Chu Yuan is puzzled

"What medal?"

The old lady said,"I don't understand it either. I'll show it to you."

Chu Yuan nodded. He was also curious about what medal it would be.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also curious about what medal Zhao Dahu would win in the army.

If you think about it carefully, what kind of medals can you get in the army?

Many netizens seemed to have thought of something.

"It's not an honor!"

"It's possible. What else can you have in the army besides honor?"

"I am looking forward to what honor Zhao Dahu can win."

Chu Yuan also thought of this possibility at the first time.

Soon, the old lady came out. She was holding a box in her hand, no, several boxes.

The eyes of hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room were all focused on those boxes.

The old lady sat down. When the first box was opened

, a medal came out. The old lady took it out and showed it to Chu Yuan:"Teacher Chu, can you help me see what this is?"

"These were all obtained by Da Hu when he was young and kept at home."

Chu Yuan took it and looked at it, and was stunned.

"Is this a third-class merit?"

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also greatly surprised

"Damn, this is a third-class merit"

"Zhao Dahu is awesome, he actually won the third-class merit in the army"

"It is not easy to get the third-class merit in the army, which shows that Dahu is really capable."

"Indeed, ordinary soldiers may never get such honor in their lifetime. It requires not only strength but also luck."

"That's true, both strength and luck are indispensable."

The old lady asked:"Teacher Chu, what is the third-class merit?"

Chu Yuan explained:"The third-class merit is a certificate of honor for soldiers who have made outstanding contributions in the army."

"This is very difficult. There are probably only one or two people among hundreds of people. This shows that Dahu is very good in the military camp."

The old lady seemed to understand a little bit.

"Did he make meritorious service in the army?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes, it proves that he is excellent and you gave birth to a good son!"

The old lady said:"To be able to make such a great contribution, it must be very dangerous!"

Chu Yuan was silent, and hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were silent.

Everyone was thinking about the honor and excitement of making meritorious service.

But no one thought about the danger of making meritorious service.

This is probably only thought of by parents.

All parents in the world love their children.

Chu Yuan was moved, and hundreds of thousands of netizens were moved.

Chu Yuan said:"It's not dangerous, it's a manifestation of ability"

"This proves that Dahu is really excellent and has won everyone's recognition, which shows that he is very capable."

The old lady didn't know if she heard it or not.

She just nodded and didn't say anything.

Then she took out a box.

"This is also the honor that Dahu has received!"

"Teacher Chu, help me take a look."

Chu Yuan took it and said,"Okay."

He opened it and was stunned again.

Second-class merit!

"This guy……"

Chu Yuan was speechless. How did this guy get it?

A third-class merit, and now a second-class merit. Do you really think this honor is easy to get?

The hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were even more excited.


"Second-class merit, Dahu is awesome! It turned out to be a second-class merit"

"How did this guy get it? A third-class merit is already impressive, and now he got a second-class merit."

"I remember that the protagonist in a military TV series was awarded the second-class merit only after he killed the highest-ranking officer of the other side during the confrontation between the Red Army and the Blue Army. Doesn't that mean that Dahu must have at least achieved such an achievement to be awarded the second-class merit?"

"Kill the enemy's highest commander? Oh my god, an ordinary person probably can't do it in his lifetime! An army probably can't do more than one hand."

"I'm really curious about how Dahu did it."

Chu Yuan was also very curious and took out the certificate of honor under the second-class merit.

It wrote how Dahu made great contributions in the military region.

It said that when Zhao Dahu was out for an exercise with the chief, he was suddenly surrounded by a powerful foreign mercenary with real guns and live ammunition. Zhao Dahu killed more than 50 mercenaries on the other side with his own strength, waited for rescue smoothly, and saved the chief. The chief personally awarded him the second-class medal of merit.

Chu Yuan was shocked, and hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Killing more than 50 people on the other side with one person's strength, and the other side was a foreign mercenary.

Damn it!

At this time, hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room could only use"damn it" to describe their inner shock.

One by one, they opened their mouths wide, imagining the fierce battle scene at that time in their minds.

Zhao Dahu held a submachine gun and desperately protected the chief behind him.

In front of them was a team of nearly 100 mercenaries, who were suppressed by Zhao Dahu's firepower alone and could not raise their heads.

This scene shocked the minds of hundreds of thousands of netizens

"That's awesome."

"This is simply the God of War, the King of Guns"

"I can't believe he has achieved such a great feat. No wonder he was awarded the second-class merit."

"Zhao Dahu is worthy of being Zhao Dahu, my idol, I admire him very much, he is so awesome."

Chu Yuan also opened his mouth in shock.

Imagining the scene at that time, it must have been a war, with bullets like a rainstorm.

Zhao Dahu was covered in blood, protecting the leader behind him.

He fought against hundreds of mercenaries alone.

This scene was too shocking.

It made people excited and their blood boiled.

"Dahu is truly a god"

"No wonder he has the demeanor of a great general."

"It turns out he is so brave."

Chu Ling, who was standing by, was also shocked by Zhao Dahu's achievements.

"Uncle Zhao is really awesome"

"He is my idol, I really want to meet him."

The old lady looked at Chu Yuan and Chu Ling in confusion.

She didn't know what was written on it, but she saw Chu Yuan and Chu Ling's shocked eyes.

"Teacher Chu, what's wrong?"

"What is written on it?"

Chu Yuan didn't want to make the old lady worry, so he smiled and said,"Nothing."

"We are mainly shocked by Da Hu's achievements. Da Hu is really amazing."

"It is my honor to be his teacher.

The old lady shook her head and said,"Teacher Chu, you can't say that."

"If Da Hu heard it, he would be scared to death."

"You are his lifelong mentor."

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