Daqiang suddenly had an idea.

He said,"Mr. Chu, let me introduce you to some of our research results!"

Chu Yuan was also very curious about this, so he nodded.

"Okay, I'm curious about this too."

"I also want to see how Donglai's research is going."

Daqiang and Qingwa took Chu Yuan and Chu Ling to the fields.

Daqiang pointed at the rice fields and introduced:"We have been studying rice in the countryside for many years."

"I have a lot of insights into rice research, especially hybrid rice.……"

Chu Yuan was surprised:"Hybrid rice? In the hybrid rice world of Long Country, I only know Yuan Longping."

Daqiang nodded and laughed:"Academician Yuan? Hehehe... Who in Long Country doesn't know him?"

Chu Yuan also nodded:"That's true, Yuan Longping's name is famous throughout Long Country, and even the whole world. He is known as the father of hybrid rice." Daqiang nodded:

"Yes, the world only knows Academician Yuan, but doesn't know the agricultural researcher who works hard in the countryside."

The frog next to him also nodded, with a bitter taste in his tone.

"Yes, Academician Yuan’s brilliance overshadows the brilliance of all agricultural experts. People only know him, and the others... Alas."

His tone was full of helplessness.

Chu Yuan could naturally hear this taste. Some things are indeed like this.

Everyone only knows the first place, and as for the second place, no one cares!

Not to mention the ones behind, no one knows about them.

All kinds of international competitions are like this.

Daqiang continued:"In fact, Academician Yuan often came here when he was alive, and we still have his room here."

Chu Yuan was surprised:"Oh? There is such a thing?"

Daqiang nodded:"Yes, maybe everyone doesn't know, Donglai is Academician Yuan's apprentice, to be precise, Academician Yuan's last disciple."

When these words came out, Chu Yuan and Chu Ling were both shocked.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

"What? What did he say?"

"It turns out that Han Donglai is Grandpa Yuan’s apprentice, and even his last disciple?"

"Oh my god, this... This is the first time I've heard of such a thing?"

"Awesome! Han Dong seems to be really not simple. How can he be an ordinary person to become Grandpa Yuan’s last disciple?"

"Damn, Han Donglai is awesome. His achievements must be great. Maybe he is very talented in agronomy. Otherwise, how could he become Grandpa Yuan's last disciple?"

"That's right, Han Donglai must have his own strengths. I look forward to revealing the secrets."The netizens who supported Chu Yuan were shocked.

They were all happy about it.

And the netizens who questioned Chu Yuan looked unhappy.

"No way! Is it such a coincidence?"

"Damn it, I don't mind this evil, this Han Donglai is so powerful"

"This matter might be just bragging. Anyway, Grandpa Yuan is gone, so no one will know no matter how much he brags."

"Yes, it's definitely bragging."


Chu Yuan looked at Daqiang

"Are you serious?"

Daqiang nodded with a smile:"I can't lie to you in front of Teacher Donglai!"

"If Donglai comes back, he will definitely break my legs, don't you think?"

Chu Yuan smiled. It seems that they have a good relationship. They can afford such a joke.

Thinking of Han Donglai back then, he was an introverted, taciturn, short, average-looking boy with no special features.

Now he has become Yuan Longping's last disciple.

Chu Yuan is happy to have such a good friend.

Perhaps, the current Han Donglai is no longer the Han Donglai of the past.

Whether it is personality or other aspects,

"When did you and Donglai meet?"

Daqiang said directly:"We were college classmates."

Qingwa also laughed and said:"We were in the same dormitory."

"We have been working together for forty years now!"

Daqiang nodded:"Thirty-nine years and eight months."

Silence, deathly silence.

You could hear a pin drop.

Chu Yuan was stunned, then opened his mouth wide:"So fate?"

Chu Ling was also surprised.

There are actually people who have been working together from college roommates to retirement?

A strange story, it's simply a strange story.

This is really a great fate and luck. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked by this incident and opened their mouths wide.

Almost enough to fit an egg, their faces were full of surprise.

"Wow, that’s awesome!"

"We have worked together for almost forty years and even lived in the same dormitory. My God, what kind of luck is this?"

"It's unbelievable. I don't have any contact with my college roommates anymore. They were so lucky to work together for forty years. It's incredible."

"This not only requires good luck, but also good relationships and the ability to get along well. From this point of view, the relationship between them is really closer than that between brothers!"

"Indeed, even among brothers, there are few who want to live together for forty years. Even if there are, their relationship is extremely bad, and many of them become enemies."

".It is rare for them to have such a harmonious relationship after forty years. I have only seen this one case."

"Me too, they are such good friends!"

Many netizens lamented the good relationship between them.

Daqiang laughed and said:"Sometimes we all joke that our relationship is more like brothers than brothers. If we really talk about time, we spend more time together than with my wife."

"To describe it with the term used on the Internet now, this is a true gay friend!"

Chu Yuan was amused by Daqiang's humor.

"A good friend indeed."

"But Donglai was a bit withdrawn when he was little. The fact that you have such a good relationship with him shows that you two really have similar interests."

Daqiang frowned, a little confused:"Withdrawn?"

"This, how come I didn't see that, his personality has always been very cheerful!"

The frog also said:"If Donglai is a loner (Manuo is good), then we are completely dumb! Compared with him, we have no mouth."

This time it was Chu Yuan's turn to be stunned, and he was also slightly surprised.

"No way!"[]

"His personality is changing so fast now?"

Daqiang said with a smile:"Teacher Chu, how about you tell us what Donglai was like when he was a child?"

"We are quite curious."

Chu Yuan smiled and took out a photo.

He pointed at a young farmer.

"This is Donglai.

Daqiang and Frog were stunned.

Then they burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha…I’m dying of laughter"

"Is this a photo of Donglai when he was a child?"

"Why are you so silly? You look so stupid."

"Hahahaha... I can't hold it anymore. I can use this photo to threaten Dong Lai in the future"

"From this photo, Donglai looks like a fool."

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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