"What? The Kirin chip was also developed by Chief Tang?"

"My god, he is amazing. He broke through the blockade of the big country and developed a chip belonging to the Dragon Country."

"Chief Tang is truly a national hero, and Huawei is the pride of our national enterprise. It's really awesome."

"It is said that chip research is more difficult than making atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs. Chief Tang spent only more than a thousand days and nights to research it."

"It took less time than the time it took to build an atomic bomb when he was broke. His achievements are too great. He deserves to be the president of the Academy of Engineering. Awesome! (broken voice)"

Gifts were swiped like crazy in the live broadcast room.

Porsches, Lamborghinis, and private jets were flying everywhere.

I don't know which big guy showed up, but he swiped ten carnivals.

The number of people in the live broadcast room skyrocketed, and it rushed to the top of the popularity list.

Netizens rushed in like crazy.

At this time, there were already 50,000 people watching online.

The new netizens began to be a little confused.

"What's going on? So many carnivals, crazy?"

""Oh my god, it's Congcong, isn't it? Oh my god, ten carnivals, awesome!"

Then a netizen introduced it.

The group of people who just came in were all shocked.


"Dean of the Academy of Engineering, Chief Scientist of Huawei, 5G, 6G, and Kirin chips were all developed by him? Oh my god"

"National hero, this is a national hero, give me gifts."

Swish, swish, swish!

There are more than ten carnivals.

Chu Yuan's live broadcast room is about to explode.

This scene attracted the attention of Douyin officials.

After learning about the situation, the bigwigs of Douyin officials were shocked.

"Hurry up, hold on, hold on, don't let me down"

"Servers, use all the servers for me, there must be no mistakes"

"Once this matter is exposed, the number of people in the live broadcast room will probably reach an unprecedented level."

"One hundred million? Or two hundred million? Oh my god, I can’t imagine it.

This scene really shocked Douyin’s management.

Some netizens in the live broadcast room began to worry.

"But if Chief Tang's identity is exposed in this way, will he be in danger?"

"He was well protected by Huawei before, but now that the news has suddenly been revealed, will he be targeted by spies?"

"If this is possible, we must remind Chief Tang to pay attention to safety! He can't get into trouble."

Some netizens were outraged.

"Damn it, if anyone dares to touch Chief Tang, I will fight him to the death."

Immediately, a patriotic netizen stood up

"If Chief Tang needs it, I am willing to escort him for free. I am the national Sanda champion and I have the ability to do it."

Netizens exclaimed:"Wow, the national Sanda champion, so amazing"

"If you go to protect Chief Tang, we will be relieved."

Another netizen stood up

"I can protect you secretly. I work for a top bodyguard company and am good at eliminating all dangers. I have the ability to protect Chief Tang.

Many netizens came forward and wanted to help.

At this time,

Chu Yuan also expressed his concerns.

Looking at the live broadcast equipment above his head

"Mr. Ren, is my live broadcast a bit out of place?

Mr. Ren shook his head and smiled,"It's okay, those achievements with Youlong are a thing of the past."

"Whether it is 5G, 6G, or even Kirin chips, they are all a thing of the past."

"If we dare to expose it, it means that we already have more advanced technology. Mr. Chu, you can rest assured about this."

"Even if his identity is exposed this time, his life will not be in danger."

Chu Yuan looked at Tang Youlong.

"How is it?"

Tang Youlong nodded:"It is like this"

"I am old now, and the more difficult tasks still need to be handed over to the young people"

"They are the hope and future of the motherland."

Chu Yuan nodded:"This is the best."

Chu Ling stared at Tang Youlong with admiration.

"Uncle Tang, you are so awesome!"

"I didn’t expect that the Kirin chip was developed by you"

"Netizens said that this victory was equivalent to the Battle of Shangganling and had great significance."

Tang Youlong smiled and shook his head:"What's so great about me as a boss? The main thing is that our team is full of talents. I just proposed some plans and they implemented them."

"This victory is indeed as Mr. Ren said. Being oppressed by a big country like that has completely stimulated the potential of our Long country people, so that we can develop the Kirin chip in such a short time."

Chu Ling gave Tang Youlong a thumbs up.

"Uncle Tang and those scientists are national heroes."

Netizens also think so.

At the same time, they are relieved.

As long as Chief Tang is not in danger, it's fine.

What's more exciting for them is that Huawei has more advanced technology.

This makes them feel excited.

This is the light of national enterprises.

Tang Youlong looked at Chu Yuan

"In fact, all of this is related to Teacher Chu's teachings."

"If it weren't for what Mr. Chu taught me, I wouldn't have been able to think this way."

Chu Ling was curious about what his grandfather had taught him.

Even Mr. Ren was curious.

What did Mr. Chu teach Tang Youlong about thinking that he should be grateful for his whole life.

Netizens were even more curious.

"What kind of thinking is this?"

"I'm so curious, how can you teach such a great student?"

"Grandpa Chu is really not an ordinary person. I am becoming more and more curious about his identity."

"Yes, I am also extremely curious. What did he do before?"


After introducing some of the research results of Huawei Research Institute,

Mr. Ren entertained Chu Yuan and Chu Ling in Huawei Canteen.

Then he went to do his own thing, leaving Tang Youlong alone.

Tang Youlong said,"Teacher, how about I take you to Huawei headquarters!"


Netizens were so excited.

They were going to Huawei headquarters? They had never been there.

They really wanted to see what Huawei headquarters was like.

A Q9 appeared and stopped in front of Chu Yuan.

There was a large space inside.

As soon as he sat in, he felt a full sense of technology.

"This is our company's newest car, the 9th."

Tang Youlong introduced it to Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan nodded:"It is indeed very advanced"

"The space is large and smart, very good"

"Did you also lead the team to develop it?"

Tang Youlong nodded:"Yes"

"But, this stuff is child's play, very simple."

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