I can also change my fate.

"Ahhh, sorry, sorry"

"I, I, I, I...I really can't control it"

"Sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for you. Woo woo woo~"

"I don't want your toll, I'm sorry, really."

The beautiful driver was about to cry.

She felt really guilty for making mistakes continuously.

But she didn't want to!

Who made the things she encountered today so outrageous~.

Chu Yuan's face was also a little ugly.

He forgave her before, but how could this happen again!

This has seriously affected his personal safety. Could this beautiful driver be a novice? She drives so hard.

No, to be precise, she can't drive.

Chu Ling was so angry that she yelled at the beautiful driver:"How do you drive, are you going to murder us?"

"Stop the car. I want you to stop the car right now. We need to get off."

"We don't feel safe in your car, and you might kill us."

This time Chu Ling was really angry.

Her face turned purple.

The beautiful driver wanted to cry but had no tears.

She quickly explained:"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean it."

"I really don't want your money for the trip. I'll leave after I drop you off at your destination."

"This is my compensation to you."

The beautiful driver cried and blamed herself, not pretending.

Chu Yuan could see it at a glance.

He shook his head and sighed: What happened today? Why is it so unlucky?

"Forget it, let’s just leave it at that!"

"Drive slower."

The beautiful driver nodded quickly:"Okay, okay."

She immediately reduced the speed to the lowest, only 40 mph. Then the beautiful driver continued to explain:

"Old man, let me explain. It was mainly because I suddenly recognized your identity that I was startled and my hands were unsteady. I really didn't mean it."

Chu Yuan was curious:"Do you know him?"

The beautiful driver said:"Yes, are you the old Chu who has been popular on the Internet recently? The old Chu who taught fifty students to enter university?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes."

The beautiful driver was surprised:"It's you."

"Oh my god, you are so popular on the Internet. I didn’t recognize you at first."

"I can hardly believe that I can meet such a big celebrity in real life."

"I'm so excited. I didn't expect to scare you two. I'm really sorry."

"Actually, I am also a fan of Mr. Chu, but I am busy with work and have no time to watch Mr. Chu's live broadcast."

Chu Yuan smiled and nodded:"It's okay, everyone is busy with their livelihoods, how can they have so much time to pay attention to such things, the most important thing is to live a good life."

The beautiful driver was excited.

Curiously asked:"Mr. Chu, can I ask what the three major thinking modes are?" The netizens in the live broadcast room also stared at the screen, fearing that they would miss the most critical moment.

Chu Yuan thought for a while and said:"Actually, this is not a secret. It is a thinking mode, which is a way to solve problems."

"If I want to explain it in detail, it will take at least ten days or half a month to finish."

The beautiful driver hurriedly said,"Can Mr. Chu give me some pointers so that I can also open my mind?""

"You can use the three major thinking modes to teach the dean of the Academy of Engineering, the provincial governor, the admiral, and the president of Qinghua University. I only need to learn a little bit of it, and it is not necessary to drive a taxi here."

Chu Yuan shook his head and smiled:"How can it be that simple, little girl, you think too simply, this thing is not so easy to learn."

The beautiful driver was stunned:"Do you think it is simple?"

I thought to myself: Could it be that Mr. Chu is unwilling to teach me!

I am about to continue asking.

Just then, we arrived at Lijia Village.

The beautiful driver looked helpless.

Thinking in her heart: If the three major thinking modes are so easy to learn, I am afraid it will not be my turn. After thinking about it, it made sense, so she stopped asking questions.

""Mr. Chu, we're here."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Thank you."

Then he and Chu Ling got out of the car.

The beautiful driver asked:"Mr. Chu, are you here to look for the fifth student?"

"In this village?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Chu Yuan nodded and said,"Yes." Chu

Ling, who was standing by, looked at the beautiful driver angrily.

Obviously, she was very unhappy with the beautiful driver.

"There is nothing for you to do here, go back!"

The beautiful driver felt the girl's displeasure and cold face. She left tactfully. After all, she had scared the two of them just now.

She almost sent them to death. It was reasonable for them to dislike her.

Why should they teach me, and why should they welcome me!

The beautiful driver shook her head and turned to leave.


Chu Yuan looked up at Lijia Village.

It was a very ordinary farming village with a lot of farmland nearby.

It was probably a small village mainly producing rice. There was an old man and a child at the entrance of the village. There were relatively few young people, all of whom went out to work.

Chu Yuan murmured,"Is Donglai living here?"

Chu Ling was also curious:"Grandpa, why did Uncle Donglai come here instead of going back to his hometown?"

Chu Yuan's students all came from the same place.

That was a small desert village in the northwest, thousands of kilometers away from here.[]

As the saying goes, fallen leaves return to their roots. If you are not doing well, why don't you go home? Why do you have to come to such a small village?

Is it just because this is suitable for retirement and the scenery is beautiful?

This is a bit illogical.

Chu Ling also looked confused.

"I don't know this either."

"Let's meet him first!"

Chu Yuan called Dong Lai.

""Beep, beep, beep~"

The call is connected

"Donglai, I'm here"

"OK, teacher, please wait for me for a moment. I will ask you to pick up the phone.��"


A few minutes later, a middle-aged man came out of the village.

He was about 40 or 50 years old.

He quickly came to Chu Yuan with a big smile on his face.

He looked at Chu Yuan and asked,

"You, are you Mr. Chu?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"I am"

"Hello, Mr. Chu. Hello, I am Donglai, who asked me to come and greet you. This way, please"


The three of them walked towards a small alley.

The middle-aged man led the way.

He looked like a farmer, with a tanned skin.

But he spoke in a very polite manner.

Then the middle-aged man introduced himself.

"Mr. Chu, you can call me Daqiang or Xiaoqiangwang"

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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