Just as Bai Ziyu was checking Ito Guisaku's information, a new task slowly appeared at the bottom of the task panel:

【Mission requirements: Kill Ito Kisaku. Mission rewards: 1000 reinforcement points, space gate (purple), mission failure: no penalty. 】

At this time, seeing that Bai Ziyu was actually interested in the new employee of the sales department, Kashiwagi Ayano smiled and introduced:"His name is Ito Kisaku, a new employee of the sales department. Although he has only been here for a few days, he has already won millions of orders for the group!"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu nodded slightly, and immediately ignored it and walked slowly towards the office.

After the two left, looking at Ito Kisaku, whose eyes still revealed a bit of obsession, Suehiro Enka stretched out her right hand and slowly

"Ah~ roar...".

He let out a loud roar subconsciously, and then Ito Kisaku quickly lowered his voice and looked at Suehiro Enka, who had a slightly curved eyebrow in front of him.

At this time, Suehiro Enka's delicate face was full of pride. He slowly leaned close to her ear and said softly:"Uncle only belongs to Enka. If he attacks other women, Enka will be very sad.~~"

As he spoke, a charming and dangerous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Takuya Himeno, who was not far away and looked over here from time to time, had veins bulging on his temples when he saw this scene.

No, I must introduce Aoi to Ito as soon as possible, Madoka is mine!

In the evening, Suehiro Madoka wanted to experience the feeling of falling into the clouds with her beloved uncle, but was forced by Takuya Himeno to stay and work overtime.

Accustomed to eating big fish and meat, she really looked down on these small bean sprouts at this time.

But she had no choice, now she depends on the other party for support.

If she really breaks up with him, her livelihood in the future will be a problem, not to mention brand-name bags, luxury cars, and luxury houses!

Therefore, there is no way, Suehiro Madoka has to continue to live that hard life.

In this regard, Ito Guisaku doesn't care at all.

It's just a used *~pot, and now he has found a better one.

"Ms. Kashiwagi, I can't wait to taste it...."

In front of the group's gate, looking at Kashiwagi Ayano who was leaving with Sugimoto Ichiro, Ito Kisaku stretched out his broad tongue and gently licked his slightly chapped lips, his eyes full of greed.

In the evening, a bright moon slowly rose to the middle of the sky, casting its cold moonlight on the earth.

In a remote alley in Kanai City, looking at the figure blocking his way not far away, Ito Kisaku's face showed some confusion:"Who are you?" The only answer he got was a sharp cold light.

The cold moonlight, reflected by the blade, shone in Ito Kisaku's eyes, making him feel like he was falling into an ice cellar.

Just when the sharp long knife was only 0.05 meters away from his neck, he finally reacted.

The next second, his body appeared five meters away.

He took a deep breath and looked at the figure who drew his sword in fear:"Who are you?"

At this time, the other party said faintly:"Is this Flash? It's really something!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Yitou Guizuo's eyes were as big as copper bells:"It's you?!"

He would never have dreamed that the harmless rich young man he saw in the daytime would have such a powerful skill.

If it weren't for the adventure in his childhood, he would have almost been killed!

But the problem is, he can't figure out why the other party wants to kill him, he doesn't seem to have offended him in any way?

Could it be that the two of them are of the same kind?!

That's not right, I've never heard *~Hu No. 1 mention it.

If she really has a relationship with this rich young man, how could she be willing to be the mistress of a small minister!

"It seems that you have recognized me, so I can't let you stay!" After the words fell, another sharp cold light flashed.

Facing the opponent's fierce attack, Yitou Guisaku turned around and ran without any hesitation.

With each step, he would take a distance of five meters. After a moment, seeing that the opponent had disappeared in front of him, Bai Ziyu frowned slightly:"Huh? Where did you go?!" He muttered softly and shot away into the distance.

A few minutes later, on the deserted street, a burly figure suddenly emerged from the ground.

After a long sigh of relief, the burly figure murmured to himself:"Finally tricked that guy away, now I can go and enjoy myself...."

0 ···Request flowers0 ········



As soon as he said that, he realized something was wrong and quickly used Flash.

At the moment he left, a cage made entirely of lightning appeared from where he was originally standing.

Seeing that he had dodged the lightning cage, Bai Ziyu shook his head helplessly:"It's really hard to kill him, so let's try my trick - Tsukuyomi!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ziyu's eyes, which were originally as bright as the starry sky, actually showed a blood-red six-wheeled windmill.

The six-wheeled windmill slowly turned, making Ito Kisaku unable to help but indulge in it.

......... 0

The next moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The originally quiet alley disappeared, replaced by a desolate and lonely world.

And above the sky, a huge blood moon shone on this wasteland continent.

Feeling the restraint from his limbs, he hurriedly looked to the side, only to see that he was tied to a huge wooden cross.

Subconsciously, he wanted to use the flash.

But when he tried, it was in vain, and he was still tied to the huge cross.

The life-saving skill that he was most proud of was imprisoned, and Yi Tou Guizuo panicked instantly and struggled hurriedly.

And just as he was struggling, a figure wearing a vortex mask and a black robe suddenly appeared on the empty land in front of him.

In the figure's hand, there was a dagger flashing with a cold light.

With the sound of metal entering the flesh, the dagger stabbed into his heart without any hindrance.

In an instant, a sharp pain came suddenly, and Yi Tou Guizuo's eyes bulged out.

Gradually, he felt a deep sense of fatigue coming from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't help but want to close his eyes and rest.

Although he tried his best to resist the invasion of fatigue, he still closed his eyes in the end.

After a while, when he regained consciousness, he saw that he was still tied to the cross, with a blood moon shining above his head, and a figure in a black robe in front of him, holding a sharp dagger, slowly walked towards him.

"No!!!" Eight.

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