At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps not far away woke the girl from her daze.

Immediately, she left his arms like a frightened rabbit.

The next moment, the security captain came to Bai Ziyu and asked with concern,"Master Jieyi, are you okay?..."

Facing his concern, Bai Ziyu shook his head indifferently:"It's okay!"

Then he looked at the girl in front of him, who buried her head deep in her chest and acted like an ostrich:"Miss, are you not hurt?"

While asking, he also threw a probing eye over:

"Name: Akimoto Aoi

Age: 22

Personality: Gentle, simple, innocent.

Hobbies: Reading alone, swimming

Sensitive part: Earlobe

Appearance: 91

Favorability: 10

Strength: Lower first level

Recent thoughts: This boy is so gentle, oh~, Aoi, what are you thinking about..."

Looking at the girl's wild thoughts, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly and asked again:"Miss~"

A call instantly brought her back to her senses. Akimoto Aoi immediately shook her head like a rattle:"Ah! I'm fine! I'm fine!"

As if she was ashamed of her previous wild thoughts, a few blushes slowly climbed up the girl's snow-white swan neck

"That's good..."

She smiled faintly and nodded, but the next moment, Bai Ziyu suddenly said something shocking:"Miss, you are sick!"

This time, not only the girl, but even the security guard next to her couldn't help but have a brain crash.

No? She was fine just now, why did she curse at someone when she disagreed with someone?

But Bai Ziyu's next words made them understand that it was just a misunderstanding:"Do you often have nightmares in the middle of the night, and feel stuffy in your chest after being awakened, and the area two fingers below your right hand will swell and hurt at noon every day...."

When the other party talked about such a private part, Akimoto Aoi's face immediately turned red.

But then she heard the other party point out the symptoms one by one, and a few gleams flashed in the girl's beautiful eyes, and she pointed her head directly:"That's right! That's right! I have seen many doctors before, but it was useless. Sir, do you know what's going on?々¨ ?"

"You are suffering from depression for many years...."

After learning that this was the reason, the girl couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Seeing her recent thoughts, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows and asked the system:"System, what's wrong with her? Is she really unlucky?"

【This is just a trick of the heavens in this world, host, don't worry.】

"Why would I worry? I have a lovely system, so what should I be afraid of even if I really am unlucky in marriage?!"


Then, through the narration between the lines, Bai Ziyu could not help but feel a little depressed when he felt the other party's dark girlhood.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was a fool, anyone else would probably collapse directly under such great pressure! ?

Well, let me save you!

At this moment, Bai Ziyu seemed to be shining with holy light.

Reader: Are you saving me? You are clearly clinging to me, you are despicable!

Bai Ziyu:

After a long while, the girl calmed down and nodded gently:"Well! I was really in a bad mood for a while. Does sir have any way to treat it?"

""Since I've brought it up, there must be a solution. Come with me!"

With that, Bai Ziyu turned and walked towards the Lamborghini not far away.

Looking at his back, the girl hesitated for a moment, then followed him with light lotus steps.

At this time, the security captain's admiration for Bai Ziyu was like the endless waves of the river.

Catching such a beauty so easily is truly a role model for our generation.

Not long after, in the villa, Bai Ziyu pointed to a large bed not far away and said softly:"Take off your clothes and lie down on it?"


Hearing this, the girl was stunned.

What's going on? Isn't this a treatment? Why do I have to take off my clothes?!

At this time, as if realizing the other party's misunderstanding, Bai Ziyu hurriedly explained:"I will use massage to dredge the blocked meridians in your body, so you need to take off your coat."

Reluctantly accepting this explanation, the girl murmured:"Do I have to take it off?"

"Of course! Otherwise I can't find the acupuncture points, and if I press the wrong place, it will be bad!"

Looking at the other party's righteous appearance, after hesitating for a moment, the girl finally stretched out her hands and pulled the ribbon tied around her waist.

Soon, she felt the warm hands wandering on her back, and buried her head deep in the soft pillow.

The massage was normal at the beginning, but gradually...

While massaging, Bai Ziyu explained in a gentle voice:"Miss, there are many acupuncture points here, so we need to dredge them well, please forgive me!"

Holding the bed sheet with her right hand, Qiu Benkui tried her best to endure. Her cheeks were slightly red, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on her fair forehead. She said in a trembling voice:"` 々No, it’s okay!"

"That's good!"

Bai Ziyu said with a faint smile, and stretched out his hand....

After a long time, when the afternoon sun shone into the bedroom, Bai Ziyu finally finished the massage.

With a faint smile, he looked at the girl in front of him who buried her head deep in the mountains and quietly put on her long skirt. Bai Ziyu said softly:"Miss, how do you feel now?"

As the voice fell, the girl's body trembled violently, and then she whispered in a voice that only she could hear:"Well! I feel much better!"

"Now I have basically cleared your blocked meridians, but you still need to undergo several more treatments to fully heal."

"Thank you, thank you sir!"

"Don't call me old gentleman or sir. If you don't mind, just call me Jie Yijun!"

As soon as these words came out, the girl's delicate body trembled again. She slowly raised her head and saw the other party's (Nuo Zhao Zhao) gentle gaze that seemed like the warm sun in winter. The girl's expression was a little complicated and difficult to understand for a moment.

After a moment, she nodded:"Then Jie Yijun, just call me Aoi from now on!"

"OK, then...Clothes"


Bai Ziyu was about to say something with a faint smile on his face when a gurgling sound suddenly appeared.

Looking in the direction of the gurgling sound,...

In an instant, the sunset glow that had just faded away on the girl's face reappeared.

"It’s getting late, Aoi, why don’t you stay for lunch!"

"no no..., Gurgle~"

Hearing the unconvincing sound from her stomach, the girl just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into, it was too embarrassing.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly, with a joking expression on his face:"It seems that Aoi's body is more honest than Aoi's mouth~"

Feeling the teasing in his words, the girl immediately turned into a steam engine, with bursts of hot air rising from her head.

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