Some netizens wanted to look up some information about Tang Youlong, but found nothing.

This made them not only confused, but also suspicious.

"what happened!"

"Why can't I find any news?"

""It's not a script!"

Immediately, it aroused the suspicion of other netizens.

More netizens took action and began to search.

Still no results.

They checked the news of the president of Longguo Academy of Engineering, but did not find Tang Youlong. They checked the news of Huawei's chief scientist, but did not find anything. In short, they could not find any information at all.

What's the situation?

It should be possible to find it!

What era is this now, the information age, there is nothing that can't be found. It's a bit abnormal that such a big shot can't find anything.

No, it's very abnormal.

People can't help but start to doubt their identities.

"Could this really be a script? There have been a lot of things like this on the Internet recently"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, and one can even say that this is a scam, using this behavior to defraud money"

"It's just that Shenzhen Donglin Entrepreneurship Park does exist, and there is indeed a Huawei Research Institute there."

"If it is fake, the cost will be too high!"

Some netizens started to look for information about Li Daoqian.

It seems that they couldn't find any information.

He is an academician of the Academy of Engineering! It's hard to find information about him.

It's fine if a dean can't be found, but it's also hard to find information about an academician.

It makes people feel deeply puzzled and more and more suspicious.

"Damn, it's fake. From this point of view, it is really possible that it is fake."

"Everything here is a script, and those people are hired actors"

"No way, such a big show? How much does it cost?"

One netizen is very smart

"What's the point of their spending? How much did netizens give just now? At least ten carnivals"

"There are other rewards. Do you think that the money they spend is small?

Suddenly, I felt like I had been awakened.

Many people felt a chill on their backs!

"My God, this is too scary!"

"What they just acted was so real that I actually took it seriously."

"Not only you, but everyone present believed it, their acting was so real."

"In addition, this time he changed his style, and the old man opened the blind box live, which was more attractive and easier to believe."

"If you think about it carefully, you will find the problem. Who the hell would believe that an elementary school teacher fifty years ago could teach the president of an engineering academy?"

"And all fifty students were admitted to college, and that was fifty years ago. This kind of thing can only be written about in novels!"

"The writing is simply too outrageous, but it also fits the routine of the novel. It is a completely cool article. It is really cool, making everyone full of imagination and expectations, forgetting the real situation in reality."

Some netizens expressed their agreement

"Damn, the above person is right, that's right, I almost forgot the reality of the situation, this kind of thing was almost impossible back then"

"Oh my god, I almost got cheated, but my brother reminded me. I even got a Porsche. I’m vomiting blood!"

"Brother, you came in later, right? Thank you so much for uncovering this scam."

The brother said,"Yes, I found the problem as soon as I came in."

"This is why I reminded everyone in the live broadcast room that there are too many online scams now, and everyone should be careful."

Many netizens agreed

"That's right, brother, you are absolutely right."

"Thank you so much, brother."

Of course.

Some netizens do not think this is a script, and do not believe that Grandpa Chu is a liar. They still support Chu Yuan and others.

However, there are very few people who speak out, and they are quickly drowned out by the angry voices.

In the blink of an eye, some netizens raised

"Is it illegal for them to pretend to be academicians and presidents of the Academy of Engineering? Should we report them?"

"This is definitely illegal, they will be sentenced. Such a large amount of money is involved. Once the report is confirmed, they will be finished."

"Why don’t you report it? What are you waiting for?"

Some netizens are ready to report it.

"I'll report it first. Damn it. They cheated me out of two carnivals."

"I must make these liars spit out."

At this time, a man walked into the live broadcast room with a smile on his face.

"I said there was a dragon, but you didn't even inform me when your mentor came."

"For such a distinguished guest, I, Hua Wei, should hold a grand welcome ceremony to welcome Mr. Chu."

Tang Youlong stood up and

"Mr. Ren, why are you here?"

The person who came was Mr. Ren, the founder of Huawei.

All the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

Those netizens who were about to report were completely dumbfounded.

Their faces were full of surprise.

"Damn, this……"

"What's happening here?"

"Well, that’s Mr. Ren?"

Everyone knows Mr. Ren. There is a lot of publicity about him on the Internet, and there are many photos of him.

It is impossible for people to make a mistake.

Mr. Ren has appeared, so is this live broadcast a script?

This reversal is too big!

If it is really a script, can the head of this script invite Mr. Ren?

This is almost impossible.

"So is this still a script? Or a scam?"

"The brother who just said this script, please come out and explain."

The brother was dumbfounded.

He stared blankly at Mr. Ren in the live broadcast room, trying to find something wrong from him.

In the end, he found out that it was all in vain, that was the founder of Huawei - Mr. Ren.

Crying, that brother is really miserable.

He is completely self-righteous. He thinks he is very smart and wronged others.

It's so embarrassing, fortunately this is not in reality and others can't see his face.

Otherwise, I really want to find a hole to crawl into.

Netizens called out:"Brother, come out, come out"

"Just now it wasn't���Are you so confident that you call him a liar? Why are you silent now?"

"The self-righteous guy really thought he was the smartest person in the world, but he didn't expect that he was an idiot."

The group of netizens who were about to call the police suddenly stopped talking one by one.

Keep silent, silence is golden.

A group of netizens who didn't believe that this was a script and a scam and supported Chu Yuan before started to curse the group of people in the live broadcast room.

They cursed them to death.

(PS: Anyone watching? Please give me free flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, thanks.)

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