Chapter 94 [Kung Fu] The opening scene of sewing pants, Wang Qiankun is a man who can cover the sky with one hand


In the secret room, all the men in black were terrified.

Everyone stood up.

Many of them pulled out their pistols and pointed them at the door, each with a fierce look. Li Laoguai also tensed up and looked at the door dangerously, but when he thought of the words just now, his heart was shocked and he even panicked.

"Whose voice is this?"

"It seems to be Wang Qiankun's voice."

Old Monster Li was really panicked. He was very scared.


"Could it be that Master Han Donglai is really Wang Qiankun’s classmate?"

"This is impossible!"

Hearing this voice.

Han Donglai was delighted, and he naturally thought that Lao Wang had come to save him.

Because he knew Lao Wang's status in the underworld.

A mere"397" and an unknown Li Laoguai would never be Lao Wang's opponent.

Sure enough.

A burly figure appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This was a burly man with a height of 1.8 meters, about 60 years old.

He wore a black top hat on his head, a Zhongshan suit, leather boots on his feet, and a cigar in his mouth. With a cigar in his left hand and a cane in his right hand, he was just like the gangster boss played by Feng Kuzi at the beginning of [Kung Fu].

He was Wang Qiankun, Han Donglai's classmate.

Behind him followed a large group of big men in suits and leather shoes, all of whom were burly and extraordinary.

Even if they didn't have weapons in their hands, their momentum was still overwhelming. As soon as Wang Qiankun walked in, a strong sense of oppression arose spontaneously.

It made Li Laoguai and others tremble in their hearts

"Wang, Wang, Wang Qiankun."

Wang Qiankun didn't even look at Li Laoguai, but looked at Han Donglai.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly:"Donlai, I'm not late, am I?"

Han Donglai smiled and said,"No, I came on time." Wang

Qiankun smiled and said,"That's good, otherwise, I really can't explain to my classmates."

"If something happens on my territory, my position in the underworld will be ruined."

"At that time, my classmates would look down on me, and I didn't want to be looked down upon by them."

Han Donglai said with a smile:"You, every time you go out, you are so powerful, can you not be so high-profile next time?"

Wang Qiankun smiled and shook his head:"I am also helpless, we who are in the underworld must do this, otherwise how can we suppress those local snakes."

Then he looked at Li Laoguai and said meaningfully

"Li, old monster, isn't that what I said? I just ignored you for a few years, and you became so unscrupulous that you dared to touch my classmates."

"You are really brave!"

Li Laoguai was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat. He was very clear about Wang Qiankun's methods.

In the underworld of Longguo, he was a jack of all trades.

His methods were extremely cruel, and he was a feared figure in the underworld.

Countless gangsters were terrified when they heard his name.

The men in black behind Li Laoguai were also scared and stepped back.

Li Laoguai was left alone in front.

Li Laoguai trembled and said in a trembling voice:"That, Wang, Wang, Boss Wang, I, I, I……"

"This is a misunderstanding. I really didn't know he was your classmate. I, I……"

Wang Qiankun laughed and said,"Is that so? You don't know. Ignorance is not a sin!"

"Don't be afraid, I am a reasonable person and I never bully others."

Then he looked at Han Donglai.

"Donglai, he said he didn't know you were my classmate, is that so?"

Han Donglai smiled and shook his head:"I told you that you were my classmate a long time ago, but he didn't believe it."

Wang Qiankun suddenly realized and nodded:"So you said it! ~"

Then he looked at Li Laoguai again, and this time Li Laoguai was so scared that he peed and peeed.

He sat down on the ground with his butt.

"Well, well, it’s a misunderstanding, it’s really a misunderstanding. I never thought that Master Han would actually be your classmate!"

"Master Han, I was wrong, please forgive me."

Han Donglai was unmoved.

Wang Qiankun shook his head:"I just said that I will not bully others casually. Since my classmate said just now that he is my classmate, you still want to hurt my classmate"

"Li Laoguai, it seems that you have deceived me!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Li Laoguai knelt on the ground and begged for mercy frantically.

"Boss Wang, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"Please forgive me, I was really wrong."

Wang Qiankun ignored him and turned to look at Han Donglai.

"Donglai, go out first, Teacher Chu is still waiting for you."

Han Donglai nodded:"Okay."

Then he turned and left, leaving Li Laoguai and several other men in black trembling......

Han Donglai knew that he was not suitable to watch the next scene.

As the saying goes, every profession has its own expertise, and some things should be left to professionals! After

Han Donglai left.

A shrill scream came from the secret room.

The sound was more shrill than slaughtering a pig, and it made people's scalps numb!

Of course, Han Donglai didn't hear all this, but he could guess the ending of Li Laoguai.


In the class group of Shangang classmates,

Han Donglai reported his safety in the group immediately.

"Dear classmates, I am fine, you can rest assured."

The other students in the group all breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine."

"Donglai, I'm sorry to scare you."

"Yes, it's good to be back, Donglai, it's good to be alright"

"It seems that Lao Wang is really good at this. Thank you for your hard work this time."

"Lao Wang has really worked hard."

The squad leader also stood up and said:"Donglai, Lao Wang was negligent this time. I will criticize him severely."

"Such a thing actually happened in his territory. This kind of thing must never happen again."

Han Donglai said:"Forget it, squad leader. This matter cannot be blamed entirely on Lao Wang. His territory is so large that he can't take care of it all the time."

At this time, Lao Wang also stood up

"Squad leader, this matter���My responsibility, I am willing to accept criticism"

"Next time, the same thing will never happen again, I promise."

The squad leader nodded:"Okay"


The situation here is completely underground.

No one knows anything about it.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens are still watching the video in Chu Yuan's live broadcast room.

Han Donglai is also rushing back.

Chu Yuan, Daqiang, Qingwa, and Chu Ling are still in the field watching the hybrid rice with an output of 2,500 kilograms per mu.

These rices are indeed high-quality hybrid rices. Once they are promoted, the whole human race will benefit from them.

At this time,

Daqiang hesitated for a moment.

Finally, he said it out

"Mr. Chu, actually, we have another research result."

"I'll take you to see it." Chu

Yuan asked:"What research results?"

Daqiang:"It's seawater planting, and there has been a major breakthrough."

Chu Yuan was shocked:"Seawater planting?"

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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