Judging from the current address,

Zhao Dahu lives in such a remote place.

It is a small courtyard that looks a bit shabby. His identity is probably just that of a commoner.

Because we are now in an information society, some netizens have already found that place.

They even saw photos of it. It is a small courtyard, and it is located in a remote suburban area.

Therefore, netizens believe that Zhao Dahu's identity and status will never be like Tang Youlong and Qu Congzheng, who are real big shots.

Since Zhao Dahu is not a big shot, the previous judgment of Chu Yuan has lost its value.

They say how awesome he is, how mysterious his identity is, and what three great thinking is awesome.

Now in the eyes of netizens, Chu Yuan may be just an ordinary elementary school teacher.

Of course, even so, he is much better than an ordinary elementary school teacher.

Just being able to teach two such awesome students can be considered an excellent teacher.

If you think about it this way, the reason why Dean Tang Youlong and Secretary Qu Congzheng can respect Chu Yuan is completely because of their high quality and gratitude, not how well Chu Yuan teaches.

Now most netizens have figured it out.

I didn't look forward to the identities and positions of dozens of other classmates.

Many netizens have even left the live broadcast room.

Today's live broadcast room is not very attractive to those who are busy with work.

They all chose to leave and continue to work.

At this time, there were only 300,000 people watching the live broadcast room.

Shangang Primary School Group.

A classmate exclaimed:"Da Hu, you handled this matter very well!"

"It was a bit unexpected to arrange the address in that place."

"That really has an unexpected effect."

Several students followed and praised Zhao Dahu.

"Really handled it well"

"It is worth learning from."

Zhao Dahu:"Didn't the monitor say that I should cooperate with Teacher Chu's"work"? Then I can only try to be low-key first, and then be high-profile."

"It can be regarded as a surprise for Teacher Chu and netizens. In this way, perhaps more netizens will pay attention to Teacher Chu's live broadcast room."

"The shock it causes will be even greater. I don't want to fall behind Youlong and Liangcai, hehehe……"

Tang Youlong:"You are the only one who has many tricks."

Qu Congzheng:"Da Hu is worthy of being Da Hu. He has always been naughty and has many tricks."

Squad leader:"Da Hu performed very well this time."

"It is worthwhile for everyone to study hard. We should try our best to cooperate with Teacher Chu's"work". Even if we don't know Teacher Chu's intentions now, there is nothing wrong with cooperation."

The other students all agreed.




At this time,

Zhao Dahu was on his way back.

He was coming back from an island in the South China Sea, the headquarters.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling were also on the plane.

Chu Ling looked at Chu Yuan curiously.

"Grandpa, some netizens said that this Zhao Dahu doesn't seem to be doing very well."

Chu Yuan frowned:"What do you mean?"

Chu Ling explained:"Because some netizens have checked the address of Uncle Dahu's home, it seems to be a small courtyard, not as luxurious as Uncle Tang and Uncle Qu."

Chu Yuan frowned and thought about it seriously.

It shouldn't be!

With Zhao Dahu's ability, he shouldn't be doing so badly.

There must be something wrong with this matter.

Let's meet him first.

Eight hours later.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling finally came to that location.

It was indeed a small courtyard.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling stood at the door, looking at this small courtyard that had at least several decades of history.

Why do I feel like I'm back in a small village.

No, to be precise, it feels like I'm back to thirty years ago.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also felt so.

"It seems that Zhao Dahu went to college for nothing and ended up in such a bad situation."

"That’s right, after all, I was a college student in that era, how could I do so badly?"

"This small courtyard is at least 30 years old and looks really shabby. Looking around, there are three-story buildings everywhere. Only this one is so conspicuous."

"Alas, it seems that we have misjudged him. Zhao Dahu has become mediocre and useless when he grew up!"

One netizen said:"Don't define him so early. Fifty years have passed. It is hard to say whether he was once glorious or just down and out now."

Another netizen agreed.

"You are right, it is really possible!"

"Maybe something happened in the past fifty years!"

"Even so, with such capable classmates helping me, things wouldn't be like this!"

"This is all our guess, so let's keep reading!"

In short, most people don't think highly of Zhao Dahu. They think he is completely inferior to the other two students. (PS: Thank you for the 1,000 points rewarded by netizens. Thank you for giving the little author unlimited motivation!)

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