Netizens were shocked that Zhao Dahu won the second-class merit medal.

Then, all eyes turned to the third box in the old lady's hand.

The first one was the third-class merit, the second one was the second-class merit, what would the third one be?

Hundreds of thousands of netizens were speculating wildly.

According to reasoning, the last one should be the first-class merit.

However, the first-class merit is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

Most netizens were unwilling to believe that Zhao Dahu could get it.

Because it was really a fantasy, a daydream.

But besides the first-class merit, what else could it be?

Apart from the first-class merit, they really couldn't think of any other merits. An ordinary honorary certificate? It's possible.

However, the first two were already so awesome.

The opening was a king bomb, how could they think of a lower level.

In fact, most netizens have such an expectation in their hearts.

That is the first-class merit.

But they don't quite believe it.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens looked at the last box in the old lady's hand.

Even Chu Yuan stared at the last box.

He was the same as the netizens, neither believing that it was the first-class merit, but also expecting it to be the first-class merit.

It's so complicated and contradictory.

Chu Ling naturally thought the same thing.

The old lady moved the two boxes in front and took out the last box.

"Teacher Chu, can you help me take a look, what is this?"

""Da Hu seemed to take this very seriously back then. I can read, so I don't understand. Can you help me look?"

Chu Yuan nodded and took the box.

He slowly opened it.

At this moment, everyone was paying attention.

When he opened it, it was indeed a medal.

There were a few big golden words on it.

First-class merit.

Chu Yuan was shocked when he saw this, and Chu Ling covered her mouth in shock.

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of netizens outside.

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

"What the hell, what the hell, what the hell!"

"It is indeed a first-class merit. My God, this is too shocking."

"How did Zhao Dahu do it? It’s a first-class merit, a first-class merit!"

"That is an award that is only given to those who have made significant contributions to the military and approved by the army group."

"What kind of contribution did Zhao Dahu make to receive the award approved by the group army? Could it be that he saved the entire group army?"

"You are just kidding! If it can really save the entire army, then it is too good to be measured by first-class function."

"Take a quick look, I really want to know how Zhao Dahu got the first-class merit."

Chu Yuan was indeed shocked by the first-class merit.

He never thought that Zhao Dahu could actually get the first-class merit.

It was incredible.

He was also curious about what Zhao Dahu had done.

He took out the commendation certificate below.

It said that Comrade Zhao Dahu caught a spy during an outbound mission.

He got an important piece of news from the spy, and then led the team to wipe out a foreign spy intelligence organization stationed on the mainland border.

He saved the country from immeasurable losses.

After reading the news, Chu Yuan was stunned.

Catch the spy and wipe out the foreign spy organization? He saved the country from immeasurable losses.

Just a few lines of words, but Chu Yuan was able to... It can be seen that there were many dangers. A bloody battle must have taken place on that day. The spy intelligence organization on the border must be armed.

Zhao Dahu led a team to annihilate them, and they must have won the victory after a hard battle.

Especially the last sentence, which saved the country from immeasurable losses.

There is no need to say more about the meaning of the words"immeasurable".

Chu Yuan knew very well that it must be a major event that affected national security.

Chu Yuan sighed, this Zhao Dahu is too fierce.

He is worthy of being a tiger general, no wonder he can get the first-class merit.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room exploded directly.

The live broadcast room was full of words like"wow, wow","awesome","awesome"

"Wow, wow, awesome, awesome!"

"Zhao Dahu is so awesome, so fierce, my god"

"Zhao Dahu deserves the first-class merit for destroying a foreign spy organization and recovering the country's great losses with his own efforts."

"It's so awesome. I can't express my shock in words at this moment. I can only say"It's awesome""

"Zhao Dahu is really a great general. If he were in the ancient war period, I think he would have become a true commander."

"Yes, I believe this very much. If it were a time of war, this person would definitely be able to achieve great things."

"I am really uneducated, I can only say"Fuck, Da Hu is awesome."

Chu Ling was also shocked.

She murmured,"Uncle Zhao is really a tough guy, so awesome." The old lady looked at Chu Yuan with admiration and yearning.

"Teacher Chu, what's wrong?"

"What's written on it? I see you guys are a little shocked"

"Could it be that my Dahu has committed some crime?"

Chu Yuan quickly shook his head:"No, no, no, it's not what you think."

"On the contrary, your son is a pillar of the country and has made great contributions to the country."

The old lady was a little unconvinced:"Really?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"I won't lie to you."

The old lady nodded:"I believe Teacher Chu"

"If he can contribute to the country, that would be great."

Chu Yuan nodded:"You gave birth to a good son."

The old lady smiled:"I know whether he is a good son or not. As long as he can contribute to the country, I will be very pleased."

Chu Yuan nodded, thinking that this old lady had a high level of awareness

"This Dahu has won the first, second, and third class merits, so he should be in a very high position."

"Why does the family look a bit shabby now? What's going on?"

This is the doubt in Chu Yuan's heart, which has not been solved yet.

Perhaps, as he thought before, he encountered some changes.

Otherwise, how could this happen?

Not only Chu Yuan thought so.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were thinking so.

Thinking that if Zhao Dahu was so awesome, how could he let an old mother live in such a shabby little yard.

It was a bit puzzling. Of course, they also had some guesses in their hearts.

It was the same idea as Chu Yuan.

Did he encounter an accident?

They really wanted to know.

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