After listening to Daqiang and Qingwa's introduction,

Chu Yuan understood and nodded slightly:"I think Donglai did the right thing."

"You are a team. Without your help, Donglai would not have been able to achieve such results. Therefore, I believe that you must have contributed to this achievement."

After hearing Chu Yuan say this,

Daqiang and Qingwa sighed inwardly.

"In fact, we are really just playing soy sauce"

"Alas, all of this is the result of Donglai's research."

"We really don't want to go against our conscience and get involved in that achievement."

They didn't say this.

It also made them more certain that they would not get involved in the research results that belonged to Donglai.

How could they take advantage of Donglai when he treated them so well?

Daqiang immediately changed the subject.

"Teacher Chu, let's go, I'll show you the bigger research results."

Chu Yuan was surprised:"There are bigger research results?"

Da Qiang nodded and smiled:"Of course." 13

"Do you really think that Donglai has only achieved such a small result in his research in this small village for his entire life?"

"Donglai is very capable!"

When Academician Yuan was still alive, he said that in terms of hybrid rice, apart from him, Han Donglai was the best in the whole Dragon Country.

Even in agronomy, Han Donglai is one of the top scientists.

Hearing Daqiang say this,

Chu Yuan was even more curious about what other results Han Donglai had researched.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also curious.

"Bigger research results?"

"I'm curious about what the research results will be."

"I am also curious, is it a technology even more amazing than hybrid rice?"

"This is impossible! One thousand five hundred kilograms per mu is already the limit, it can be higher, I don't believe it"

"I don't believe it either. One thousand five hundred kilograms is probably the highest in the world!"

Chu Yuan followed Daqiang and Qingwa and walked into the field.

The field in front was very wide, surrounded by cement roads.

This time they drove a tricycle and took a look at the scenery.

Looking at the endless fields and the golden rice, it is indeed a beautiful retirement place.

Chu Ling was attracted by the scenery here.

"Wow, Grandpa, it's so beautiful!"

Chu Yuan also smiled and nodded:"It is indeed beautiful, both the scenery and the air are perfect for retirement."

"If I live in a place like this, I think I can live at least a dozen more years."

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also attracted by the beautiful scenery here

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful! It's like a painting"

"It's like a landscape painting, with green mountains and clear waters, so beautiful."

"To be honest, this is the most beautiful small village I have ever seen. Even the special effects in TV dramas are not as beautiful as the scenery here."

"I think so too. It's breathtakingly beautiful. I really want to go and see it. I remember this place. I must go and see it."

"Hahahaha... I finally found a place with beautiful scenery. I want to go and see it too."


Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were intoxicated by the beautiful scenery here.

They were almost unable to extricate themselves.

Daqiang smiled and said:"Yes, there are many centenarians in our village, and they are all very strong."

"There are several villages here that are called longevity villages, and there are at least dozens of centenarians in them!"

Chu Yuan was surprised:"Longevity village? Dozens of centenarians?"

Daqiang nodded:"That's right"

"This place is not only a tourist attraction, but also a retirement resort. Many retired elderly people from big cities come here to retire."

"Many people from Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing, and the north have come here."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Indeed, if it were me, I would also like to come here to retire."

Daqiang smiled and said:"Teacher Chu, we welcome you."

"We will live together and study agronomy with you. I think with your participation, we will definitely make a major breakthrough in agronomy."

Chu Yuan smiled and shook his head:"I am old! I am still a layman."

"I really don't know anything about agronomy. Every profession has its own expertise. Agronomy still depends on you."

Ten minutes later, after crossing a long road, we came to a river in front.

The tricycle finally stopped.

"Teacher Chu has arrived."

Several people got off the car and looked at the rice by the river.

The rice here seemed fuller and more abundant. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The color was also more golden, better looking than before, and more attractive.

"This is……"

Chu Yuan was a little stunned.

In his heart, he was thinking

Not only Chu Yuan, but Chu Ling also felt something different.

She opened her mouth in surprise. She seemed to know something that shocked her.

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room.

They all opened their eyes wide.

"Oh my god, this is rice?"

"You told me this is rice? I don't believe it."

"I also don't quite believe it, can anyone explain it to me?"

One netizen exclaimed

"Could this also be hybrid rice?"

"My God, if what I see in front of me is also hybrid 517 rice, then what was that just now?"[]

"The one just now is also hybrid rice, and this one is also? Why are the two so different?"

"There is indeed a big difference. This rice is much fuller and more abundant than before, and its color is more golden."

"Also, the rice grains are bigger and more abundant than the previous one."

"What is going on? Which big guy can explain it?"

There are many experts in the live broadcast room, people who really know the business.

For example, the group of agricultural experts and scientists who questioned it before.

One by one, their eyes widened.

"Oh my god, am I seeing things? Or is this the beauty effect in the live studio?"

"There is such a rich hybrid rice in the world? This background can't be fake!"

"Damn, I think it's fake. I have never seen such abundant hybrid rice."

"Judging from its appearance, one plant weighs at least 10 grams, and its color and saturation are so perfect, incredible, this is totally unrealistic"

"That's right, it must be a fake background. I don't believe it, absolutely not."

But soon, these experts were slapped in the face.

Because Daqiang personally went to the field and cut a few rice plants.

At this moment, the whole live broadcast room exploded.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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