In the next few days, Bai Ziyu either made deals with Himeno Yuri or accepted an appointment with Sugimoto Shoko.

With his efforts, the favorability of the two girls has been steadily increasing, among which Himeno Yuri has the highest favorability, which has reached the 90-point mark.

From this, we can also see how hard he has been working recently.

Every point of this favorability is full of his countless blood and sweat!

Himeno Yuri: o(≧口≦)o. On this day, the sky was clear and the air was fresh. After a deal was reached, Himeno Yuri leaned on Bai Ziyu's broad chest, with a curve at the corner of her mouth and a satisfied look between her eyebrows. With his right hand gently stroking the three thousand black hair, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly:"What? Don't call me a bastard now~"

Hearing this, the girl's cheeks immediately turned red, and she was dissatisfied and said:"Huh~, you are a bastard! Big bastard!"

After Bai Ziyu's efforts, the girl's nature was completely released.

At this moment, she was completely different from the good girl she was before.

Of course, this was only limited to being in front of him.

In other people's lives, she was still the dignified, elegant, and generous lady.

The girl's voice became lower and lower, and at the end it was like a mosquito's whisper:"But he is a big bastard that makes people love and hate him!"

""Yuri-chan, what did you say? I can't quite hear you?"

Seeing the other party's signature smile, the girl knew very well that the other party was deliberately teasing her, and immediately turned into a little puffer fish:"Hmph! I'm not going to pay attention to you~"

As she said that, she was about to get up.

But just as she stood up, her legs suddenly became weak and her body couldn't stop falling down.

Fortunately, Bai Ziyu reacted quickly, which prevented a tragedy.

Then, his concerned and slightly reproachful voice came over:"Yuri-chan, why are you so careless?"

Hearing this, the girl was immediately furious.

Why am I like this? Don't you have any sense of AC in your heart? Or is it not because of you?

Yuri Himeno, who didn't want to talk to this bad guy anymore, turned her head to the side and got angry silently.

In this regard, Bai Ziyu's solution is to implement Oki Feng education, beat her and she will not lose her temper.

Just as Bai Ziyu was teaching the girl earnestly and making her realize her mistakes.

In a couple hotel, looking down at Ito Kisaku, Suehiro Enka smiled like a flower:"Sure enough, it's still..."

Hearing the praise, Ito Kisaku stretched out his hands and grasped the slightly plump belly....

After a long time, Ito Kisaku accidentally knocked over the water cup. He was soaked all over. He took out a few tissues and wiped it gently.

Wrapping his arms around her neck and pressing the warmth against her broad back, Suehiro Enka said obsessedly:"Uncle belongs to Enka alone, and no one can take uncle away from Enka."

Ito Kisaku curled his lips in disdain.

He is determined to build an army of *~pots, how can he hang himself on a tree like you?

And he has already chosen the next target, Sugimoto Ichiro's secretary - Kashiwagi Ayano.

With her handle in his hand, he is not afraid that the other party will not obey. When the time comes...

Thinking back to the other person's cold appearance, I fantasized about***Next, the ghost of Yitou could not help but...

Realizing this, Suehiro Enka slowly raised his right hand from his chest..........

Sugimoto Group, looking at the two people walking together and being very familiar with each other, Himeno Takuya frowned, and a big word"danger" appeared in his heart.

Since the other party came, Suehiro Enka's attitude towards him gradually began to change, especially during the **, he could clearly feel the other party's perfunctory

"No! We must find a way to separate the two of them. What way should we find?"

"Yes, it's time for Aoi to have a boyfriend...."

At the same time, outside the Sugimoto Group, a blue-gold Lamborghini slowly stopped.

The next moment, Bai Ziyu opened the car door and walked out.

After all, he is now the second largest shareholder of the Sugimoto Group besides Ichiro Sugimoto. It is normal for him to come and see his own business, right?

Of course, the actual situation is that Mitsuko gave him a task, otherwise why would he come here?

At home, he would chat on the phone with his girlfriend or his beautiful wife, or talk to his partners again...., uh~ I can't do this for now.

At this time, the trading partner was"seriously injured" and needed to recuperate for a few days.

This matter was also his fault, he was too heavy-handed.

Sorry, Yuri-chan!

Himeno Yuri: o((ω))o

Seeing Bai Ziyu, the leading security captain hurried over to greet him:"Master Jieyi! You are here!~"


Nodding gently, Bai Ziyu closed the car door, threw the key to the other party, and walked towards the company.

It was still as magnificent as before, but he had already become immune to it after having seen it several times.

He had only taken two steps when Kashiwagi Ayano, with a cold and charming face, walked up to him with graceful lotus steps:"Master Hanyu, you are here. The president is already waiting for you in the office."

"Uncle Sugimoto is so polite...."

After a few polite words, Bai Ziyu was led to the president's office.

When he was on the way to the business department, he keenly noticed a gaze coming from not far away.

Turning his head, he saw a burly man with a vicissitudes of life looking greedily at Hunyuan beside him.

Seeing the familiar face, Bai Ziyu's eyes flashed with some astonishment.

What's going on? According to the timeline, this beast shouldn't come in a few months, why is it here now?

There is something I can't handle, so I asked the system:"System, what's going on?"

【Because the host successfully conquered Shiraishi Momoko, the heaven in this world sensed it and allowed Ito Kisaku to appear in advance!】

"This stupid B Tiandao, it's better not to let me meet it, otherwise I will kill it when I grow up!" Knowing that it was this stupid B Tiandao who was causing trouble again, Bai Ziyu immediately poured out a burst of beautiful Chinese language.

���The scope of the cover is so wide and the meaning is so profound that it is simply breathtaking.

The next moment, a probing eye flicked over, and its attributes jumped out before his eyes:

"Name: Ito Kisaku

Age: 40

Personality: Dark, twisted, willing to share

Skills: Flash, Death Stare, Wind Fist

Favorability: 0

Overall Strength: High Level 3

Recent Thoughts: What a beautiful body! I really want to take her away...".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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