"I guess Dahu has told you everything about me."

"Tell me the address, I will come to find you, you don't have to pick me up."

Chu Yuan said directly.

Liang Xiaoru said:"Okay, Qianda Plaza in the northern district of the imperial capital, I'm inside."

Chu Yuan was surprised:"You are in Qianda Plaza?"

"That's right, Teacher Chu, I'm waiting for you here"


After hanging up the phone, Chu Yuan was confused.

Why was Liang Xiaoru in Qianda Plaza?

Was she shopping or working?

It was impossible for her to work there! Qianda Plaza was a place for entertainment.

Could she be a manager or store manager there?

Impossible, at least she was a boss, how could she be an employee.

It was normal for Chu Yuan to think so.

People like Tang Youlong, Qu Liangcai, and Zhao Dahu were doing so well.

Liang Xiaoru, who was excellent in both character and learning, was naturally not much worse.

Maybe she was already a boss.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also very curious.

"How did Liang Xiaoru end up in Qianda Plaza? What does she do? I'm still quite curious"

"I am also very curious. After all, this person is a classmate of Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, Zhao Dahu and others, a student of Mr. Chu, and a college student back then. He should be doing well."

"I think so too. She said it was in Qianda Plaza. Maybe she opened a shop there and became a boss or something!"

"You can use your imagination to your heart's content. Maybe he opened a luxury goods store and is worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions."

"You know what, it's really possible. Looking at her photos, she was so pretty when she was a child. She must have been stunningly beautiful when she was young, and she must have married a good man."

"I am looking forward to revealing her identity."

This place is completely south of the capital.

You need to take a plane to get there. It is thousands of kilometers away and it will take at least ten hours to get there.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling took a taxi to the airport and prepared to take a plane.

The two of them were still live streaming and chatting with netizens.

"I asked netizens, what do you think my student does? You can guess her occupation."

Netizens in the live broadcast room actively spoke up and guessed

"I think he should be a store manager! After all, that is Qianda Plaza, where there are the most stores."

"I think she is a boss. Seeing how young she was when she was little, she must be very beautiful when she grows up and must marry a good wife. Then it is normal for her to open a luxury store."

"Your guesses all make sense. I was thinking that he was a salesperson. It seems that I was superficial. After all, he was a college graduate that year."

"In fact, it is not impossible. He is already in his sixties now. If something happens to his family, it is possible that he will end up working as a salesperson."

"The idea above is really extreme. Before, Zhao Dahu was also guessing what happened to him! It is a bit absurd to judge a person's family just by the house he lives in."

"That’s right, you can’t always think about such extreme things. You have to think positively. Can’t you think that he is a big boss?"

"After all, her classmates are doing so well, how can she be so bad?"

The netizen didn't want to talk anymore.

Seeing so many netizens considering the issue from the positive side, he also felt that his idea was a bit problematic.

Chu Yuan watched the discussion in the live broadcast room.

He smiled and nodded:"Everyone expresses his own opinions, it doesn't matter."

"Guess what! Anything could happen."

"The world is unpredictable, no one can guess what will happen tomorrow"

"To be honest, if Liang Xiaoru develops normally, I think her achievements will be higher than those of Zhao Dahu and others."

"Because I discovered this kid's intelligence from a young age, and he is a very extraordinary person."

"Plus her good looks, this is a plus anywhere."

"So, I think she might be a senior executive of Qianda or something like that."

After hearing Chu Yuan say this, the netizens in the live broadcast room also agreed with him.

"Indeed, being able to become a senior executive of Qianda would bring a lot of income."

"Yes, following President Wang is a good choice. President Wang is very kind. I just don't know what level of executive she is."

"At least he was at the general manager level! He was a college student back then! Those who could get into college back then were all outstanding people."

"Yes, I think she might be a vice president or something like that. After all, she should be in her sixties now! Most women retire at the age of fifty-five, so she is most likely rehired."

"It is normal for the rehired employees to be older.

This speculation was recognized by many netizens.

"This netizen's analysis makes sense, it should be like this."

While netizens were analyzing Liang Xiaoru's career, many people had already set their sights on Chu Yuan and Chu Ling. Chu Yuan and Chu Ling were already being targeted before they even arrived at the airport.

"Are they in that car?"

"Yes, I saw them get on the bus."

"Very good, it seems that they will fall into our hands this time. If we catch them, we will make a fortune."

"Brother, make a fortune? How much money?"

"Hehehe...50 million"

"What? Fifty-five million?"

The younger brother sitting in the back of the car opened his mouth in shock, almost enough to fit an egg.

The man who was the boss nodded:"That's right, after we finish this deal, we can go abroad and have fun. We will have endless girls to pick up."

The younger brother below was shaking with excitement.

"Picking up girls, hehehe, this is my favorite thing"

"I want to date girls from the island countries, and girls from the kimchi countries, and……"

Before he could finish his words, he was slapped on the back of his head by the boss.

"Damn it, I'm thinking about which country's chicks to pick up now. If you don't complete the task, I'll kill you."

The younger brother covered his head and vowed:"Don't worry, boss, this order will be completed"

"It's just an old man and a little girl. It's easy to catch them." The eldest brother nodded:"Just be confident. If something goes wrong, I will hold you responsible." The younger brother nodded:"Don't worry, I'm very reliable." The eldest brother reminded:"By the way,

I have one thing to tell you. Don't hurt the old man.


"His brain is very valuable, understand?"

The younger brothers below said in unison:"Yes."

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