Seeing so many classmates accusing him,

Zhao Dahu was about to cry.

In the end, he could only bow his head, admit his mistakes, and pay compensation.’

"Okay, squad leader, I was wrong."

Squad leader:"Is it useful to say I was wrong? Show your sincerity."

Zhao Dahu:"How about this, I will send 10 kilograms of pomegranates to each of you, all from my backyard."

Squad leader:"30 kilograms."

Zhao Dahu opened his eyes wide and was shocked by the number.

"What? Thirty pounds?"

"No, no, absolutely not."

"There are only four trees in my house, where do all the pomegranates come from?"

""Squad leader, you are going to empty my family's wealth, it's too cruel!"

In reality, Zhao Dahu shook his head frantically.

The adjutant next to him was stunned.

What's wrong with the leader?

Why is he like a child?

Could it be that he is asking questions in his head! The leader who has always been domineering and has the final say in front of his subordinates actually has such a side. It is really shocking and incredible. Squad leader:"You won't give it? All kinds of students, get ready!" Squad leader:"You won't give it? Get ready, classmates!"

���Threatening to speak.

All the students below stood up

"Ready at all the time!"

"Ready at all the time!"

""Always be prepared!"

It was like going to war.

Some students even posted photos of themselves preparing.

This scared Zhao Dahu.

"Etc., etc!"

"Students, don't be anxious, slow down."

Zhao Dahu finally gritted his teeth and spoke decisively.

"It’s not okay for me to go out!"

"At worst, I won't eat it myself and I'll give it all to you."

The squad leader smiled when he saw this.

"You are smart, hurry up, don't be short of a pound, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Zhao Dahu:"Don't worry, I am not the kind of person who cheats."

"It's really weird. We made the same mistake 50 years ago and we're making it up again today. How sad."

Class monitor:"This shows that Teacher Chu is still our teacher. Even though 50 years have passed, he can still take care of us."

The students agreed.

"Yes, I really hope to be supervised by Teacher Chu for the rest of my life."

"It would be great if Teacher Chu could teach us like this for the rest of our lives."

"If I had taught us for a few more years, my position might have been further improved."


Back in the courtyard, the old lady flipped through another photo. It was a photo of her graduating from high school.

Zhao Dahu's face was even more resolute, and his general demeanor was even more obvious.

He stood at the end, still so conspicuous.

"This was when Dahu graduated from high school, when he was only sixteen years old."

The old lady touched Zhao Dahu's face and smiled kindly.

She loved her son very much, this is motherly love.

Chu Yuan nodded:"Dahu looks young, has a calm personality, and a flexible mind."

Hearing Chu Yuan praising her son like this, the old lady smiled from ear to ear.

"It was all thanks to Mr. Chu’s good teaching. He told me when I graduated from high school."

"He said that it was Teacher Chu who taught him the ability to think about problems, solve problems, and put them into practice."

"So he will be grateful to you for the rest of his life."

Chu Yuan felt relieved. He didn't expect Da Hu to be so grateful to him.

It seems that the students he taught back then were all grateful people. He really didn't teach them wrongly.

Then, the old lady turned over another photo.

Chu Yuan's eyes lit up.

"What is this?"

The old lady explained:"This is the university where Dahu went to school."

"University? This seems to be a military school."

The old lady nodded:"Yes, my Dahu went to a military school."

Chu Yuan was surprised. He really didn't expect that someone in his class went to a military school.

This was what surprised him.

Zhao Dahu actually went to a military school.

How could he live in such a place now?

Chu Yuan was confused and expressed his incomprehension.

Even the netizens in the live broadcast room expressed their incomprehension.

A college student who graduated from a military school, and a military school of that era.

How could he live like this? It was incredible.

Something must have happened. Hundreds of thousands of netizens were very curious.

They were looking forward to the announcement of the results.

Chu Yuan took a serious look and found that it was actually a 985 military school.


Chu Yuan was stunned. It turned out to be a 985 military school.

This is already the top military school in the entire Dragon Country. I didn’t expect Da Hu to go to such a university.

Since he went to such a university, and it was a military school in the 1970s and 1980s.

At that time, he must have been assigned a job, plus the halo of a famous school, and Da Hu’s inability.

How could he get to this point? It’s almost impossible.

There is only one possibility, that is, something has happened in these years.

Chu Yuan’s heart sank, and he became more and more uneasy.

What did Da Hu do back then!

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were even more shocked.

They opened their mouths wide, unbelievable.

"What? 985 Military Academy? Oh my god!"

"This Zhao Dahu actually got into a 985 military academy? This is equivalent to Qinghua University!"

"He actually passed the exam? How is this possible?

Hundreds of thousands of netizens were amazed by this.

"Another graduate from a prestigious university who came from a remote village"

"My god, this is the third graduate from Shangang Primary School to graduate from a prestigious university."

"What kind of primary school is this Shangang Primary School? It is so magical that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a magical school."

"It is indeed a god school. All fifty students were admitted to the university. This is already a miracle. The key is that three students have appeared now, two of them are from Qinghua, and this one is comparable to Qinghua."

"It's terrible. This Shangang Primary School is terrible. I am really getting more and more curious about what knowledge Grandpa Chu taught them that allowed them to reach this point."

"If this can be promoted, wouldn't everyone in Dragon Country be like a dragon?"

Many netizens nodded


"Looking at the universities that the three students were admitted to, we can conclude that what Grandpa Chu taught them was definitely not ordinary knowledge."

"I even suspect that it is not the knowledge in the textbook. Didn’t I say before? The three major thinking modes, I think this is a top-level thinking mode."

"Because of this top-level thinking model, this group of students has become outstanding."

"I agree, it must be so."

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