Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were watching the small courtyard.

This further confirmed the previous speculation.

This Zhao Dahu might be an ordinary citizen.

The courtyard in front of him has a history of at least 30 years.

The walls are covered with moss and various vines.

You can even see a lot of loofahs.

Chu Yuan took a look and felt uneasy.

Did something happen? Otherwise, why would Dahu live here?

He hurried over.

Knocked on the door.

""Knock, knock, knock~"

One minute later, an old lady opened the door.

"Who are you?"

The old lady looked at least eighty years old.

Her cloudy eyes stared at Chu Yuan and Chu Ling.

Chu Yuan smiled and introduced:"I am Da Hu's teacher. My name is Chu Yuan, from Heping Town."

"Didn't Da Hu study at Shangang Primary School? I was his teacher at that time."

The old lady seemed to remember

"Oh, I know you. It turns out you are Teacher Chu."

"Come on, come on, come in."

The old lady was like an old friend when she saw Chu Yuan. She looked very happy and her face was full of smiles.

The old lady was walking unsteadily, and Chu Yuan immediately leaned forward to support her.

Chu Ling also hurried over to support her.

The old lady smiled at Chu Yuan.

"Teacher Chu, I am very impressed by you!"

"You were a famous teacher in Heping Town."

"My Dahu also praised you highly, saying that you are a responsible, knowledgeable and cultured teacher."

The old lady looked at Chu Yuan with gratitude and excitement.

Both of them were eighty years old, just like old friends who had not seen each other for decades.

They both laughed happily, as if they had returned to the small village on the hill fifty years ago.

There was no doubt that the old lady in front of him was Zhao Dahu's old mother.

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"No, no, I just want to teach that group of students well. This is my responsibility."

He helped the old lady in and sat on the stool.

The environment in the yard was the same as it was thirty years ago. Nothing had changed.

Only the age of the people living in it had changed.

The pots, pans, stone benches, tables, chairs and the like were the same as before.

There were also some furniture that looked like they were decades ago. It was extremely simple and monotonous, but very clean.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room saw this scene.

They all sighed that there were still such families in this era?

This was completely decades ago!

"It seems that Zhao Dahu's life is not going well!"

"That's right, an old mother actually lives in such a remote place, and it's so shabby, how can her life be good?"

"A former college student was a child of destiny and should have lived a better life than the average person. Moreover, he had already left the remote village, so how could he still live like this? I really can't understand it."

"It is indeed a bit incomprehensible. Perhaps something unexpected has happened in the past few decades!"

"I have said that it is impossible for all of Grandpa Chu's fifty students to be as good as a dragon. The reason why they did not return to their hometowns is that many of them were not satisfied with their lives and did not want to go back. What's the point of going back if they are just living an ordinary life?"

"Yes, just like Zhao Dahu, he will be laughed at by the villagers when he returns. They will definitely say that he is a college student, but he is not as successful as my son who graduated from elementary school."

"It is true. The phenomenon of comparison in rural areas is too serious. People who are not doing well are actually unwilling to go back. Didn’t a rich man say that the rich people go back just to show off and pretend to be cool?"

"I still really want to know about Zhao Dahu's experience. By the way, where is he?"

Chu Yuan felt very uncomfortable when he saw the environment of this family.

The uneasiness in his heart became stronger.

Maybe something serious really happened to Dahu.

Otherwise, how could he live like this.

The old lady looked at Chu Yuan and sighed:"Teacher Chu, it's been fifty years!"

"Today is exactly 50 years, I remember it very clearly."

Chu Yuan was surprised:"How do you remember it so clearly?"

The old lady smiled and said:"Because I counted the days."

"I am old, I live one day at a time, I have nothing to do every day, I count the days, I can even remember how many days and nights I have lived now."

Chu Yuan was surprised:"You count like this every day?"

The old lady nodded:"Yes, there is nothing to do, I always have to think about things, including some important things about my family Dahu, I will count the days"

"For example, when you left, it was exactly fifty years, one month and three days from now. It was a sunny day and many students saw you off."

Chu Yuan was stunned.

Can you calculate like this?

This old lady is not simple, she is indeed a talented person among the people.

Even the hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned. They were shocked by the old lady's special way of calculating.

The key is that she can calculate so accurately, fifty years, and it can be accurate to the day, and the weather is also calculated.

This old lady is really not simple.

No wonder she doesn't talk nonsense at the age of eighty, and her mind is still so flexible.

It seems to be related to this habit.

Chu Yuan exclaimed:"You have a really good memory"

"I don't remember these, I didn't expect you to remember them so clearly."

The old lady smiled and said,"I am a useless person, and I have a lot of free time, so I just remember these things to pass the time."

"Teacher Chu is really good. You have taught so many excellent students. My son Dahu was also taught by you and was admitted to university. I am really grateful to you."

"Every time I go home, my Dahu often mentions you and says you are a good teacher."

"It's a pity that there has been no news from you for decades. He went back to inquire about you, but couldn't find any news."

"I even looked for you outside, but there was no news."

"I can't believe that fifty years have passed in a flash. You've grown old, I've grown old, Da Hu is getting old too, and you've come back."

"Hehe, if Shang Dahu knew this, he would definitely jump up with excitement."

"By the way, does Dahu know you are here?"

The old lady was so excited that she forgot all this.

She asked quickly.

Chu Yuan nodded:"Of course he knows, it was Dahu who asked me to come here."

The old lady nodded:"That's good, since you are here, he will be back soon."

Then she stood up

"Come, Teacher Chu, let me show you my Dahu’s experience."

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