His aunt was indeed very excited.

Obviously, all this was because of Tang Youlong's praise for Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan asked curiously:"His aunt, I have a question."

"OK, you ask"

"How are those students from Youlong doing now after graduating from elementary school?"

His aunt said excitedly,"Yes, they are all doing well."

"As far as I know, all his classmates have been admitted to university."

Chu Yuan was shocked, and so was Chu Ling.

It seemed that Secretary Li really did not lie to them, and his group of students might really have all been admitted to university.

But he still didn't quite believe it. He continued to ask,"So are there any of them still in the village?"

His aunt shook her head,"I don't know about that. Anyway, there were a total of ten students in the class, and as far as I know, at least seven were admitted to university. Those who were admitted to university basically went out and left this small village."

"As for the others, I don't know. There are also students a few years younger than him, and it seems that many of them have been admitted to universities."

His aunt looked at Secretary Li:"Secretary Li, do you know?"

Secretary Li said:"Jianjun's son also passed the exam, Zhongjun's son also passed the exam, and Tianbei's daughter also passed the exam. They all left here and went to big cities."

His aunt was shocked:"Doesn't that mean that everyone in Longlong's class was admitted to university?"

Secretary Li nodded:"Yes, this is what I have personally investigated."

"Not only that, all the five classes of students that Teacher Chu taught were admitted to universities and left the small village."

His aunt was shocked again, and she was speechless.

After thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

I had never paid attention to such things before, but now I think about it, it is true.

All those who came from Shangang Primary School were admitted to universities.

It was incredible.

At this moment, all the netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked.

"Oh shit, it’s actually true?"

"What a miracle! All fifty students taught by Grandpa Chu were admitted to university."

"This kind of thing would have been a miracle back then. You have to know that it was just an elementary school, not a high school."

"This kind of thing is unheard of. Even a truly famous school probably can't do this. This is just a remote small village."

"How did Grandpa Chu do it? This is so awesome!"

"At first I thought Grandpa Chu was awesome, but now it seems he is even more awesome than I thought."

"I am very curious about how those fifty students are doing now."

"I am also very curious about what they are doing now. Are they great talents?’"

"Let's take a look at this Tang Youlong first!"

At this time, many people came into the live broadcast room.

Looking at the elderly people in the video

"Is this a live broadcast room for searching for relatives? Why are there only old people?"

"It seems wrong. This is a live broadcast of opening a blind box. An old man is live broadcasting a blind box for students? Interesting."

At this time, there are more than 200 people watching the live broadcast room.

The number of likes has exceeded tens of thousands.

The popularity value is rising slowly.

Chu Ling looked at Chu Yuan in shock.

"Grandpa, how did you do it?"

Chu Yuan:"I'll tell you later."

Then he looked at his aunt.

"His aunt, actually I came back this time just to see my students"

"I don’t know if it’s convenient for you to give me Youlong’s phone number. I want to call him."

His aunt nodded:"Sure, sure. If he knew it was you, he would be so happy."

After a while, his aunt gave the phone to Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan wrote down the number.

He couldn’t help asking again:"Aunt, do you know what Youlong is doing now?"

His aunt shook her head:"I don’t know. He didn’t tell me in detail. It seems to be related to the TV and the electric fan."

"Anyway, he is making a lot of money now, settled down in a big city, got married and had kids. Among all my relatives, he is the best."

Netizens were amused by his aunt

"Hahahaha...I was dying of laughter at this aunt"

"Could he be a repairman who repairs televisions and electric fans?"

"Is this the"great talent" in Secretary Li's eyes? Is this the pride in his aunt's eyes? Too funny"

"But then again, compared to these country folk, it is really awesome."

"Hahaha... what the above person said makes sense. A few decades ago, housing prices in big cities were not expensive, and it was not difficult to settle down. This does not mean that they are doing well. Maybe they are just ordinary people."

"Maybe he caught up with the real estate bonus of that year and became a landlord."

The netizens' speculation is also reasonable.

It is indeed possible!

Chu Yuan:"His aunt, do you know what university he was admitted to?"

His aunt was confused and shook her head:"I don't understand, Secretary Li, do you know?"

Secretary Li said:"A 985 university, as for the specific name, I have forgotten it."


Damn! So powerful!

Netizens were shocked. The gold content of 985 in that era was extremely high.

It is equivalent to the current imperial twin schools.

The key is that there were no extra points, special recruitment and other policies at that time.

All were based on their own strength.

How can ordinary people get in?

This Tang Youlong is awesome!

"I am now more and more curious about what Tang Youlong does."

"I am also curious about what a 985 university student who graduated decades ago has achieved now."

"It shouldn't be just a maintenance worker!"

Chu Yuan was also shocked when he heard about the 985 university.

It seems that his group of students are indeed not simple!


Chu Yuan left Secretary Li a phone number.

Chu Yuan said goodbye to them. They insisted that Chu Yuan and his partner stay here for dinner.

Chu Yuan refused, saying that he had important things to deal with.

He said that he would come back to see them again.

Only then did they let Chu Yuan and his partner go.

On the way,

Chu Ling looked at Chu Yuan.

"Grandpa, why don't you call Tang Youlong?"

Chu Yuan said:"I will take my time first."

"To be honest, today was a big shock to me."

"Fifty years have passed, and I never thought that the fifty primary school students I taught in the countryside fifty years ago would all be admitted to university."

"It seems that this is not an ordinary university. I never expected this."

Chu Ling:"Grandpa, I always think you have the ability to turn decay into magic."

"You are a legend in yourself. It is not surprising that you can do this. If you think about your achievements carefully, it is not surprising."

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"You girl, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

Chu Ling:"Grandpa, I didn't, I said it sincerely."

Chu Yuan:"Okay, it's the truth." Then he picked up the phone and was about to call Tang Youlong.

(ps: Anyone read this? Ask for some data, thanks everyone. )

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