Chapter 163: Mr. Chu is a transcendent existence. He is the largest shareholder of Ali. This news really shocked the big guys in the Shangang Primary School group.

That is tens of trillions of assets!

(Five hundred trillion thirty years ago is almost equal to tens of trillions now.)

Wu Renjie is actually afraid that he can't get along with Mr. Chu?

Afraid that Mr. Chu doesn't want him?

It's terrifying to think about it.

"My God, is Mr. Chu really that scary?"

"Wait... I remember the monitor said something like this before."

Many people directly @ the monitor

"Squad leader, you should know more than us. Can you tell us about it?"

"Yes, squad leader, please come out and say something! I am really shocked by this news!"

"If you don't come out and explain, I can't even eat."

Dozens of classmates @ the class monitor"197".

The class monitor was embarrassed not to come out.

So he said:"According to my guess, it is indeed as Renjie said."

"Mr. Chu's identity and status are probably extremely transcendent. Money is probably like waste paper in Mr. Chu's eyes."

"That's why he said that what he values is not power, but ability."

"In Mr. Chu's eyes, ability is the most important thing."

"Therefore, I have told my classmates before that they should try their best to show their strength and ability in front of Teacher Chu. In this way, they may be able to reach the standard set by Teacher Chu."

"Otherwise, Teacher Chu really wouldn't bring a burden with him. I think everyone understands this."

The monitor's words have been very clear.

No one present is a fool.

Everyone understands what the monitor means.

After getting the monitor's confirmation again.

The students were shocked and felt incredible.

Even their minds were buzzing.

One by one, they murmured,"Is Teacher Chu so scary? My God."

Then, one by one, their faces became solemn.

"It seems that I really need to prepare well."

"Otherwise, if Teacher Chu doesn't take me, I will regret it."

The students started to prepare one by one.

However, those students who had met Chu Yuan were a little uneasy.

"Was my previous performance okay?"

"I said I was a little panicked"

"I don't know if I can meet Mr. Chu's standards."

Because they have already met Mr. Chu, this is probably their only chance.

For a chance to show their strength and ability.

After the show, what awaits them is a result.

Is Mr. Chu willing to take him to play.

It's that simple.

Millions of netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

A lot of information can be obtained from Wu Renjie, all of which are extremely shocking news.

In other words, Wu Renjie's worth and assets may not be as good as Mr. Chu?

According to Wu Renjie's meaning, this is indeed what he meant.

But, is Mr. Chu really so terrifying?

"Oh my god, I'm totally dumbfounded."

"Wu Renjie is so awesome, but he is still worried that Mr. Chu will not take him with him"

"I just don't understand, what exactly does Mr. Chu do? What can make Wu Renjie so timid?"

"It's really outrageous, I can't believe it."

Just then, many luxury cars hurriedly came to Hailong Building.

Many people walked out of the cars.

Among them, Da Ma Ge was the first to walk in.

He looked solemnly at the person who was receiving him at the door.

"Where is Mr. Cui?"

"Upstairs, this way please"


Da Ma followed the staff and walked towards the special passage.

He went straight to the top floor.

In ten seconds, he reached the top floor.

"Please come in, Mr. Cui is inside."

Big Brother Ma straightened his face, adjusted his appearance, tried his pronunciation again, and showed a standard smile. He was in the best condition. He was full of energy and full of energy.

Because the person he was going to meet today was not simple.

It was the person he had always dreamed of meeting.

Mr. Chu,

Master Wu, and Mr. Cui were all very important people.

""Ring, ring, ring!"

The doorbell rang.

Cui Longsheng:"Come in."


Dama Ge walked in. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As soon as he appeared, he looked at Mr. Chu.

Then he looked at Wu Renjie, and then at Cui Longsheng.

It seemed that they were in an orderly manner.

"Chu Lao"

"Master Wu"

""Mr. Cui."

They all nodded.

Seeing that the person who came in was Da Ma Ge.

At this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Hey, Brother Da Ma, why is he here?"

"I'm also curious, Brother Da Ma, why are you here?...."

"Could it be that what President Cui just said was to call people? Call all the bigwigs of Longguo to come and show respect to Wu Renjie?"

"Don't mention it, it's really possible. This is a bit like accompanying drinking."

"Mr. Cui really has the ability to let Big Brother Ma accompany him for drinking. That’s awesome!"

"It turns out that money makes the world go round. President Cui is really awesome."[]

Millions of netizens in the live broadcast room thought that Da Ma Ge was invited by President Cui to accompany him for drinking.

As for what Wu Renjie just said, about notifying others, they couldn't figure out what it was.


Da Ma Ge walked in front of Master Wu.

With a respectful look on his face, he bowed 180 degrees.

"Met Master Wu"

"Without your support, my company would not be here today."

"I wouldn't have achieved what I have now. I wanted to meet you countless times, but unfortunately, you were too busy and we never met. It's a pity for me"

"Master Wu, today, I finally meet you. I bow to you and express my sincere gratitude."

"Thank you for your funding that year, which saved the entire Ahri."

After saying that, he bowed solemnly and sincerely 180 degrees, his head almost touching the floor.

It lasted for three seconds before Da Ma Ge raised his head.

You can see sincerity in his eyes.

There is no false intention at all.

This 1.4.

Millions of netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned

"What's going on? I'm confused."

"Oh shit, I'm also confused, what on earth happened?"

"Oh my god, I'm stunned, really"

"Brother Dama, why did you bow to Wu Renjie, and bow 180 degrees?"

"Oh my god, what on earth happened?"

"Wait...what did that just mean?"

"Funds? Saved Ali? What's going on?"

"Oh my God, could it be, could it be, could it be that Wu Renjie is a shareholder of Ali?"

"No, to be precise, he is the largest shareholder of Alai, otherwise how could he come"

"Wow, this news is too shocking! Master Wu is actually the largest shareholder of Ahri"

"Oh my god, I'm totally dumbfounded."

I'm still here: I'm

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