Chu Yuan was also curious about Da Hu's experience.

He followed the old lady inside. Even the hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were curious about how a college student born in the 1970s and 1980s could end up like this. They were very curious.

The old lady took Chu Yuan into the living room.

Then she took out a photo album from the room.

The album looked rather shabby, with corners peeling around it.

It was obvious that the old lady was very frugal.

The old lady smiled and said,"Every time I miss my Da Hu, I will take it out and look at it."

"These photos record the first half of my Dahu's life."

Chu Ling was also curious about what kind of person this Uncle Zhao was.

Why was he so different from Uncle Tang and Uncle Qu?

She stared at the album curiously.

The hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were also curious.

I only saw the old lady turn to the first page, and there was a child of three or four years old.

It was exactly what Zhao Dahu looked like when he was a child.

When the old lady saw the photo, her face was full of gentle smiles.

She introduced:"This is him when he was a child. At that time, the family was very poor. This photo was taken when a foreign reporter passed by there. I asked him to take it."

"But the foreigner was also very nice and didn't charge me. At that time, a photo was said to be quite expensive."

"We couldn't afford to take photos at home, so this is the only photo of Dahu when he was a child, it's very precious."Chu Yuan laughed and said,"It's true, Dahu didn't change much from his childhood to his teenage years, he has always been chubby."

The old lady also nodded,"Yes, Dahu has always been like this, he has a very distinctive look."

Netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help but be moved by this heartwarming scene.

"This is a mother who loves her children selflessly."

"Seeing her smiling face, I couldn't help but smile like an aunt."

"Da Hu has a good mother, but unfortunately they live in poverty. However, it doesn't matter much. As long as there is love, good health, and a harmonious family, life will gradually get better."

"I don't know how Da Hu is doing now."

Somehow, the netizens in the live broadcast room began to worry about Da Hu.

Maybe it's because he has such a kind mother!

Then, he turned to another photo.

Chu Yuan saw it at a glance.

"This is a student graduation photo."

The old lady nodded:"Yes."

As if she remembered what happened back then, she suddenly realized it.

Chu Yuan slapped his thigh

"I was wondering why there was one graduation photo missing, it turned out this guy took it away."

The old lady was puzzled:"Teacher Chu, what happened?"

Chu Yuan:"My camera couldn't develop so many photos, and I ended up with two."

"I gave one to the monitor and kept one for myself. What I meant was that I would ask the monitor to make ten copies, one for each student."

"However, unexpectedly, the one for the monitor disappeared."

"I had to go to the provincial capital to develop the photos."

"At that time, I never thought that it was Da Hu who took it away. I never thought that the mystery would be solved 50 years later."

"This Da Hu was too naughty when he was young."

The old lady laughed when Chu Yuan said this.

"This child is really naughty and has caused trouble for Teacher Chu."

Chu Yuan smiled and shook his head:"It's been fifty years, what's the trouble? It's interesting to think about it now."

The old lady sighed:"Yes, I don't know why some things happened in the past. I couldn't figure it out at the time, but now I figured it out. It's no big deal."

Chu Yuan looked at the old lady and felt that this old lady was really insightful.

Much better than ordinary old ladies.

The netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing when they saw this

"Zhao Dahu was really naughty when he was young! He even dared to steal the teacher's photo"

"Hahahaha… I used to do this kind of thing when I was a kid, and it’s funny when I think about it now"

"He looks like a thief. To be honest, I can't believe that Zhao Dahu must be very funny."

The fifty big guys.

Many students were watching the live broadcast room.

They were all big guys, and their time was precious. They were actually watching the live broadcast.

The subordinates below were all confused. They seriously doubted that this was still their boss?

The boss was not like this before.

Almost none of them watched the live broadcast.

What is going on today?

There are even many people who are in a meeting, watching the live broadcast, and smiling from time to time.

This move really stunned the subordinates below.

In the Shangang Primary School group, some students immediately stood up and scolded Zhao Dahu.

"Dahu, I never thought that the traitor was you. Damn it!"

"It's really abominable. Teacher Chu even dragged me out to question me and almost got into a fight."

"And me, I was wronged, I was punished to sweep the floor for a week, damn it, Dahu, you made me miserable."

The monitor also cursed:"Damn it, I didn't expect it was Dahu who stole the photo, and I was scolded to death by Teacher Chu."

"Later, I went to the provincial capital with Teacher Chu to develop the photos, but it cost Teacher Chu a lot of money."

"Dahu, come out here."

A group of students below were calling Dahu.

"Come out and die, don't pretend to be dead"

"Da Hu, come out. If you don't come out, I will beat you up in Qu Daying myself."

"Dahu, give us an explanation, otherwise, you will suffer the consequences. Come out"

"You still don't come out, right? Then I can only launch a missile over there for fun."

At this time,

Dahu finally came out.

"Oh, please don't be so cruel, squad leader. You can't let the two countries have friction by launching missiles at every turn."

Squad leader:"That is also your responsibility, and you are the one who should be punished."

Da Hu:"Okay, I admit that I am afraid of you, squad leader, you are awesome."

Squad leader:"Give our classmates an explanation!"

"It's been fifty years. It took fifty years for this to be revealed. If Teacher Chu hadn't appeared today, we would have been kept in the dark for the rest of our lives."

"You have deceived us for so many years, you can deal with it yourself!"

Other students also stood up

"Yes, Dahu, it’s up to you. If you fail to satisfy us, just wait and see!"

"Dahu, think carefully about how to deal with this matter!"

"Don’t even think about running away, the consequences will be serious."

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