"Great talent?"

Chu Yuan was a little confused.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were puzzled by Li Qingtian's words.

"Great talent? How big? Just a primary school graduate."

"Did they all become generals? Or did they all become billionaires?"

"Anyway, I don't believe it. The secretary's words are a bit exaggerated. He probably just wants to praise the old man."

"Yes, they were just elementary school graduates. Most of them could not go to junior high school. Even if they did, most of them could not get into high school. Even if they did, their chances of going to college were very small. The college admission rate in those days was extremely low."

"Why do we say that college students of that era are the chosen ones? It is because those who could get into college in that era were extraordinary and their brains were smarter than others."

"That's right, Secretary Li has a high EQ. I'm looking forward to how he will praise the old man."

Chu Yuan:"Secretary Li, can you tell me more?"

Li Youtian said admiringly:"Teacher Chu, I just want to know, you are���How to teach them"

"How can you teach those students to be so promising?"

"Do you know? All the students you taught walked out of the desert, not one was left behind."

Netizens all laughed

"Hahaha, this is the great talent that Secretary Li mentioned?"

"To walk out of the desert is a great talent. He must have some misunderstanding about the word"great talent"!"

"There is indeed a misunderstanding. People who move bricks, screws, and dig coal outside are also considered talented? I am dying of laughter."

Chu Yuan has the same idea as netizens.

After all, Secretary Li has lived in the countryside all his life. He believes that those who can walk out of the desert are talented and amazing.

That's why he has this idea.

"In fact, I teach the same thing as other teachers."

"The fact that they were able to get out of the desert was mainly due to their hard work and diligence.

Li Youtian shook his head:"I don't believe it."

"You must have some outstanding qualities, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to cultivate so many talented people."

"Teacher Chu, do you know? All the fifty students you taught were admitted to university. All of them."

When these words came out, everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked.

Even Chu Yuan and Chu Ling opened their mouths in shock.

Chu Yuan was shocked and said,"Secretary Li, what did you just say? All fifty students were admitted to university?"

Li Youtian nodded:"Yes, this is simply a miracle"

"In fact , many people don’t know about this, but I have done a special investigation and found that all of them came from Shangang Primary School.

"Oh shit, how is this possible!"

"All 50 students from a primary school were admitted to university? This... I can't believe it's true."

"I was a little bit unconvinced. How could this be possible? That was the 1980s. Needless to say, it was very difficult to get into university in the 1980s."

"After graduating from elementary school, you still need to pass five levels and six tests before you can take the college entrance examination. How could those fifty students be so brave? All of them passed? I don't believe it."

"Is Secretary Li just bragging? Is he praising Grandpa?"

"I think it's possible!"

Chu Yuan's head was buzzing.

Chu Ling on the side also looked at her grandfather in disbelief.

Grandpa is so powerful?

Although grandpa is already very powerful, compared with this matter, this matter is even more shocking.

He taught fifty elementary school students in a small village and then left.

He never taught them again, but they were all admitted to university.

This is incredible.

Chu Yuan stared at Li Youtian:"Secretary Li, you are not kidding!"

Li Youtian smiled and said,"Teacher Chu, do you think I need to joke with you like this?"

"If you don't believe it, go out and ask and you will know if what I said is true."

Chu Yuan did not see any lies in Li Youtian's eyes.

Obviously, this matter is most likely true.

This is indeed a miracle.

Thinking in his heart:"Is it because I taught them the three major thinking patterns?"

Chu Yuan nodded

"Secretary Li, I believe you"

"By the way, I came back this time and wanted to meet my students. Do you have their contact information?"

Li Youtian shook his head:"They moved away decades ago and haven't come back for decades. How can I have their contact information?"

"Now that they are this age, most of them have already started a family and a career, so they are even less willing to come back."

It is true.

It seems that finding them is not an easy task.

"Don’t they have any relatives in their hometown?"

"Who do you mean?"

"Tang Youlong"

"Tang Youlong? I know he has an aunt at home, maybe we can contact her."

"Then I'll have to trouble Secretary Li to help."

"It's a small matter."


Secretary Li took Chu Yuan and the two to Tang Youlong's aunt's house.

They introduced each other.

When he learned that Chu Yuan was Tang Youlong's teacher, his aunt also respected him.

When she learned that he was Teacher Chu from Shangang Primary School, she was even more excited.

"Ah, it's Teacher Chu. Hello."

"Hello, hello."

The two shook hands, just like old friends.

"I can't believe you'll come back, Mr. Chu."

His aunt stared at Chu Yuan, her face full of excitement.

"Fifty years, half a century."

"My son Longlong has always wanted to thank you, but he never had the chance."

"It can be said that without Teacher Chu, Longlong would not be where he is today. This is what Longlong told me himself."

"Teacher Chu, you are Longlong's benefactor!"

Chu Yuan said:"His aunt, you are too kind, his achievements are all due to his own efforts, it has nothing to do with me."

His aunt said:"No, Longlong said that you are his lifelong mentor and he will never forget you."

Chu Yuan nodded with relief:"Longlong is a good child who knows how to be grateful."

His aunt said:"Yes."

"Wait, I'll call Longlong to come back now."

Chu Yuan quickly grabbed her

"No, no, no, no need to ask him to come back, he is still at work! Don’t disturb his work."

His aunt said:"If he knew you were back, why would he go to work? He would immediately take a plane back.""

"He misses you very much, and every time he calls me he asks if I have any news about you."

Netizens in the live broadcast room expressed their doubts

"What on earth does Tang Youlong do? He looks so awesome."

"This is just what he learned from his aunt, and it's not very accurate. After all, what can an old country lady know?"

"Indeed, she may think that her nephew is very impressive and talented if he earns hundreds of thousands of yuan a year in a big city."

"Haha, that’s indeed possible."

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