"Hello, netizens!"

"Isn't it rare to see an old man who is about to be buried doing live broadcast? Hehehe……"

"Normal people would find it strange. To be honest, I also find it awkward. After all, this thing is quite unfamiliar to me."

"But if you want to stay young and not get old, you still need to get in touch with new things. I don't want to be an antique and be abandoned by the times."

A white-haired old man faced the camera with a kind face and greeted the netizens in the live broadcast room.

The old man's name is Chu Yuan, he is 80 years old and retired.

In an instant, many people appeared in the live broadcast room.

The reason was that his granddaughter Chu Ling spent a little money to operate it.

But it was not much, for fear that her grandfather would blame her for meddling and making her grandfather angry.

Some people who came into the live broadcast room saw Chu Yuan.

One by one, they were surprised

"Wow, a host this old? At least 80 years old!"

"What is the purpose of this grandpa live streaming? Is he showing off his talent? Or is he telling a story?"

""Grandpa, what kind of anchor are you?" a netizen asked Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan also saw it and was a little nervous at first.

After all, it was just one person talking and there was no sound from the other side. The netizens' replies were all on the subtitles, which was completely different from the previous meetings and phone calls.

However, Chu Yuan quickly adapted.

He smiled and replied:"I don't have any talent. I only formulate strategies, hold meetings, and manage people."

"As for what kind of anchor I am, I should be considered a lifestyle anchor!"

Netizens were surprised

"Oh my god, it seems that the old man is not simple! Maybe he was a big leader before retirement."

"Judging from the old man’s temperament, he must have been a big shot. I actually felt a sense of oppression from him!"

"I also feel that our chairman does not have this kind of temperament. This should be the most awesome person I have ever seen in the live broadcast room."

Netizens were attracted by Chu Yuan's temperament.

They were curious about Chu Yuan's true identity and respected Chu Yuan more.

Chu Yuan looked at the comments of netizens and immediately restrained the oppressive feeling formed by being in a high position for a long time. He became more casual and smiled more often:"That was all in the past. I am now a retired old man and I am useless."

Netizens laughed and said:"The old man is really good at talking, and his words are nice."

"Grandpa, tell me what you are doing with your live broadcast!"

Chu Yuan said with a smile:"Isn't there a video about a classmate blind box that is very popular online recently? I was very inspired by this video."

The netizens in the live broadcast room immediately became interested.

"It seems that grandpa also wants to make one"

"It's true that college students in that era were all gifted, and there must have been some very talented people."

"Yes, although most of them have retired, they were the backbone of Dragon Country back then."

"Although I don't know what university the old man graduated from, his classmates must have many bigwigs from various industries."

"To be honest, I am looking forward to learning about their lives."

Before Chu Yuan finished speaking, netizens in the live broadcast room began to discuss it.

Chu Yuan shook his head and said,"You misunderstood, I am not opening a blind box for my classmates."

Netizens were puzzled.

"What? It's not a classmate blind box? What is it?"

Chu Yuan explained:"I want to open a student blind box."

Netizens were shocked.

"Ah, student blind box?"

"Could it be that the old man was a teacher before?"

"By the way, in that era, many educated youth from the city went to the countryside, and it seems that grandpa was one of them."

Chu Yuan smiled and nodded:"Fifty years ago, I taught in a remote small village for five years."

"The school was very remote, with only 50 students from first to fifth grade."

"I was the only teacher there, and a generalist……"

"After I sent the last batch of students to junior high school, I left."

"Therefore, that experience is very precious to an old man like me who is half buried in the ground."

"Yesterday I accidentally saw the video of that classmate's blind box, which reminded me of my experience teaching in a small village."

"I also want to see how they are doing now. No matter where they are, I want to go and see them."

Chu Yuan finished speaking.

The live broadcast room instantly became solemn.

No one spoke, and Chu Yuan's words seemed very solemn.

It was like an elderly man making a wish in the last stage of his life.

Netizens all wanted to help the old man in front of them from the bottom of their hearts.

"Grandpa, I support you."

"Grandpa, I support you too. Come on."

"We are also looking forward to seeing how your fifty students are doing now. We will continue to pay attention to it."

"If the old man needs any help, just ask. If we mobilize the power of netizens, many problems can be solved."

Chu Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you for your support"

"There is nothing I can help you with for now, thank you."

After saying that,

Chu Yuan picked up five very old photos.

Many parts of them were already white, and the heads of several people could not be seen clearly.

"This is a photo from fifty years ago."

"There are five photos in total, all of which are group photos of elementary school graduation, and I have kept them till now."

Netizens were surprised:"Wow, old photos from 50 years ago, did the grandfather have cameras in his time? His family was not ordinary."

"Fifty years have passed. Does the old man still remember their names?"

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Of course, because I wrote the names on the back of the photos, in case they are forgotten after a long time."

Turning over the back of the photos, he saw the names one by one.

There is a corresponding name on the back of each photo.

Although the handwriting is a little blurry, it is still recognizable.

Netizens looked at the black and white photos and couldn't help but sigh.

"People were so poor in that era!"

"Look at their clothes and that shabby primary school. Think about us now. We are such a happy generation."

"Yes, our present happiness is earned through the hard work and blood and sweat of our ancestors."

"So, I���We should cherish our present life and work hard to strive for better living conditions for future generations.

Chu Yuan nodded with satisfaction:"Well said."

"The netizen named 'Liunian' said it well. We must remember history, carry forward the spirit of hard work, and work hard for the prosperity of our motherland.……"

After saying a lot, the netizens were like they were back to school, listening to a political teacher's lecture.

In the end, it was Chu Yuan's granddaughter who reminded them.

Otherwise, it would have been endless.

Chu Yuan was also embarrassed:"Ah, that, I couldn't control myself and said too much. Sorry, netizens!" Netizens did not blame Chu Yuan, but expressed their understanding.

Thumbs up in the live broadcast room

"As expected of an older generation (thumbs-up)."

Chu Yuan:"Okay, let’s get straight to the point."

"Let's see who will be the first person we meet."

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