Only one minute had passed in the outside world, but a thousand years had passed in the Tsukuyomi space.

Looking at the numb and dead eyes of Ito Kisaku in front of him, Bai Ziyu nodded with satisfaction, and then stretched out his right hand and placed it half a meter in front of him.

The next moment, a bright blue light flashed in this quiet alley.

Soon, two wild mandarin ducks who were exchanging saliva and walking into the alley to seek some excitement, caught a glimpse of the dried corpse on the ground with its eyes open, and immediately let out a scream that was enough to pierce a person's eardrum.

The culprit who caused all this was now walking leisurely on the street, with a calm and satisfied look on his face.

"Good! Good! This Soul-Binding and General-Sending Skill is indeed very useful!"

Bai Ziyu felt this way because he had just used Soul-Binding and General-Sending Skill to obtain the Flash Skill from Itokisaku:.

"Name: Flash

Type: Skill

Level: Blue

Effect: Ignore obstacles and move five meters in the specified direction

Introduction: A very practical little skill. With it, you will never have to worry about climbing over walls again."

Everything was perfect until I saw this last introduction.

Bai Ziyu: Something is wrong! System, something is wrong with you!

System: How could that be? Host, don't talk nonsense. The system is the purest (⊙x⊙;)

Bai Ziyu:

Ignoring this little idiot, Bai Ziyu immediately checked the task panel.

At this time, there were two more tasks in the task completion list:

【Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: Killing Ito Guisaku. Mission Reward: 1000 Reinforcement Points, Space Gate (Purple)】

【Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: Stop Kashiwagi Ayano from falling. Obtained mission reward: Underground Gas (green), rescue points: 500. 】

It just so happened that the Underground Gas was about to run out, and this reward came just in time!

Then, he checked the information of this last item:

"Name: Space Gate

Type: Strange Item

Level: Purple

Effect: Open it and the user can go to any place in the current world as he wishes. Introduction: One of the thousands of props owned by a magical cat in a certain world."

Seeing this effect, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

With it, he will be able to travel to any place in the current world in the future...., wouldn't it be even more powerful to save the goddess?

Bai Ziyu, who couldn't wait to try its effect, didn't bother to continue strolling and hurried to the villa.

At the same time, in a certain world, a blue Doraemon cat was constantly rummaging in the white pocket in front of him:"Hey~, where is the underground gas, why is it gone again, I clearly remember putting it here?"

At this time, a boy wearing a pair of old-fashioned round-frame glasses and a watermelon head next to him complained dissatisfiedly:"Doraemon, is it okay? Shizuka is still waiting for us?"

"Wait a minute, I'll look for it again...."

Poor Doraemon, he still hasn't discovered that his most important prop has disappeared.

Bai Ziyu returned home and immediately took out the space door from his personal space, thinking of the Hanyu family.

The next moment, he slowly pushed open the red door, and saw Mitsuko wearing an apron, busy in front of the stove.

His eyebrows raised slightly, and the next moment he immediately flashed behind the beauty.

He opened his arms and hugged the slender but plump waist.

Sudden attack, Mitsuko struggled immediately.

But then, smelling the familiar breath and feeling the hot chest, the beauty's beautiful face suddenly lit up. He turned around quickly and saw the figure he had been thinking about day and night. He said happily:"Jie Yijun~"

As he said that, he couldn't help but tiptoe and give a kiss.

This kiss seemed to open Pandora's box, and things became out of control, so that the two of them could only eat half of the burnt food in the end.

Mitsuko was fine as she had other ways to supplement her nutrition, but Bai Ziyu could only bite the bullet and eat it.

Nestled in that broad embrace, looking at the red door not far away, Mitsuko's charming face was full of suspicion:"This thing can really achieve instant travel between two places."

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Bai Ziyu had to take her to demonstrate it on the spot.

Passing through the space door, coming to the spacious and bright bedroom, gently stroking the soft big bed, Mitsuko's pink cherry lips couldn't help but open into an O shape, which made Bai Ziyu furious.

However, considering the other party's current situation, he still suppressed this anger.

After a visit, Mitsuko finally confirmed that this thing can really achieve instant travel between two places. She stretched out her pink clove tongue and pursed her thin lips....

Immediately, she came to Bai Ziyu with a graceful lotus step, stretched out her slender jade fingers like green onion, and gently stroked the hot chest:"Since Jie Yijun has such a good treasure, you can't owe her a husband in the future~" She gently stretched out her arms to hug her slender waist, and exerted a little force.

Feeling the soft impact, Bai Ziyu stretched out his right hand, lifted the delicate jade chin, lowered his head and kissed softly:"Of course, even if I owe anyone, I won't owe my beloved Mitsuko!"

After getting the promise from her lover, Mitsuko slowly smiled at the corner of her mouth, very beautiful! Very sweet!

Two flowers bloom, each showing its own beauty.

When Bai Ziyu and Mitsuko were in love in the villa, they were looking at the hideous and terrifying mummy in the morgue.

The short-haired beauty who had appeared in the hospital looked serious:"This is the second time it has happened in a week. Those guys are obviously getting faster."

As she spoke, she glanced at the young man leaning against the wall, smoking, and frowned slightly.

But thinking of her former boss's instructions, she still resisted the urge to get angry:"Yushan-kun, what do you think about this matter?"

"The deceased was named Ito Kisaku, and he had worked for the Sugimoto Group. The last person who died after being drained of all the water in his body went to a birthday party held by the Sugimoto Group."

"Senior Sawaguchi, don’t you find any common ground among these?"

"You want to say that this matter is related to the Sugimoto Group? This is impossible. If 1.0 is really them, why would they kill Sada Kenji? He is the umbrella behind them. Yushan-kun's speculation does not make sense!"

"Senior Sawaguchi should not limit his attention to the Sugimoto Group. Who will benefit the most from Kenji Sada's death? Don't forget the eldest son of the Hanyu Group, who is now in Kanagawa City."

"Are you referring to Yuichi Hanyu? But the intelligence shows that in the past 19 years, he was just an ordinary rich young man. How could he be capable of doing this?"

Looking at the other party's obvious disbelief, the young man shook his head lightly:"Then Senior Zekou, just treat it as my nonsense. I'm leaving first!"

After saying that, he flicked the half-burned cigarette in his hand and walked out the door leisurely. Looking at his back, the beautiful woman frowned slightly and remained silent for a long time!.

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