"Oh shit, this is actually true?"

"My God, this is too scary! Such a big rice plant"

"It looks like a rice plant has at least a hundred grains, and each one is plump and full. My God, how can this rice hold up?"

"The key is that the trunk of each rice plant is taller and thicker than the previous one. I guess this rice plant has at least 10 grams of rice grains."

"Ten grams? Oh my god, the yield of 1,500 kilograms per mu was only nine grams before, but now it has reached more than ten grams? I am numb"

"Is this hybrid rice? I seriously suspect it's fruit, big fruit, woo woo woo ~ I'm so scared"

"From this point of view, doesn’t it mean that the hybrid rice just now is just a side dish, and the current one is the real main dish?"

"The yield of this hybrid rice per mu is at least 2,000 kilograms."

When a netizen said this, countless people gasped.

"hiss hiss……"

"Damn, the yield per mu is 2,000 kilograms, my God"

"Is this hybrid rice? This is super rice!"

"That’s right, only the word"super" can be worthy of this rice."

The field in front of him shocked all the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Chu Yuan looked at the hybrid rice in Daqiang’s hand with an incredible look on his face:"Is this the greater achievement you mentioned?"

Daqiang smiled and nodded:"Yes, this is the real hybrid rice. The hybrid rice just now was the achievement of more than ten years ago."

Chu Yuan was shocked. The achievement of more than ten years ago?

Damn, it’s hidden so deeply?

Netizens were also shocked by the news.

"Horrible, the hybrid rice with a yield of 1,500 kilograms per mu was the result of more than ten years ago"

"So what is the yield per mu? I'm really curious."

"Two thousand kilograms per mu?"

"I was shocked."

Chu Yuan asked uncertainly:"What is the yield per mu?"

Daqiang was a little embarrassed to speak.

He smiled and said:"2,500 kilograms."

Chu Yuan was shocked when he heard this. Chu Ling was even more stunned. She was speechless.

"hiss hiss……"

Countless people took a deep breath

"Damn, 2,500 pounds, terrifying"

"It's twice as much as the previous 1,200 pounds. My God!"

"Is this still hybrid rice? I think this super hybrid rice has already gone beyond the ordinary rice."

"That's right, this is too scary."

The faces of the agricultural experts on the Internet changed drastically.

They shouted in front of their phones:"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I don't believe this is true."

"How is this possible? Yield of 2,500 kilograms per mu, this is not hybrid rice at all, I don't believe it."

The netizens who had just questioned Chu Yuan had a blank mind and murmured:"Yield of 2,500 kilograms per mu? How is this possible!"

"This is simply a myth, it does not exist in reality."

The netizens who supported Chu Yuan were excited and screaming.

"Awesome! (broken voice)"

"So awesome, wow, Han Donglai is awesome!"

"The yield per mu is 2,500 kilograms, which is doubled, breaking history and shocking the world"

"Once this news is released, it will surely shock the whole world and change the world's crop pattern. Our Dragon Country will surely attract worldwide attention in agronomy."

"At that time, we can produce twice as much rice with the same arable land area. Double, what does that mean? It's terrifying."

"At that time, we were the world's largest grain producer and exporter, making outstanding contributions to our country's economy."

"Horrible, too horrible. It is my honor to witness this moment of history."

The screams and the boiling sound spread throughout the entire network.

At this moment, the entire network was boiling.

Countless netizens were screaming.

The live broadcast room instantly exceeded one million people.

One million people watched at the same time.

The barrage was densely packed with praises for Han Donglai.

At the same time, at the Longguo Engineering Academy,

Tang Youlong was also stunned when he saw this scene.

It took a long time for him to react. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Damn, the hidden treasures in Donglai are really deep"

"Why didn't you tell me about such a great research result?"

"Hybrid rice yields 2,500 kilograms per mu, it's terrifying to think about it"

"This matter might alarm the chief, and he might even meet with him."

"It seems that he can't escape his academician status this time, what a good boy! He refused it before, but now the big leader gives it to him, he can't refuse it."

Tang Youlong's eyes were full of yearning.

That's the big leader of Longguo! An existence that people look up to.

On the other side.

Qu Liangcai, Zhao Dahu, Liang Xiaoru and others were all shocked by the news.

".Donglai is so awesome!"

"This guy has unknowingly developed a rice yield of 2,500 kilograms per mu."

"I knew he was powerful before, but I didn't expect him to be this powerful. What a scary guy!"

"It's really terrifying. This kid is going to go down in history. I'm so envious."

Many classmates envied Han Donglai.

After all, going down in history is not something that ordinary people can do.[]

Although they are rich and powerful, they will no longer exist after the passage of time.

Unlike Han Donglai, he will be a figure written into textbooks. Just like Yuan Longping, he is respected by the people of Longguo and the whole world.

Because they have benefited the whole world.

The same is true for Han Donglai now. His achievements have surpassed Academician Yuan.

His reputation will soon surpass Academician Yuan and become one of the world's leading agricultural masters. He is admired and worshipped by thousands of enemies.

In the Shangang Primary School group.

Fifty classmates were shocked by Han Donglai's remarkable achievements.

They sent congratulatory messages in the group.

"@Donglai, you are hiding too deeply!"

"@Donglai, you have to treat me next time we meet, or I will expose your childhood scandals."

Other students were curious.

"Tell me, what is the scandal?"

"Tell me something quickly, I'm very curious."

At this time,

Han Donglai was on his way back.

He also saw his classmates chatting and said with a smile:"Classmates, next time you have a class reunion, come to my place and I will treat you well."

Then there was applause.

""Okay, okay!"

At this moment, Han Dong looked forward.

Suddenly his face changed.

"Lao Wang, save me"

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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