
Chu Yuan and others went to the banquet.

Of course, this time, as in the past, the live broadcast room was closed.

Countless netizens were reluctant to leave.

They really wanted to see the conversation between the general and Grandpa Chu.

Unfortunately, they were not allowed to do so. After all, everyone has some private matters.

It is impossible for everyone to know about it, otherwise it will cause too much discussion.

At the banquet,

Chu Yuan and Zhao Dahu talked about everything.

They talked about a lot of things in the past, and they would laugh every time they talked about the past.

Especially when talking about some interesting things in their childhood, Zhao Dahu laughed even more.

Chu Ling, the old lady on the side, watched this scene. She couldn't help but smile like an aunt.

The adjutant behind Zhao Dahu was even more surprised. It was the first time he saw the general laugh so happily.

This was the first time he saw Zhao Dahu like this in all the years he followed Zhao Dahu.

It was incredible, and he would never forget this scene.

This is an iron-blooded general in the army!

He has always been a serious lion.

I didn't expect there is such a side. It seems that everyone has another unknown side.

If the people in their army knew about this, wouldn't they be shocked?

At this time in the outside world.

Chu Yuan's popularity has risen again.

His videos dominate the hot search lists of major video websites.

The first, second, and third are almost all Chu Yuan and Zhao Dahu.

As for Qu Liangcai's yesterday, he was instantly suppressed.

And Tang Youlong's was also suppressed.

In other words, at this time, the top ten videos on major video websites are almost all Chu Yuan's videos.

His videos have been liked and forwarded for over a million times, and even the comments are in the hundreds of thousands.

Netizens, for every ten videos they watch, at least two or three are about Chu Yuan.

It's so terrifying. It turns out that these video websites are all promoting Chu Yuan.

There are also bloggers from major self-media, all discussing Chu Yuan.

There are also discussions about how mysterious Chu Yuan's three major thinking modes are.

It has caused heated discussions on the entire network.

"This is the first time I have heard of the three major thinking modes."

"It is said that Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, and Zhao Dahu all graduated from the same primary school in a small village, and their common teacher was the old man."

"Because they learned the three thinking patterns of the old man, they became enlightened and could not stop, completely changing their fate. They overcame all obstacles in their lives and finally achieved such success."

"What are the three major thinking modes? They are so powerful! I really want to know what they are. This thing is too amazing."

"It is really as everyone says, this thing is truly against the will of heaven, comparable to magic, and can allow a person to change his fate, if not magic, what else could it be?"

"That’s right, if I can get it, can I soar to the sky and become a superior person?"

"If you can really get it, maybe you can really achieve the same achievements as Tang Youlong and others."

""Fuck, doesn't this mean this is a great opportunity?"

Coupled with the exaggeration of those bloggers and their eloquent speech, the story was made more attractive.

Even more attractive than Chu Yuan's story itself.

It aroused the speculation of countless netizens.

They used their imagination.

Some even said that Chu Yuan was a time traveler, an alien, and could even be connected with space, the universe, etc.

In short, at this moment, he became the focus of the entire network.

Everyone was discussing him and his deeds.

Some netizens also focused on different things.

They focused on Chu Yuan.

"Mr. Chu, aren’t these the three major thinking modes of life?"

"Wouldn't it be the same if we could get the three major thinking patterns from him?"

"Damn, this is a wake-up call. You are right. I will go find that old man right now."

"I want to take him as my master. Once he accepts me as his disciple, I will be able to soar to the sky, hahahaha……"

Some netizens posted their ideas, or flashes of inspiration, in the live broadcast room.

Immediately, many bold people took action.

They went straight to Chu Yuan from all over the country.

They wanted to become his apprentice and study. They wanted to take Chu Yuan as their teacher and learn the three major thinking modes.

Regardless of whether he agreed or not, they didn't want to miss even the slightest chance.

If that didn't work, they could only be sincere and hope for the best.

Of course, there were also many people with bad intentions.

Their goal was not to study, but to seize the knowledge.

What does that mean? If soft means don't work, then use hard means.

They must obtain the three major thinking modes from Chu Yuan.

Even if it means snatching people, they might be able to do it.

Many people from all over the country have already started to act.

The news on the Internet naturally could not escape the eyes of the big guys in the Shangang group.

They got the news as soon as possible. They sneered one by one.

"It's just courting death."

"There are all kinds of people. Some people even dare to kidnap Teacher Chu. They are really asking for their lives."

"Hehe, the world is big, there are all kinds of birds, these stupid people will pay the price"

"What do you think about this matter, classmates?"

The class monitor spoke, and the whole group instantly became lively.

"Leave this matter to me!"

"If anyone dares to touch Teacher Chu, I will make him die."

Some students objected:"Old Wang, you'd better take it easy. It will be hard to stop if you make a big mess." Some students also said:"If he dares to touch Teacher Chu, who cares about the consequences? Just do it first." Some students nodded:"That's right, let's do it first."


"If you dare to touch Teacher Chu, I think he is tired of living."


A group of students were arguing fiercely in the group.

Everyone had different professions and different ways of dealing with things.

Some said to do it directly, some said to stop it, some said to stop it first and then write it down in a small notebook to settle the score later, and some said to warn it directly.���In short

, everyone has a different plan.

At this time, the squad leader stood up again and spoke

"Everyone, please be quiet."

"This matter cannot be too conspicuous, nor too low-key. Our goal is to protect Teacher Chu."

"As for Lao Wang, he is the most suitable, but you have to take it easy and don't cause any deaths."

"Teacher Chu will not be happy if someone is killed. This matter will definitely not escape Teacher Chu's eyes."

"So everyone, don’t let him down, understand?"

Lao Wang said:"Squad leader, I understand, don’t worry!"

"I will handle it properly. I will first send a warning letter to the wealthy people in the mainland. If they insist on taking action, they can't blame me for being ruthless."

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